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Last post: May 4, 2024 at 7:07 PM
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Depends if a team decides to build around him and how he fits into another teams dynamic, on paper ofcourse hes a good fit, but he's only had alot of success at SEN, at C9 it was just TenZ and friends, now with updated meta and stuff like that who knows how well he would fit into other teams dynamic thats all im saying. I beleive he should stick in the competitive scene but all im saying is, is that he has content creation to fall back on if he needs to.

posted about a year ago

Problem is, You have to go off recent stats and sicK's weren't glowing due to the fact that he was on that Smokes role, but previous to that he was a pretty good flex, but since his break soo many people have overtaken him.

posted about a year ago

Oh no I think Rawkus as a coach was fucking troll as fuck, Chet is always going to be a better coach than him purely because of his resume.

posted about a year ago

G2 maybe? oh wait...

posted about a year ago

Wait, so what you're saying is Rawkus ISNT a good coach? damn, poor RawkASS.

posted about a year ago

Yeah bro his professional career is pretty much over.

posted about a year ago

I feel like he will definitely have offers but it really depends on if the original OPTIC 5 can stay together because it would be a no brainer to just stay with them. It also depends on what NA teams offer him and who's on the roster, If it's a roster he beleives in then he will just stay in NA but if the offers from EU are better I'm sure he wont mind to move.

posted about a year ago

He want's to compete, he's said that multiple times but said he'd rather play for SEN. For other teams he's just too much of a PR risk to even consider it, Once he was unbanned he had interest but ultimately no one could do it due to the severe nature of what had happened and the public backlash they would have copped. Unfortunetly I don't see him competing again, would love too because I think at his peak he was one of the best NA players we had but ultimately he hasn't played in 2 years so he's completely fallen out of meta and now with Fade meta coming in and Sova being replaced on alot of maps, his agent pool would need to open up. Again, this would only be if a team takes a risk with him.

posted about a year ago

Exactly this. Alot of content was done for SEN during their LCQ run, As big as an org OPTIC is all they really care about is Call of Duty and thats purely because thats where their roots are, nothing wrong with that, but content is what Riot is interested in and their is a huge lack of it from OPTIC in terms of Valorant.

posted about a year ago

Could be, could also be the fact that the FTX deal with TSM went balls up or someshit, I remember hearing on a stream that something with that deal went bad and they're no longer in partnership or someshit.

posted about a year ago

Literally just drop Rossy and that roster will succeed, He doesn't bring anything good to that team and often has horrible plays which are round altering plays too. I remember the last VCT game I watched when TSM was playing and I literally thought he was winntrading with what he was doing...

posted about a year ago

I wonder what the driving factor was for Riot not giving TSM a slot? they've been in partnership with Riot since 2013 in other titles, Must be a HUUGE reason to give the slot to EG instead of TSM.

posted about a year ago

Brother he's been saying that since leaving TSM whenever someone makes a LFT post hahahah.

posted about a year ago

I was going to say didn't Zander struggle with IGLing when put into the role so Wippie picked it up and that was 1 of the reasons why V1 benched him for a short period? or were thinking of benching him? I think Zander is a great player but it wouldn't make sense to drop an IGL who brought that team to an International LAN and a win against FNATIC who is one of EU's best team. I think 100T won't make any roster changes and it'll be a hard ask to drop Will aswell because of how well he stood up in Instanbul, dude was literally carrying them some games it was nuts!

posted about a year ago

Can 100% see it happening, proven himself on FaZe to be one of the best Chamber players in NA.

posted about a year ago

Mans is so pressed about something that we haven't even seen play out yet LOL. I understand what you're saying but to be profitible in any business you need to make choices that will benifit your vision in the long run. None of us truly understand Riots vision for the future because im sure they're being tight lipped about things.

