i just think in general agents with much more versatile playstyles will take the meta spotlight
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Registered: | July 10, 2023 |
Last post: | February 3, 2025 at 1:05 PM |
Posts: | 1549 |
i just think in general agents with much more versatile playstyles will take the meta spotlight
the only reason "true dive" was so good was bc in 2021 you put your best guy on jett and now with a flash and a dart he can get 2, and it carried over for the next 2 years.
what yoru offers is so much, that when you build a team comp around him you can get that same suffocating feeling on a site that a jett or raze used to do
i mean for example, fnc haven comp has no "true dive" and it was one of the most oppressive and aggressive haven comps
i think at her peak she was highly undervalued, and given that state today she would terrorize every pro game, where comps would have to be built around her.
peak viper>>>>peak chamber, jett, astra, neon, etc
viper is still very good, its just she requires actually sacrificing a second initi/main senti and isnt a braindead obvious pick on every map anymore
on eg 2023 pearl comp, i would argue that ethan played the role of the main duelist, where demon1 was the one who followed up on entries and could go aggro bc ethan gave him so much space
no i mean i really dont think jett is that good. her only decent ability is dash, and in a team coordinated setting the only time i think that dash shines is with an op. the only reason she is still played a bunch is because of all the old duelist players from 2021 when jett was op, but its rapidly changing now
yoru on the otherhand has 2 initi flashes, a clone that gives info and flashes, and 2 tps that he can send anywhere on the map and also fakeout.
in a coordinated team setting, i think yoru is one of the best duelists out there, and if not for raze nade and sachels being so good on bind and split, i would think that he would easily be a top5 most picked agent
i just like the current ge team? why the talon flair, are you from thailand?
oh shit mb i meant to write smokes
bruh i was so confused why people were talking about double senti
i dont really like using scrims to speculate, sen 2023 were scrim demons, plus with the addition of academy teams less teams are going to scrim against eachother
high enough where people dont complain about the uhaul viper wall
what's yours?
vyse i think is alright, only good on maps where a senti isnt needed (split, bind, abyss) but is not a priority pick at all
phoenix isnt amazing, just a replacement for a flash initi for players who are more aggro
iso is a very niche pick, requiring you to play agents like yoru to make him work, but they are changing him
clove is just flat out worse than astra omen and brim on every map
lotus isnt really a small map, you kinda need the senti
i like it when teams play cypher/vyse on abyss, but i defo think that double initi + double smokes allows you to play a lot more flexibly
when it comes to pearl i think that it all comes down to how are you going to attack/defend b long, and double senti cant really attack, plus the best way to really play pearl ct side is to just burn enemy util, and then play burst retake
the only reason not to play viper is bc it means sacrificing a senti/second initi
being able to constantly put up and down her wall, manipulate rotates, have immense stopping power, and pressure over half the map is very powerful
honestly i think viper being able to constantly cycle wall throughout a round is still very powerful on most maps
mark my words the best teams will play 1 duel, 2 initi, 2 smokes on most maps. here are my ideas of comps/ideas that will take over in 2025
yoru, astra, omen/harbor, sova, kayo
yoru, kj/cypher, omen/astra, viper, fade/sova
raze, brim, viper, and some combo of gekko, skye, fade, and tejo
raze, omen/astra, viper, fade, breach/tejo
raze, omen/astra, cypher/kj, fade, viper
raze, brim, cypher/kj, some combo of breach, kayo, tejo, fade, sova, or viper
yoru, astra/harbor, viper, sova/fade, kayo/gekko
senti util is def good on some maps, but I think if you have enough initiation util to take space and enough smokes to fall back on, you dont really need a trip to watch flank/mid
the CTE for once hasnt gotten to his head
watch tmv/sliggy and how they breakdown games. really helps to understand what/what not to do and how to do it
Fuck talon for not signing him when they had the chance but otherwise o7 goat you will be missed
i mean demon1 can play solo jett, its just that he is a much more defensive player that needs to be set up properly
he could lurk down mid solo on ascent bc his team set him up for that, same thing with astra and brim, its just lev need to let him do what he needs to do
also tex looks way better on senti than duelist imo
whos to say how lev do tho, only time will tell
clout signing
wtf is going on at apeks management man...
all the kayo/breach players that used to play duelist during the chamber meta but got kicked on to flashes afterwards will FARM on phoenix
clove- any team without a dedicated smokes player but multiple duelists (tln for example)
iso- fnc, no one else will play him much
vyse- idk she is very flexible and i think many teams wont have trouble picking her up
tejo- it would be stupid not to play him on maps like split or bind
id like to watch vct cn more, its just the combination of time zones and only cn casters makes it hard for non cn to watch
im not going on every thread, its just the ones i go on hes on all of them
eeewwww th get that shit off there
nah but for real if th somehow dont do well this year hopefully they can pull up ellement
also side note apparently anguist is free?? why hasnt any team snatched him up yet
im just saying look being on vlr is fine but i quite literally see bro on every post like see the light of day or sum
wow it cant be a normal vct season without visa issues
ge will win champs 2025 mark my words
ts doesnt naturally build up bro you are quite literally a lurker
dog smell the fresh air, make some friends, read a book
that is def not the reason they are barely picked lmao
bruh go outside i see you on every thread
how much time do you fuckin spend on vlr dog
is he coming back? like on academy team or just subbing? maybe if crashies is bad and leo is still sick then he can come back
i love the enthusiasm chaadhak is indeed the goat
but hes not in that system, hes just normal flex player...
fracture comp:
harbor, yoru, tejo, sova, astra
holy shit that is hella cook
is he still fnc sub? or is he on dvm for good bc holy dvm looks pretty strong this year
ok? that doesnt make him a system player? system player is one that plays a specific playstyle that is generally unorthodox but that fills a specific role for the team (for example how demon1 would play jett on ascent, but would often solo lurk mid and play like a sentinel)
cryo being a passive jett doesnt make him a system player, it just makes him a flex that plays a passive jett
damn, biggest thing holding vct cn back from the rest of the world
feels kinda interesting having an initiator that can "do it all" but not replace other initiatiors, idk.
def a bit underpowered, but the only changes I would suggest would be to make it so that her bird has old flight time and also give her a voiceline that says how many people she flashed