Country: Malta
Registered: May 22, 2023
Last post: February 26, 2024 at 10:34 PM
Posts: 1242
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bruh i just posted for 15 sec and you already replied me 😭
ya im back for few days

posted 1 month ago

i think you are pancada fan girl 💀

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

only worth if it was her first time too

posted 3 months ago

nzr wasn't really close to them, if you see they aspas, mazino, kingg, they always play together. texx too
nzr has been excluded for a time.

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

Mwzera to LEV, you saw here first.

posted 3 months ago

bro got destroyed to someone using shield + classic

posted 3 months ago

why are u so biased recently to latam and br??
something wrong

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

I don't

posted 3 months ago

most ppl are OGs.
all got banned at least once or 10x times.

posted 3 months ago

And you do not need to master the language
More love. Deeper connection. Less words. The best.

posted 3 months ago

yup, I own somes.

posted 3 months ago

on my grind as well sir

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

More egirls and mommies.

posted 3 months ago

same opinion. but I think Radiant queue in BR is better.

but Immortal2-3 in NA is slighter better and fun than Brazil.

I think that's because there's more players in NA so queues are more balanced than in BR making it not fun at all and so many one sided maps.

posted 3 months ago

I think Turkey woman are better than Brazilians, at least some Turkish woman that I've meet when I was in Dubai were top tier for sure.
But it could be biased cuz some were "instagram models"

posted 3 months ago

bro... thats bc any american who work at McDonald can easily hire some Indian guy for few dollars or even pakistani and earn money by oursoucing any business work to them. If you're american and cannot make at least 20k per month while abusing the power of currency compared to other countries you are simply a loser, i've seen so many losers earning 20k month just by that bro, thats old tactic as fuck.
just find any indian discord server and hire ppl to do ur work and its over, young indian can do anything that u want.
so if you're american and cannot make any money, you're just a loser in the end bro.

(im saying that bc I used to do it 2 year ago but I'm not even american, I'm brazilian)

posted 4 months ago

im saying facts.

posted 4 months ago

any american who cannot earn more than 20k per month are a loser tbh.

posted 4 months ago

i'm 100% sure that they won't release him, this team is nuts seems like every player get sick every new week and they need a good sub
poor bryan

posted 4 months ago

moonemi saying facts 😱

posted 4 months ago
  1. is kinda fucked, not sure how some girls talk so many private things then suddenly say: I have a BF 💀
    shit hella weird seems to be so common in america at least
posted 4 months ago

bro, there's FIVE seats, one chair is empty because thats for zellsis lol.
pancada is on the other side next to their coach, he is sub.

posted 4 months ago

Nah, I'm just saying that he can use one small SSD for windows and one HDD for Valorant and it would run fine. (If he has no money to buy one 512gb or 1tb SSD)

posted 4 months ago

se tu tiver usando um hd de 5000rpm e usar o windows junto isso vai acontecer mesmo, principalmente se teu HD tiver mais de 50% preenchido.

posted 4 months ago

valorant is not really necessary to have SSD. I have 7200rpm 2TB and It can run fine
Normally I use my main SSD nvme to windows and some programs and another 2TB SSD sata for video editing, and this one HDD 2tb for games and some stuffs and I have 0 issue on loading times. (since my windows is not on it)

The only issue HDD has is having Windows + Games on the same HDD.

any 7200rpm or 10000rpm HDD would be fine for Valorant, CS, etc. (But some heavy games it can reduce loading times soo much)

posted 4 months ago

Well, SSD is not necessary at all as long your Windows is not on the SAME disk storage as Valorant.
If you have two HDD one for windows and another one for programs it would be fine tbh.

posted 4 months ago

I got scammed a lot by Indians, now I use "Young Indian Method" and I'm easily farming 100k month by this. (YouTube) <- Like this.

I love Indians now <3

posted 4 months ago

I use either Dymatize ISO100 or Syntha-6, but I prefer syntha-6 for cuz it taste good.

