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Registered: July 23, 2021
Last post: May 4, 2024 at 7:07 PM
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Yeah but if a team throws a bag at him in sure he will reconsider. Moving away would be super scary but everyone has a price.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, well from my understanding PRX financially weren’t looking too great in terms of partnership but BLEED were and the fan base for PRX is huge, in terms of viewership PRX is surely pulling insane numbers. I think they knew regardless of what happened the fans would follow but if you don’t have to make them go anywhere why bother? Idk that’s just thought of mine.

posted about a year ago

BLEED didn’t apply for partnership because of a M&A apparently which ALOT of people have linked to PRX so I guess you could say in a way BLEED could still make it??

posted about a year ago

Oh dude rDeeW and WRONSKI are just the tip of the iceberg in OCE man, we’ve got some super talented players who are dedicated as fuck to just be recognised and would easily keep up in APAC. Hopefully better news comes, if Riot really has given 5 slots to KR I think they’ve made a huge mistake, but hey, nothings confirmed yet.

posted about a year ago

Bro the fucking team is placing as high as they are whilst being in a super competitive scene domestically and then internationally. Constantly keeping up with meta, Constantly bringing in new team comps, New strats, keeping a fresh and level head, Ofcourse they’re sad as fuck about losing but they’re probably also looking back on the year they had as the team they are and are like “damn, we really are one of the best teams” Dude, the fact that you are so braindead to not realise that OPTIC basically hasn’t had a single fucking break all year and did not burn out, cooked up new shit too, man you are literally the most brainless VLR user I’ve come across.

posted about a year ago

Shouldn’t have surprised any of us to be fair, yet it still surprised us that we’re getting left out again. Guess it’s just LPL Winter/Summer/Spring Cups for all of 2023 we will be watching…

posted about a year ago

I mean who knows man it’s all speculation till it gets announced but hey, it wouldn’t surprise me if they make it, that’s all I’m saying.

posted about a year ago

If it’s true that KR is getting 5 slots that just seems fucking dumb no? Surely there is a better way to do slot distribution rather than saying “well, looks like KR is the only financial ones”

If they gave 1 slot to OCE it would boost the fuck outta the scene and people would actually start to take the game a lot more seriously than they do, there would be more of a path and more of a reason for these pros to continue. Too many OCE pros have given up hope of our region because it’s not sustainable long term because Riot doesn’t want to take a punt.

posted about a year ago

I think what a lot of people are forgetting is the fact that Riot is really content driven, unfortunately I don’t really see that from the side of EG unless I’m just blind? XSET is another org that Riot is probably heavily leaning towards too I’d assume, XSET’s brand has always been suuper content driven so it wouldn’t surprise me if they get a slot.

posted about a year ago

Nah, nah they really don’t, only cool thing about F4Q was watching Bunny double satchel into players with a judge. His Raze tech was cool for say ranked, but it looked terrible in professional play on the international stage, was still a good watch though.

posted about a year ago

I mean Valorant is what made SEN popular no? I knew of them slightly from the fact that they had signed Bugha the fortnite pro. I think if it boils down to picking say EG or SEN, something tells me they lean towards SEN purely based on the fact that SEN will pull content numbers, now if it’s a battle between say SEN and TSM for the last partnership slot, I 100% see it going to TSM.

posted about a year ago

People from OCE who want to support their scene and anyone who just likes to watch Valorant? Just like anyone?

posted about a year ago

Nah dude you are clearly trolling with this right? There is no way you are sitting there ACTUALLY thinking this? OPTIC is the most consistent roster we have seen so far in Valorant. Top 3 in every tournament and a win? Name a team who’s done it? Credit LOUD too, OPTIC pushed hard but LOUD was the better team, doesn’t make OPTIC shit, just means LOUD was better, simple as that.

posted about a year ago

Nah coz wasn’t there something like LOUD had only lost 1 defence round on Ascent throughout champs and OPTIC had them on the ropes?

posted about a year ago

Clearly do not watch any OCE Valorant and it shows, NT though.