In regards to players, Do you think that teams will just get the shittest players known to the scene, stick them on a team and hope for the best? You think Riot would allow this? cmon man, I get you're pressed about all of this but Riot has actually done a decent job of laying a path for Tier2. Its not like we wont see the Tier2 scene anymore, we just wont see Tier1 team vs Tier3 team 13-0ing them in open quals.

posted about a year ago

Interesting. Although I'm not surprised, I think they're just trying to cover all bases in terms of subs and stuff.

posted about a year ago

It's a business dude what do you expect? You just want VALORANT to run at a loss so you can be satisfied? The best players in the world WILL be on franchised teams I'm not sure what you're getting at here.

posted about a year ago

I don't think so. LOUD had a terrible run at Copenhagen and came to Champs refreshed like Copenhagen didn't even happen. Not alot of teams can bounce back like that and have the success LOUD has now with winning Champs in the dominate fashion they did. LOUD will only continue to get better I think.

posted about a year ago

RNG/Timing, he obviously knew Marved was going to peak off that flash so he just clicked a knife and dashed at the same time and got lucky, Obviously the shot was intentional but its not like he saw him, he just timinged his shot perfectly.

posted about a year ago

Absolutely, would love to see him stick with that original OPTIC 5 but who knows what will happen. I remember back to during VCT quals when they ran that Yoru Ascent comp, everyone thought it was troll as fuck but they had soo many layers to what they were doing it looked sick. Chet is insanely good at what he does. There is just no way he doesnt get picked up as a coach and hopefully has the same ammount of freedom with said roster.

posted about a year ago

Edward has officially stopped Gaming.

posted about a year ago

Okay if you want to bring LAN stats into it, What happened to The Guard at LAN? pretty sure Valyn pissed the bed where as Vanity during his LAN experience kicked DRX out. Vanity has a better track record as an IGL Internationally than Valyn does, sorry to burst your bubble but Valyn and TGRD were onliners.

posted about a year ago

Yeah the content side of things played heavily in favour for SEN securing a franchise slot. Riot said they wanted orgs they could invest in the long term that will bring as much exposure to the scene as possible. SEN love them or hate them, they are super good at the content side and provide really good story lines which Riot loves. Plus SEN is a profitable org to invest in with how much they're willing to put in.

posted about a year ago

When he joined 100T he was pretty good but you're right, he fell off soon after that and only had a slight boost when he entered his Skye era to which in the beginning was awful but soon after improved drastically. Once he joined NRG he wasn't all that good, did he even play Controller for NRG? i thought he was primary on Flex? He's a good player I'm not doubting that for a second I just think with all the other talent in NA he's just not up to par.

posted about a year ago

Valyn!!??? Valyn is good but he isn't THAT good, Vanity's year was cucked with the introduction of Curry. Vanity has proven he's a top IGL, literally ANYONE knows that.

posted about a year ago

Yeah I don't think 100T make any roster moves, Dude for the time they had together, making Champs and having an Inernational win against a pretty good team is insane in itself.

posted about a year ago

Vanity is one of the top IGLs of NA what the fuck are you on about? yay will be picked up anyways, just depends if its still with that 6 or on a new roster with other people.

posted about a year ago

Probably not. I see Subroza if hes not picked up probably just sticking to streams/content creation unless he wants to stay on the TSM roster and play out the Tier2 stuff but the rest of them are very doubtful to be picked up. NA has alot of talent.

posted about a year ago

Yeah very true, I feel bad for the OPTIC roster, seems as if they're being punished for poor choices the org made in other franchised titles, I really hope they all get picked up as a 6.

posted about a year ago

In my opinion I think its like a 40% chance NRG picks the whole OPTIC roster up but probably more of a 70% chance EG would. Thats if the rosters even want to ofcouse. If I were EG I'd be on the phone trying to grab that OPTIC roster as fast as I can. EG could see trophys as soon as early next year, something they are yet to see in VALORANT.

posted about a year ago

I mean they left out Acend and they were the first Champ winners so no.

posted about a year ago

Not necessarily, I think it'll make it alot easier for viewers to follow teams they beleive in you're just essentially condensing the ammount of orgs. I don't think we will see a dip in viewership. You have to remember alot of people dont entirely follow orgs for the org itself they follow it for players or individual players.