I tried optimum and its weird

posted 4 months ago

bro wants edating some NA mommy

posted 4 months ago

go for it, huge difference. I jumped from 144hz to 390hz when acer monitor came out years ago it was a huge diff, especially in Brazil server since most ppl own 144hz, you just diff them by pay to win.

posted 4 months ago

great man, just busy and i moved to italy, soon i'm going to malta :D

posted 4 months ago

é isto.

posted 4 months ago

pancada clears cuz better aim + better clutch potential

posted 4 months ago

é comuniação se pa, mas é que o zellsis deve entrosar bem mais e ser mais proativo que o pancada durante o game.
pancada nas calls da SEN nos videos ele n é proativo, talvez seja isso que influenciou a decisão e é a única explicação plausível. É hard ser proativo e rápido em outra língua.
Fora que o pancada se comunica sem entonação nenhuma, parece o Less. Acho que junta esses fatores e ele n ser 100% fluente na lingua acabam preferindo mais o zellsis pq o cara é doido tb mas deve se comunicar bem melhor.

posted 4 months ago

what a day KKKKKKKKKK

posted 4 months ago

im busy as fuck cuz work :(

rarely playing now

posted 4 months ago

monemi loves brazil kkkkkkkk

posted 4 months ago

acho q nem resolve, como eu falei, até mesmo quando eu jogava no BR com uns amigos meus tinha o meu vizinho que pegava 70 de ping e morava basicamente na mesma rua que eu e eu tinha a metade do ping dele, 35.
Ele já tentou usar exitlag e várias merdas e não diminuia por nada, otimizava a rota dele (melhorava um pouco) mas ainda sim não trocava a volta ao mundo que a rota dele fazia, por ex, a dele passava pela bahia, mg, rj, litoral sp, pra dps chegar em sp capital.
A minha ia direto pra bahia -> sp, não passava em absolutamente nenhum outro estado por isso eu tinha a metade do ping dele, infelizmente exitlag n vai trocar tua rota completamente ele só vai otimizar.

posted 5 months ago

é pela rota, pq tem rota que vai direto pra georgia, outras dão a volta por alguns estados passando por miami e várias merdas.

posted 5 months ago

achei o clipe dele, dá uma checada ai.
para de neurose que eu n to mentindo
olha o ping dele que tá 90-91
ele é do nordeste, só n sei qual parte, mas o pessoal do ceara e roraima conseguem pegar 70 de ping, acho que são os únicos estados que pega ping baixo.

pernambuco, paraiba e tal pega uns 85 (sem exitlag)

posted 5 months ago

cara, o fio que vai pros EUA sai literalmente do ceara, eu to te falando que o pessoal pega 75-80 de ping, vai por mim que é true pq eu já conheci vários.
Georgia e N virginia o pessoal costuma pegar 70-80 de ping, eu mesmo da paraiba pegava 76 com exitlag em georgia em virginia que ficava mais alto.

posted 5 months ago

tem outra pessoa aqui do forum q eh do BR tb e pega uns 89 de ping, se ele ver esse post ele vai vir comentar tambem acho que o nick dele 1Onlyhave1zon algo assim, tenta falar com ele.

posted 5 months ago

mas provavelmente n vai diminuir de 140 pra 70, digo isso pq qdo eu tinha net da GVT meu ping era uns 70, usava exitlag e continuava a mesma bosta de ping até que troquei de provedora e consegui ter uns 30-35 de ping no BR

se tu olhar pro havoc qdo ele jogava do ceara ele tinha uns 40 de ping mas a grande maioria do ceara pega 60-70 de ping, pq a rota da provedora dele é boa, tudo vai depender da rota da tua provedora, se for uma merda vai continuar sendo merda.

posted 5 months ago

exitlag n vai mudar tua rota só vai otimizar, provavelmente n vai diminuir tanto.

posted 5 months ago

ent tua rota international é uma bosta msm kkkkkkk, mas tem mta gente com ping 70-90 do nordeste pq eu mesmo tinha. (1 mês atrás)

posted 5 months ago
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