posted about a year ago

I mean look at Acend, they’re the previous Champions 2021 winners and I don’t think they’ll be accepted into franchising. Riot doesn’t care how many times you’ve attended their events or even if you have attended their events. It’s all based on if your org is worth putting into their ecosystem.

posted about a year ago

I saw a Brazilian before say “wait till FURIA fuck all of NA teams” I think he’s forgotten FURIA has yet to beat a single NA team…

posted about a year ago

Yeah because previously we were supposed to be in the NA LCQ and Riot royally fucked that one so gave us a slot in APAC which should have happened from the start. There was finally a path for OCE and I definitely think along with a lot of other people that there should be 1 slot for OCE, there is definitely a scene here and definitely ALOT of insanely good talent.

posted about a year ago

I’m hoping it’ll be really healthy and competitive but again, we haven’t seen how it’s going to play out so only time will tell. Although like I said previously below I think after getting through the first year of partnership it’ll give us a good indicator of how things will pan out for the foreseeable future.

posted about a year ago

Yeah the whole 2 years thing is kinda mid but I think it’ll force a lot of these smaller orgs to look for investors and if Riot does extend the league if they’ve done well qualling through ascension and doing well throughout the year look at partnership. This is all down the line talk of course. Once we get through I reckon the first year of partnership it’ll give us a good indicator where the future will lean towards.

posted about a year ago

No one got given a “free” slot in the LCQ, that was based on series points which ORDER had to qual through OCE teams then play APAC teams. The style of play in APAC compared to OCE is vastly different too and any OCE pro will tell you that. There definitely isn’t a lack of skill either it’s a lack of exposure you moron.

posted about a year ago

Based take. I think a lot are forgetting that t2 actually looks insanely good and isn’t something that’s just been forgotten. I’m sure Riot will extend the slots after some time right?

posted about a year ago

I think more international experience is what OCE needs, we only got added into the APAC slot this year so relax a little..

posted about a year ago

How do you think I feel with OCE seemingly getting none? Be happy you even get a slot LOL

posted about a year ago

I mean I don’t hate it, I would have been happy to see BR get 2 at minimum but if Riot wants to give them 3 then I’m all for it.

posted about a year ago

People are forgetting that the teams accepted into partnering DO NOT have to keep the roster… you will be surprised once the slots are all finalised what players go to what teams. Just because Vitality makes it in does not mean they keep the whole roster…

posted about a year ago

Well I mean do you blame them? BR’s only good team is LOUD

posted about a year ago

I’m agreeing that he should work on his mechanics, I’m not saying he shouldn’t, I just think people who are statfags are cringe as fuck. You only look at numbers like KDA and completely away from other things like the strategic side of things. Id rather an IGL that gets say 10-15 kills a game that helps me win a game over a stat IGL who only cares to frag and gets countered. That’s just my opinion though.

posted about a year ago

What they're saying is true though, there is a HUGE lack of professional analysis on the desk and the only time we get to see it is when a team is eliminated and they decide to bring a player on like Benkai or Boaster. I'd love to see more from the desk apart from "OMG LOOK AT YAYS FIRST KILLS THIS HALF!!!!"

posted about a year ago

I agree he should grind his mechanics but its not the be all and end all for him. OpTiC are still an insanely good team thats had some insane consistency since the win at Masters with how hes performing. FNS can frag if he needs to, we've all seen it, especially this event.

posted about a year ago

Very true and I'd agree on that, I'm not saying FNS shouldn't work on his mechanics because I truly think he should, like any player should. What I guess I'm trying to say is every player plays a role in the team and FNS plays the IGL role insanely well so lets give credit where credit is due kinda thing and not constantly pick on him when he has below average stats. Look more into the stats of round wins, eco wins, first kills, those kind of things come from the IGL setting his team up accordingly.

posted about a year ago

Consistency is key and I think we can both agree on that, the problem I have is how you're saying his consistently bad when in fact he actually has matches where he frags high and its not like they're once an event kinda thing. Look at the DRX v OpTiC LB Final and look at his stats on Bind and again on Breeze. FNS has his moments of brilliance in terms of fragging but where he shines the most is his ability to IGL and counter what teams are trying to do.

posted about a year ago

I'm not soley blaming Marved but lets not soley blame FNS either, Win as a team Lose as a team, it's that simple. People are constantly at FNS's throat yet they have no idea what it would be like to be an IGL in his shoes playing against the best teams in the world.

