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Registered: July 23, 2021
Last post: August 8, 2024 at 4:52 PM
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I personally think he’s still really good but sgares leaving and putting him into the Head Coach position really hurt him. He was doing some insane shit under Sean I just don’t think Mikes was ready for that Head Coach position.

posted 6 months ago

Legit played some of our best valorant under him.

posted 6 months ago

Roughest days as a supporter. But we back!

posted 9 months ago

Kinda sad tbh, wonder why this roster iteration didn’t work. On paper it’s an insane roster. From the get go it just seemed off, sad to see

posted 9 months ago

I’m not even an NRG hater I just don’t understand what happened. Demon1 looks like he cannot wait to finish the game as quick as possible to get the fuck outta there. What the hell happened to NRG?!!!

posted 9 months ago

So why is it so hard to replicate with this current roster? She’s basically been given the same tools?

posted 9 months ago

To be fair I think all she did was give 2023 EG a blueprint and Boostio, Ethan, Jawgemo and c0m kinda just figured the rest out. The odds were stacked against them from the start so anything they did was ofc going to be good. Potter just got lucky with that Champs winning team. She's not a good coach at all I don't care what anyone says.

posted 9 months ago

Yeah no they’re still a terrible org, just because they’ve been around awhile doesn’t mean you can excuse all the slimey shit they’ve done.

posted 10 months ago

It’s hard because IGLs are somewhat hard to come by. I do agree on they shouldn’t have dropped runi, I think it would have been better if they kept runi and added Vanity. Vanity still has a lot to offer I think personally. Regardless though it does seem like they’ve picked runi back up.

posted 10 months ago

I mean as much as I wanna say I agree it doesn’t really make sense because they were together during EG’s champs run.

posted 10 months ago

The confidence SEN is playing with right now is what makes championship teams. Serious grinding went into pre season and it’s starting to show how well it went for them. Keen to see their match-ups in Madrid.

posted 11 months ago

I like this SEN roster, 100% deserves to be there, they look amazing.

posted 11 months ago

Not going to lie something is off with Demon1 but id just assume its him getting used to a new team dynamic. Ethan is somewhat a seasoned vet when it comes to this sort of learning of new environments but this would all be new to Demon1. Hopefully that changes soon, NRG needs him to step up

posted 11 months ago

We would never EVER call Jinggg a fraud. Jinggg the goat.

posted 11 months ago

Nah Mystic 100% goes missing when it’s important. Could he be better now? Absolutely, but at the time he wasn’t doing very well.

posted 11 months ago

Yeah look I’m not going to lie TenZ is playing inane right now. Even playing his role well, not over peeking, not putting his team in bad trade positions.

posted 11 months ago

Bait? Surely.

posted 11 months ago

Yeah as much as stellar didn’t have a great year last year. When he was actually playing good under Sean he was a much better IGL than Ayrin, ShahZ or runi.

posted about a year ago

Too early to make the call on Boostio, like for all we know it may still go through just EG being assholes wanting more money. I get it, he’s contracted at the end of the day but if EG doesn’t let him go will he just bench himself for next year?

posted about a year ago

Also didn’t help they had the reserve roster on payroll the whole year too. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure the reserve roster was somewhat beneficial to EG, but it’s still another expense at the end of the month to pay.

posted about a year ago

You’s are forgetting NA orgs can no longer afford those crazy C9 TenZ buyouts they used to be able to. 100k is a lot of fkn money for a player they’re wanting to pay peanuts for next season. Yes EG are within their right to hold them to contract. But if I was the players of EG and can’t move next year, I’d bench myself to force EG to find another roster to compete. Orgs need to work with players.

posted about a year ago

If MikesHD moves back into that Assistant/Analyst role I think it'll relieve alot of stress off his shoulders and allow him to counter strat teams like he did with Sean. MikesHD was insane when he was an Assistant/Analyst but the whole Head Coach thing for him just didn't suit him well it seemed.

posted about a year ago

NAVI don’t even have a full team lil bro..

posted about a year ago

Alecks choking up when talking about jinggg broke my heart bro, shits not fair 😭

posted about a year ago

I don’t think franchising has anything to do with the viewership of Champions.. Probably just has a lot to do with time zones for APAC viewers and also the fact that NA v EU rivalry is always something so awesome to watch. Personally I’m not an EG fan so seeing PRX lose sucked

posted about a year ago

Professionally? Keep franchising but add promotion and relegations, also add a much better path for teams to come into franchising, especially minor regions like OCE

In game? Bring back Breeze and Icebox, it’s been too damn long!

