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Registered: September 16, 2021
Last post: June 7, 2023 at 9:29 AM
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Indeed. And great retake ability. A pleasant surprise

posted about a year ago

People said they were all aim no brain not too long ago, turns out they’re every bit as aggressive as everyone expected, but good strategically too

posted about a year ago

He got peoples attention when he joined Q9 after his spell on CBT, which was a pretty good team where he evolved as a player

posted about a year ago

I’ll hold my hands up and say I’m wrong man, shoulda been harder than it is though

posted about a year ago

Their fall from grace is sad to watch, even as someone who’s liked EDG val from long ago, it’s sad to watch this team falling apart

posted about a year ago

Champions needs caster changes confirmed

posted about a year ago

If you hadn’t said this was the sexist comments I wouldn’t have known, he’s literally clarifying that the team he’s playing against is a woman’s team and whoever this fool is is trying to make something out of nothing

posted about a year ago

Who is t3xture? To the blind, he is the light. To the hungry, he is bread. To the sick, he is the cure. To the lonely, he is company. To the sad, he is joy. To the prisoner, he is freedom. For the poor, he is treasure. For me, he is everything.

posted about a year ago

Nobody's taking anything away from OG, people aren't happy that a team with such expectations like g2 preformed so badly, expectations for G2 are much higher than OGLU's

posted about a year ago

This happened last APAC lcq too, don’t be surprised if the fatigue is noticeable, especially after a 3 map series all being won by a 2 round difference

posted about a year ago

People are posting TheSpike spoilers on VLR though that’s the problem

posted about a year ago

MVP of map 1 by a mile, bro looks so fucking good rn

posted about a year ago

A lot of teams have said they're scrim demons, for example, some players have said that their playstyle had them swearing a lot of the time. There are a lot of other examples but I'm sure others will explain better than I can. They looked very strong in the Chinese region and Life and Zmjjkk are constantly coming up against other pros on ranked and dropping a hell of a lot of frags, which doesn't mean a lot, but it means that their aim game is definitely ready for what's to come

posted about a year ago

Great read, good sir. Flashy jett players were always cool to watch, and teams were forced to work extra hard to find a way around it. Right now the closest thing we have to that is chamber, but people will keep moaning till it gets nerfed to the point where it’s no better than any other agents, similar to what happened to jett

posted about a year ago

ㅋ makes a k sound, that's why some use kkkkk instead of ㅋㅋㅋ

posted about a year ago

A day in Chinatown is an enlightening experience that’ll be sure to change your mind

posted about a year ago

Her friends will do me just fine, this makes me want to get out of my room and explore my city right now

posted about a year ago

Having a good run doesn’t make you a top 2 team you paigon. And you’re talking like DWG’s changes were downgrades, the fact that you’re telling me that Maru look better than ONS and DWG just proves you’re either here to bait or chatting the most shit to be different

posted about a year ago

“Top 2 or 3 team in Korea” have you actually watched them or the region? They’re easily the weakest Korean team in champions/competing for champions. Are you saying this just to go against KoreanOverlord or something?

posted about a year ago

If they have their synergy sorted out by the 8th I reckon they’ll beat Maru, unfortunately they’re probably the 2nd weakest behind KONE. I say they’re strong on paper purely because they’ve all been to international events, however, ironically, it looks like they were rejects from their previous teams, having been replaced for being the weaker links

posted about a year ago

Reject have a strong squad on paper, 3 of the 5 have been to masters/champions and iNTRO is an upgrade for the reasons you stated, but they always struggled big time against the top 3 Japanese teams (they’re 0-4 against them this year), iNTRO has to bring something completely new to the team for them to have a chance, however I did predict they’d make it to the lower finals

posted about a year ago

I originally had the exact same thing but changed it a little, on paper it’s a strong pickem but the logical pickems never turn out to be correct

posted about a year ago

Glad I could help sir. It’d be heartbreaking, all we can do is hope CN can defy the odds and see where things lead to

posted about a year ago

It’s not about whether they can travel to Istanbul or not. This is similar to what happened with global esports last LCQ, riot gave a slot to an emerging region to gradually introduce them to the scene and let them show their talent. The Chinese teams probably won’t win the LCQ, but it’s good to give them some exposure and experience, they could stack up a few wins, it’s possible they will, it’s probably a sign that they’re gonna be a part of Val esports some time soon

posted about a year ago

DWG vs NTH? Battle of the favourites gonna be nice.

2-1 DWG in a close series

posted about a year ago

Some wild pickems on this thread.

posted about a year ago

That is one tough start for EDG

posted about a year ago

DWG to champions insha’allah bismillah and everything else

posted about a year ago

DWG road to champions starts here baby, been waiting for this day for a long time.
On a real note, 2-0 DWG, 2-1 if CR show up, DWG should have too much quality though

posted about a year ago

Reverse psychology, works every time

posted about a year ago

There’s nothing to suggest they’re dropping anyone, their social media recently had pictures of all 6 together at their gaming facility, lakia also posted a picture of all 6 preparing for the photoshoot

posted about a year ago

W, they were at champions last year and did well, Doug and Balla side towards NA a little too much

posted about a year ago

They have 1 league, the orgs I’ve heard rumours of moving to Asia are Asian orgs who currently have rosters in other regions, e.g GenG and FPX are Korean and Chinese based orgs

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Without a shadow of a doubt my guy

posted about a year ago

Best player in the world surely, it feels like he can’t lose duels this guy is crazy

posted about a year ago

A glimmer of hope in such a toxic filled forum

posted about a year ago

Lower bracket from the start of playoffs too, FPX defied all odds man that’s crazy

posted about a year ago

Damn right, he’s an unsung hero, everyone played their part in this crazy run

posted about a year ago

Dawg you’re gonna make the whole site hate DRX more than they already do

posted about a year ago

Keep crying, coward play style just destroyed PRX, what kind of folly is this

posted about a year ago

Unfortunately they attract a lot of hate for their region, but that being said, we shouldn’t hate on PRX or APAC

posted about a year ago

Say no homo and it’s all good

posted about a year ago

3rd thread you’re making about this. You mentioned 2 people last thread and you called them racist, all for the horrible crime of defending their region. This thread will get deleted too, no doubt, but please just let it go man

posted about a year ago

The devils advocate - Steve cavanagh. It’s a crime fiction book from the perspective of a lawyer, solving an impossible case. It’s one hell of a book, his book before, fifty-fifty, was also good, and his new book, the accomplice, was published yesterday, so if you enjoy this one, you’ll enjoy a lot of his work. I think it’s over 200 pages tho :(

posted about a year ago

W aunt

posted about a year ago

I don’t think they got the turnout they wanted, they’re only showing sections of the crowd unfortunately

posted about a year ago

Good to see Asia writing a name for themselves, well deserved

posted about a year ago

Common asdfghjkl w

posted about a year ago

Achilios and paperthin are great casters, they’d do great on the global stage

posted about a year ago
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