I agree that Victor is very hit-or-miss.

posted about a year ago

Ofcourse! Why would a VLR user lie!

posted about a year ago

No one else wanna comment on the fact that Victor had a pretty average event? Everyone is quick to jump on FNS's dick about fragging out but Victor had some average games. Same as Marved, he only really came online towards the end of the DRX series and today. I get what you're trying to say but no one talks about the moments FNS's clutches, or frags, they literally ONLY look at his stats when they're below average. Give the guy a break, his IGLing alone is carrying that team along side yay.

posted about a year ago

"trust me bro"

posted about a year ago

Don't say that, all the EMEA-tards of VLR will get upset that their own supporters were cheering NA.

posted about a year ago

I love how most of the Brazil fans that have commented on threads aren't actually the ones being toxic its literally ONLY shitty EMEA fans. Bro your region sucked this event, accept it.

posted about a year ago

Insane year from LOUD. From a terrible performance at Copenhagen to coming to Istanbul and dominating. No other team deserved to win today than LOUD, They were hungry for it and they played insanely well. GG's LOUD you guys deserve it!

posted about a year ago

He's never been a high fragger though... His job is to IGL and there is no way you can sit there and say hes a shit IGL. What about his stats on Bind against DRX? he went 17/14/7 or same series going 11/7/12 on Breeze? Everyone is quick to pick on his stats when he goes negative but never point out when he frags.

posted about a year ago

He's never been an insanely high fragger and I always find it funny when I see people point out his stats when he doesn't drop 30 but when he has a good game everyone's quiet? Dude is an insne IGL, THATS why he's on the team.

posted about a year ago

BIG Congrats to LOUD, Very deserved win, kept level heads when they needed to the most. Awesome final to watch, NT OpTiC.

posted about a year ago

GG's to LOUD man, can't even be mad at that performance, Insanely well played by them.

posted about a year ago

Neither, not saying they’re a shit team. Their LCQ run was something that turned heads but their play-style wasn’t sustainable, plus it being their first International LAN played a big part I think.

posted about a year ago

Defence for FPX looked solid especially with the weird Viper pick but I had a lot of questions about their attack before they even played it. They know DRX doesn’t run a Chamber on Haven but a Jett who fills the op role, they had a lack of flashes and stuns to push the op off the line. Their attack looked stagnant too, and their post plants were a joke, I had a feeling the Viper pick would come back to bite them in the ass and it definitely did.

posted about a year ago

I definitely agree that Marved needs to come online, far too hot and cold. I think today was a pretty off day for most of OpTiC, they just looked like they were struggling to get going on both maps. I think when FNS is talking about under performing I’m assuming he’s referring to his IGLing? He’s never been a crazy high fragger and he isn’t on the team for his frag-ability. Him fragging out some games is just a bonus I’d say. Would love to see them reset tomorrow and show us peak OpTiC because when OpTiC plays at their best they’re very hard to stop.

posted about a year ago

As someone who was rooting for OpTiC today I must give credit to LOUD, they played insanely well and really look to have worked on themselves since their terrible performance at Copenhagen. Hoping we see a OpTiC v LOUD Grand Final again but wouldn’t mind seeing DRX up there.

posted about a year ago

Doesn’t help when 4/5 members run their mouths on Twitter.

posted about a year ago

Bit of banter here and there always keeps matches spicy, but the utter disrespect the FPX players showed towards XSET after that replay was disgusting, even the Twitter shit. Karma always comes around to bite you in the ass. WP to DRX man, the way they dug deep in that second half is what makes a Championship team.

posted about a year ago

Not going to Rep The Set on this one Subreezy?

posted about a year ago
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