posted about a year ago

FNC the only thing holding EMEA together right now and EU kids don’t wanna admit it even though they know it’s true. EMEA had more slots due to FNC winning Masters etc. yet FNATIC are the only ones to make it out of groups. I honestly thought TL would do a lot better but they pissed the bed.

posted about a year ago

Kind of disagree, C9 didn't have a TERRIBLE year, they just fell short when it mattered which sucks but during the season they actually did pretty well considering they picked up Jake & runi. 100T's year was 100% disappointing. As a fan it was a struggle to watch them at times, Just looked like we lacked structure. SEN's year wasn't all that bad either. With the addition of Marved they were playing some pretty good Valorant especially with the limited time they had as an actual team. 2024 I feel like SHOULD be a better year all round with NA especially with The Guard coming in and the M80 boys all being poached.

posted about a year ago

Personally I think it'll look a lot more like
Asuna(possible 6th man if they dont just completely drop him)

posted about a year ago

Think it probably has something to do with the fact that as a Coach he didn't have alot of time with his family. He also has really young kids so not being able to be flexible is what made him give it up. Sean was genuinely enjoying coaching and 100T was playing really well.

posted about a year ago

I'd say in terms of Sova line-ups and stuff, Sinatraa and Hiko were pretty neck and neck at the time. Difference was they both had different play styles.

posted about a year ago

Breaking pasta should result in the death penalty (not Italian btw)

posted about a year ago

I just think there was other players in NA like Hiko from 100T that were doing the same line-ups or even bringing in line-ups Sinatraa wasn't using. I think he absolutely pioneered the way for that aggressive Initiator player though. Also he wasn't the only one doing crazy blind ults either.

posted about a year ago

Wont agree on the line-ups part but the rest does make alot of sense now that you've mentioned it. Good points.

posted about a year ago

My question is, What do you mean by "biggest innovator" for Sinatraa? No doubt he is one of a kind as a player but we have seen some amazing players since he last played.

posted about a year ago

Look to be fair I think NRG under estimated the shit out of BLG and their play style, NRG are good at learning from their mistakes so the rematch is going to be awesome to see.

posted about a year ago

People been saying it for years at this point. Whenever there is a game like today where it’s absolutely abused we all talk about it for a day but forget about it later and Riot does nothing about it. At this point I don’t think they really care. Personally I don’t think the gun needs to be in the game at all. Leave the Bucky and shorty but why tf do we even need the judge???

posted about a year ago

Why Tarik catching strays?

posted about a year ago

PRX has come a LONG way with their W keying strats though, a lot of util is behind it and it’s a lot of perfect set strats. BLG is literally W keying running out of smokes taking 1v1 when they shouldn’t but it’s creating them soo many opportunities because NRG isn’t ready for it.

posted about a year ago

Yeah props to them. I think NRG is struggling to read the play style BLG plays. Big ups to BLG though I don’t think anyone had them even taking map 1 especially after the start NRG had.

posted about a year ago

I doubt he would have quit if he wasn't bench warming and stuck on KAYO.

posted about a year ago

Terrible management for such a talented player. Would have loved to seen him have more opportunity.

posted about a year ago

Yeah I feel like roles this season were all weird. Nothing seemed to work, would have loved to have seen WRONSKI get more of a chance especially on Jett but is what it is, I assume a full roster rebuild into next season will happen.

posted about a year ago

IF only GE took the punt on WRONKSI and allowed him to play Jett. Been saying this all year that WRONSKI would have been someone to look at as a Jett player and just see how it looked but nah lets just pick him up as a Jett player and force him to play KAYO and force him into retirement....

posted about a year ago

100%, hoping it’s 100T because I rate him pretty high after this years performance and I like him as an IGL, regardless where he goes though he will have huge impact.

posted about a year ago

Yeah this is something I’ve thought about if they go down the route of dropping Asuna, hasn’t really performed well at all this year, only little flashes here and there. I’m not sure if they would drop bang though. Bang still one of the best controllers in NA just hard to look good when your team isn’t performing very well.

posted about a year ago

Personally I’d like to see johnqt go to 100T with eeiu but regardless, those M80 boys will all be picked up

posted about a year ago

TenZ’s career is solely up to him, SEN will keep him no matter what. That’s like the face of their org bro. Basically up to TenZ if he wants to play next year.

posted about a year ago

Yeah but PRX is the only team that plays the way PRX does and it works. Other teams have tried to copy them and it’s never worked, they got some like, iunno, crazy juju or somethin.

posted about a year ago

If he decides to stay I see them building around Zekken and Marved.

posted about a year ago
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