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Registered: July 17, 2022
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 12:53 PM
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C9 > NAVI (unless its a finals, then c9 chokes again)

posted 8 months ago

NA lacks good dedicated sentinels players. Zellsis Pancada Ardis are stuck on KJ when they should be playing smth else.

posted 8 months ago

Flyuh nEt and Aproto should def have a team in t1 next year.

posted 8 months ago

I assume so since its the class before Calc 3 in my school. But it may not be calc bc cuz hes not taking it as a AP class.

posted 8 months ago

Quick Question whats calc 2 for you exacttly? For my HS its Pre-calc, Calc AB,Calc BC and Calc 3. I would Assume your talking about calc BC, so the best advice I can give is focus on getting your fundementals down like Deriv and intergrals. Memorizing the formula sheet helps a lot, since at least in my ap exam and class they were not provided. Idk if your taking a AP exam or not, but at least for me the curve was insane so that helps a lot with your score.

TLDR focus on fundamentals and series and your chilling.

posted 8 months ago

Didnt achieve everything they wanted but riot got the message, truth being told if the LCS did this anytime before worlds or after it would have 100% had a larger impact. But ofc LCS players thought making a miracle run at worlds was more imp then securing a system.

posted 8 months ago

abs heart breaking I love him and I really hope he finds a way to remove all this preasure. I hope he knows the goat and whether he wins or loses his fans will always be happy as long as he gave it his all.

posted 8 months ago

Is Monyets contract Expiring? I hope it is so he has a acc chance at winning smth with PRX and not being stuck in hell with Global failure.

posted 8 months ago

wait shit your right, okay but they are still responsible for SEN making their first ever roster changes and 100t creating their best ever roster. (God imagine is Sean did end up staying with 100t and he had cryo)

posted 8 months ago

School starts for next week gl hf.

posted 8 months ago

They came in out of no where, fucking owned every NA team except Optic (all though they only lost to them in Iceland in a close ass game). Sure they bombed out on LAN, but its the first real time a "underdog" team had a run. You can notice a significant increase in performance/roster changes of NA teams after the Guard Incident. Sen Acc got a coach and got a new player (not a very good player but change is chane), 100t nuked their roster for a way better one.

posted 8 months ago

Real talk these guys have a core roster better then most T2 teams. Jingg Juicy Nephh god dam if these guys come back after their service APAC may be more then PRX and DRX. (Assuming PRX sadly find a new 5th that they dont wanna kick out)

posted 8 months ago

oh fuck the org but this flair for me represents the players. This is no longer a ORG symbol its a symbol of players who came from no where and changed NA valorant forever.

posted 8 months ago

I will be repping the Guard flair to support the players (not the fucking shit org). I love EDG and PRX but I will not stand for this fucking idiot move RIOT did today. For me competitive integrity comes first, and if ppl work their heart outs and arent rewarded then might as well give up on premier and even watching t2.

posted 8 months ago

My heart goes to fucking Tex and JohnaP. They arent great players but their competion is insane and whos gonna pick them up when most rosters have someone of their role (Entry and Flex) and numerous other F/A who looked better.

posted 8 months ago

Is it bad to have back ups? Also I cant rem whos stream or post it was, but a lot of Guard players were just filling to help champs teams get scrims in. Besides if they were gonna split why do it now and not before?

posted 8 months ago this is a video about the insane amount of worth KK puts into this game to even have a chance at lifting a trophy. And while his methods may be way more extreme then others, the fact is the Guard players worked just as fucking hard for this. They risked their careers,jobs, time, and health to have a fucking chance to be together with the best in the world. And this is how riot rewards them, a fucking punch to their guts. Leo you seem like a nice dude whos trying his best, but i want you to fly yourself to these players and tell them to their face that they wasted a whole year of their lives because you cannot make a exception.

(Disclaimer im not saying the guard or kk work more then each other just using this video has a example to hammer down how hard Esports players work to even get a chance of finding success. The video was a excellent way of hammer down what ppl like KK feel and I wanted to stress that, I dont think a video like that has been released for the guard players)

posted 8 months ago

Scream v the world*

posted 8 months ago

KC going to poach all of Gentle mates players in order to stand a chance

posted 8 months ago

fr i forgot about him, get him in here as well.

posted 8 months ago

We get this leo dude fired, and have a election run by the PPL of VLR for the next ceo of valorant esports. The requirements had to be 1000+ posts on this website. At this point Leo is more delusional then any VLR user, but at least VLR users care about the integrity of Esports. Do we have any volunteers? Get Yessiki,Babysasuke,Quertty and Alecksdesk in here giving speeches on why we should elect them.

posted 8 months ago

bro is giving a bad rep to ppl named Leo

posted 8 months ago

because teamwork makes the dreamwork

posted 8 months ago

I say we put babysasuke as the new CEO of riot, even he would do a way better job.

posted 8 months ago oh man even tex knows whats coming fuckkkkk

posted 8 months ago

If franchsing wasnt announced maybe SEN woudnt have trolled picked up Shroud for LCQ and acc fucking win something for once.

posted 8 months ago

yeah its fucking wrong they need to disband. Fuck Franchising we lost 3 of the greatest NA rosters. Old Optic,XSET and Guard now. Sure we Gained EG but 3 for 1 aint a good price.

posted 8 months ago

if no org buys the Guard players whos fucked in the roster?

