Flag: Turkey
Registered: July 16, 2021
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 2:42 PM
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Sociablee ama FF vermez Socinin degeri 100k gibi bişey BBL in öyle paraları yok

Sanırım Parla 100k ya almıştı Sociyi öğüzden BBL için zor

posted 6 hours ago

I understand him cause I used to be a addict as well and those years were some of my worst years ever now I use it much less

posted 7 hours ago

Im not even baiting DRX isn’t going after the guy don’t get excited

posted 7 hours ago

DRX isn’t finding him no matter where he lives I don’t think they can

posted 7 hours ago

Nothing will happen to him he is just a vlr user DRX won’t bother finding him I don’t even think they can

posted 7 hours ago

I hope you didn’t actually believe it

posted 8 hours ago

I don’t even rate cNed that much he is washed now

posted 8 hours ago

Vlr was in its prime when everyone was talking about cNed v Tenz

posted 8 hours ago

Yh I just want to see another turkish team in ascension and for FUT I want them to win a tournament so when they do anything below a top 4 finish I find that a disappointing finish for them doesn’t help that I have anger issues which is probably caused by weed

posted 12 hours ago

Also nothing I said is a lie you can go to search write alfajer go tittle only and time created and go to the very end of the list and you will see my name I hype up turkish players if I genuinely think they have potential

posted 12 hours ago

I said I regret saying that but nvm not worth explaining

posted 12 hours ago

Ok you tell me then because you are me obviously so you would know

posted 12 hours ago

I do regret saying that about the BBL players

posted 12 hours ago

All the turkish players I hyped up have became successful 3 months ago when I said I would take xeus over cNed everyone disagreed but look at him now

Also I was the first or second ever person on this site to make a thread about Alfajer like 3 years ago when he was still a nobody in Turkey saying he was gonna go places and look at him now

I also hyped up Wo0t and Elite before they were picked up and look at them now

Only time I remember making a death threat was against BBL players after I was angry and feed up with the team your just generalising

posted 12 hours ago

That was me releasing the 4 years of rage I built up for BBL

posted 12 hours ago

I haven’t played val in months but which GC teams do you think I should join list some below

posted 12 hours ago

Is this the first time you drank beet or something

posted 12 hours ago

Even better

posted 12 hours ago

That post that went over everything and some of the texts

posted 13 hours ago

Also thanks for making a whole list just to out my name on it 🙏

posted 13 hours ago

Im honoured thanks

posted 13 hours ago

Thats what I wanted to know thanks if they are holding a investigation then no problem

posted 13 hours ago

I said hold a investigation and find out didn’t I its standart protocol to temporarily remove someone until a accusation like this is resolved in the real world

posted 13 hours ago

I didn’t even know the guy until today but ok a small professional gamer is gonna live rent free in my head if you say so

posted 13 hours ago

Because I saw enough

posted 13 hours ago

And if he is guilty then what?

posted 13 hours ago

Apparently there is tect messages and shit doubt he is innocent but again I don’t know too much I just found out

posted 13 hours ago

Ok so DRX does their investigation and if he did nothing he comes back win win situation no?

posted 13 hours ago

In court yes but DRX needs to remove him and hold a internal investigation

posted 13 hours ago

Was the same done to sinatraa? No so same should be applied here

posted 13 hours ago

People need to stop having parasocial relationships with Valorant players

posted 13 hours ago

“yup, this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion when the english speaking community got a hold of it” top comment on the post yh man its definitely out of proportion he committed a crime

posted 13 hours ago

That is still a fucking crime and he should be removed from his roster try justifying that action to someone in the street

posted 13 hours ago

A post with 68 upvotes that says there were no real wrongdoings and people instantly downvoting my post

posted 13 hours ago

I open this site to see people defending a player for unconditional sex fucking disgusting absolutely vile behaviour

posted 13 hours ago

“there was no real wrongdoing. After the non-consensual vaginal penetration” are you fucking crazy that is rape no justification you are disgusting for even trying to justify this

posted 13 hours ago

I said I don’t blame him I would do the same but it still counts as snaking his team

posted 1 day ago

Hiro joining Fnatic middle of Ascension qualifers for his team to end up bombing out of playoffs but I don’t blame him anymore

posted 1 day ago

But BBL management is incompetent and inexperienced and even FUT’s owner said this every year they get the chance to sign rising talents but instead they recycle the same players

posted 1 day ago

Every year FF and SUP build a team that should on paper challange for Ascension yet they can’t even qualify to the tournament when they have the biggest fanbases in Turkish Ascension

posted 1 day ago

BBL is too dumb to sign him they won’t replace QutionerX with him

posted 1 day ago

What does wooting do?

posted 2 days ago

I guess they weren’t expecting to make this far they were a pretty unknown team and no one expected much from them

posted 2 days ago

No a team in Turkey literally has 4 players under 18 and rn they are in the finals of Turkish league

posted 2 days ago

If a team wins ascension and most of the players are under the age of 18 what will riot do will they just force the team to completely rebuild

posted 2 days ago

Match fixing on the earlier games you might argue but no one is matching fixing a game which determines their ascension chances if you actually watched the game you would know pcific deserved the win

And if people think there is match fixing in tr there definitely is match fixing in other leagues as well

posted 2 days ago

Doesn’t really matter thats just how you write it in turkish

posted 2 days ago

All their players are under 18 years old apart from Rose and I think if they win ascension none of them will be eligible

posted 2 days ago

Bro why did Padisah switch from Fenerbahce to Galatasaray I just noticed

posted 2 days ago

How do you even remember a clip like this lmao but it looks really bad from FF part

posted 2 days ago
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