posted about a year ago

True, but they also have consistently placed high plus won a Masters off the back of it against the current Champs winners so its a given that people respect OPTIC. Like what the OPTIC roster did you have to admit is pretty impressive. Nothing of what Sentinels since winning Masters Iceland has been impressive.

posted about a year ago

I don't think the whole Marved scandal even played a part in OPTIC not making partnership. I think it was purely based on the fact that OPTIC doesn't have glowing history in franchised leagues which turned Riot away.

posted about a year ago

TenZ was getting free bread when F4Q bunny was double satchelling into him for free kills and people ride TenZ's dick for it. Don't get me wrong I think TenZ is an insane player but you're right, please use his most recent stats not the stats from fucking Iceland that didnt have the teams this current Champs had or even Masters.

posted about a year ago

Yeah I think long term say there is a case that a team is sticking with the same roster and same coaching staff that is HUGELY under-performing and refuses to make changes I'd assume Riot would probably step in and say something, I can only assume something like this will happen. Initially yes its going to be abit crazy with all these roster moves and seeing some teams recyle players but once we get into the mid-late term things will balence out alot.

posted about a year ago

Funny how you think that now SEN is a partnered org that ShahZ even has a say in the roster. SEN did the leg work for the partnership, not ShahZ, SEN owns the roster and the partnership slot, not ShahZam.

posted about a year ago

Oh absolutely, He was insane all LCQ run and alot of people had FaZe making it through to Champs.

posted about a year ago

Yup. If I were sicK and a team approached me with a slot on a team and it wasn't SEN I think I'd take it. Fresh start is probably what will benifit him the most unless SEN does a complete overhaul as a team.

posted about a year ago

I just say let people support who they wanna support. Some people literally only support an org because they like the look of their logo. Let them be.

posted about a year ago

Like don't get me wrong I think sicK is an insane player but I would not be putting him fucking Top 5 Flex players in the world good... Not at this current moment either...

posted about a year ago

Yeah you could be onto something, s0m is an insanely talented individual I just think he struggles a little with consistency.

Yeah babybay as a replacement isn't a bad thought either, I like that. Hearing from alot of NA players he's really hard to stop once he starts going too, would love to see him play on a franchised team and dominate Internationally.

posted about a year ago

Only problem I have currently is the fact that NA only has 5 slots. I think for a region thats proved themselfs able to qual for Inernational Events I think 7 slots would have been much better but I also understand why Riot only allocated 5 originally. I hope in terms of smaller regions it doesnt completely kill the scene but again thats all dependant on how well the Tournement mode goes. The Tier2 stuff on paper so far from what we know sounds pretty good and it seems asif Riot wants to keep them involved and not completely shut out but only time will tell.

posted about a year ago

FINALLY! Someone with a fucking BRAIN that realises just because Ethan is currently on NRG doesn't mean he deserves a spot. This list is actually really decent the only problem I have with it, is on NRG you've listen s0m who I think will move into content creation, just my opinion but other than that, pretty good list.

posted about a year ago

Brother I'm going to stop you there. You cannot call someone "top 5 flex in the world" when they haven't played any international events for awhile. Are you forgetting all the other INSANE Flex players in other regions? Cmon dude thats some high level copium calling him top 5 Flex in the world...

posted about a year ago

Possibly, but you might find SicK might just want a new home with a fresh start. Who knows though.

posted about a year ago

I mean if thats the case does that mean EG keeps c0m on the roster because he was in the annoucement video? Although it wouldnt surprise me if 100T kept the same roster. It seems to be working and with the off season now they can prep really heavy into next year and work on team comps and map pool alot more. 3 months or so of work and qualled for Champs to then beating an EU team. Not a horrible result if you ask me.

posted about a year ago

Makes for good content on VLR though right? Like we can just continue to clown on them and their supporters when they keep losing.

In all seriousness though, we can only HOPE that SEN will take it seriously and want to actually build a roster that will win Championships. Time will tell.

posted about a year ago

I don't understand why people still put Ethan as a franchise player. There is literally soo much talent in NA and people are sticking this guy on the only 5 teams NA has? REALLY?

posted about a year ago
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