Country: Turkey
Registered: July 16, 2021
Last post: April 24, 2024 at 3:11 PM
Posts: 1849
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I think this match will determine if BBL can be a contender or not even if they end up losing

posted 8 hours ago

Its crazy how inconsistent this team is they can go from looking good to looking like a bot fast

posted 9 hours ago

As someone who has been following the turkish scene for a while this is not true there is still so many talents

Experienced players like
Ip0tt,Izzy(from the old SMB team),Sociablee

And talents like
Jlerst and Ruxic

Are just some examples

posted 11 hours ago

Who in the pro scene is a big game player that always shows up for big games but someone who is only slightly above average/average mid season or less important games

posted 21 hours ago

What pisses me off is that potter said she didn’t care about the result of this game eluding that she expected to lose this game and they still won

posted 21 hours ago

Go 5 Indians and even if they lose they would at least represent the region they are from

Or at least 3

posted 21 hours ago

Last I checked they were up 10-2 with a map thats impossible to lose no?

posted 21 hours ago

Np they do this to make sure orgs care about their franchising spots and create the best possible teams they can make while keeping a good fanbase by staying active on socials etc

posted 1 day ago

Yes franchised teams are given 4 year contracts and after the contract is over they reevaluate franchised teams to see if they still fit their criteria’s to stay in franchising and the teams that aren’t get replaced with teams that are

posted 1 day ago

From the outside looking in it seems like EG doesn’t really care about their val team anymore and just wants to ride out their franchising spot till their time runs out because I don’t think they will stay in franchising after the next evaluation in 2026

posted 1 day ago

Maybe not go into a game thinking you don’t care about it when you haven’t won a game yet? I understand EG is going through a rough period and Im not judging her as a coach but in most sports this kinda mentality would get you sacked

posted 1 day ago

How can you say that you don’t care about a match and be happy that you took 10 rounds off a team I don’t understand this mentality

posted 1 day ago

Palmer Fc really lose 5-0 the only game palmer isn’t playing

posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago

Idk twitter or maybe heard something on a stream vlr users tend to know a lot about everything related to valorant

posted 1 day ago

They do one every Tuesday so I wanted to know if they are doing one today whats with the sarcasm 😂

posted 1 day ago

Is there a episode today?

posted 1 day ago

Satışlardan gelen para ve yeni gelen başkanın ilk sene için koyucağı paralar ile bence daha güçlü bir kadro bile yapılabilir ama bu teknik direktör ile olmaz Jesus bundan çok daha iyidi zaten verilen penaltıda rezilik amk

posted 2 days ago

Ali Koç da Ismail Kartal da siktirsin gitsin amk köpekleri

posted 2 days ago

Fenerbahçe I want to kill my self rn

posted 2 days ago

Who are the Biggests frauds/overrated players in emea

posted 2 days ago

You can’t just brush that defeat off

posted 3 days ago

Embarrassing loss

posted 3 days ago

Looking like koi out here

posted 3 days ago

Even if it ends as a 13-1 its a 13-0 in my books they won that round just cause of spike timing they didn’t have a single round where they looked on top of lev

posted 3 days ago

Him too

posted 3 days ago

I have never seen the optic core this lost before Yay really carried them

posted 3 days ago

Thats actually peak

posted 3 days ago

I mean fair enough I didn’t know about that

posted 3 days ago

What were their problems? I didn’t really watch madrid and don’t follow americas too much

posted 3 days ago

How did they get destroyed by this Nrg are they just overrated?

posted 3 days ago

Yh but how do all the bad teams end up in one group

posted 3 days ago

Why is this group so weak compared to the other group loud who are 0-2 are at a playoff position

posted 3 days ago

Why do people on this site use the word sigma non sarcastically 😂

posted 3 days ago

I don’t think any player in the vct other than demon1 shoots as many headshots as him and the guy is no 1 in stats

posted 3 days ago

Is he the best emea player rn?

posted 4 days ago

Cause every other team is literally a free win for the top 3

posted 4 days ago

Boaster actually offers nothing in terms of firepower

posted 5 days ago

Thats just one group of people not an entire region Na fans were still trying to shit talk Emea about being a one team region back then as well

posted 5 days ago

Even when Emea was dominating in 2021 no European fan was talking as much shit as Na fans are now

posted 5 days ago

The fanbase of valorant is one of the most down bad fanbases ever especially the NA ones

posted 5 days ago

You wrote the only team that they are better than is BBL and every other team would beat them implying you think BBL is the worse emea team which is not true

posted 5 days ago

Wdym only team they might be better than is BBL are you ok? There is much worse in Emea than BBL rn

posted 5 days ago

Where BBL finish first in their group after most people deemed them the worst team in franchising after the M8 game

posted 5 days ago

Bbl didn’t exist before Val it was created by a very clouted Turkish streamer to compete in Valorant in 2020 where cNed was apart of the original core

posted 5 days ago

Im really disappointed with Fut my expectations from them is being the no 1 team and they keep fucking trolling their comps

posted 6 days ago

Bbl looked so clean today with actual ideas and no troll comps while Fut threw that icebox

posted 6 days ago

BBL copium

posted 6 days ago


posted 6 days ago

Yes the roster has potential

posted 6 days ago
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