Trent,JoshRt,Valyn, Net are def good since Trent is a literal god and T1 lacks good IGLs, Coaches and Sentinel players

My concern is with Johnap and Tex. Both of them arent bad but they have a lot more comp then their peers. 100t and SEN are no since SEN aint leaving Zekken/Tenz and Asuna. EG arent def dropping anyone. That leaves NRG C9, which Johna gonna have to compete with Xeppa, Victor, Nismo, Brawk, the v1 players. Same problem with Tex, Cryo/Tenz/Demon1 aint ever being dropped. And the poor dude has to compete with Leaf, Yay, koalanoob and Sym.

Its not the fact that they are bad, its the fact that there is a lot of competition for their roles specifically.

posted 8 months ago

Why did Riot reveal this last second or not clarify that you need a good org behind you in order to make franchising? What happened to the story of 5 friends playing together in premier to making it into ascension. We now know thats a joke cuz George confirmed you need a strong org to make franchising.

posted 8 months ago

idk man look at Sscary, he got Yay wishing he signed with them.

posted 8 months ago

ah I see thank you

posted 8 months ago

like g2, m80, moist,Faze etc I wanna make sure riot fucking fixes this shit system. Not only for my orgs sake but my players as well. No way you make a team work their heart out and then wtatch them be fucking cucked in the end. Orgs who arent "good" enough to be in Franchsing should be told from the start that way their players dont fucking wake up to a shit show. What a joke, esp the fact this is a in NA. At this point I woudnt be suprised seeing NA players leave for China and APAC.

posted 8 months ago

wait so Gambit was still paying them and stuff? why were they called m3c then

posted 8 months ago

arent they a FA team?

edit wait nvm im stupid ur right

posted 8 months ago

The Irony being that my last post was about how sad the situation of M3C is

posted 8 months ago

last yr M3C was a masters winning roster who despite the war, preformed pretty well (while orgless). They lost the deciding match in LCQ to preventing them from Champions.

They were hella close to beating 2-0 for Masters Cope.

Even if they bombed out in the qual for Masters Iceland, they were going in as a roster that won a masters and were the runner ups in last champs. Why didnt a org pick them up? Orgs won't always pick up F/A teams even if they win cuz obv their contracts are gonna be way more expensive then signing some bum who lost during the first season. If ORGs didnt wanna pick up a masters winning roster why tf would anyone pick up a F/A accension winning roster that wont even stay in franchising for good amount of time.

posted 8 months ago

wait this guy is a genius, EG is gonna be a diff monster if they only prat against the guard roster.

posted 8 months ago

SEN are gonna be broke without that Tenz clickbait/content.

posted 8 months ago

thank you dolphin

posted 8 months ago

what if a team like TT or Bonkers won? Riot just goes lol no org,no bitches ,no franchising kewk! Kinda stupid no? Hell what if its a content creator org, where its way less prof.

posted 8 months ago


At this point it isnt Americas, Its EG v LOUD with a feature of 8 other broke ass choking orgs. We need a hero, someone/org to step the fuck up and restore my faith in this region.

posted 8 months ago

bros gonna flash everyone with that bald ass head

posted 8 months ago

enough about NRG,c9,SEN and 100t. Wtf r these guys doing? Sticking together again or swapping a few out?

posted 8 months ago

drop bang for s0m, him and FNS are a package deal.

posted 8 months ago

PLEASE SOME NA TEAM PICK THEM UP FFS. Sam was one of the best controllor preforming players this year and Pujan is always a hella good Igler. Don't leave them to become streamers, at least not yet. 100t please just drop derrek and stellar, make s0m play flex and Asuna takes Derreks role. Its acc so sad to see talent being thrown away from NRG. Then again these bozos dropped Ethan and eeiu. I rather see victor and crashies streaming/in t2 then s0m and fns.

posted 8 months ago

I would lend her a hand

posted 8 months ago

Aspas had the excuse that the coach were putting him on Neon. He did not play a single Jett game in tokyo. Derke was always on his raze and jett, Derke isnt bad at all but Aspas's Jett is miles better then Derke's.

posted 8 months ago

1.Kevin Conroy
2.Christian Bale
3.Robert Patterson
4.Michael Keaton
5.Ben Affleck

posted 8 months ago

yeah he said they were pretty sure EG were gonna read the harbor reyna comp with ease, so they tried using yoru breach to counter the chamber. It wasnt a bad Idea, just that they struggled to fig out what EG was doing in midrounds and coudnt hit their shots.

posted 8 months ago
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