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Registered: August 17, 2021
Last post: April 10, 2024 at 7:07 AM
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FPX has too much firepower for the past year that allowed ardiis to perform relatively well.

posted about a year ago

I think it also depends on the org's goals. Look at LOUD and DRX wanting to win so they built the team with the best of the best. Compared to orgs that just want brand and sponsors so they end up with not so competitive rosters.

posted about a year ago

Lots of players learned new agents to stay relevant and adapt to their team structure and meta. I agree he has to be more versatile and he has to learn other roles besides duelists.

posted about a year ago

+++ on Tenz OP. I feel like that is the best value Tenz can bring atm considering the success the current roster has rn. Other than that though, I don't know...

posted about a year ago

Clout is important though. It brings sponsors and views no?

posted about a year ago

Let me get your thoughts on what value Zekken and/or Tenz brings compared to each other? Agent pool? Versatility? Impact?

posted about a year ago

That's kinda sick no?

posted about a year ago

Tenz has to adjust and get better just like everybody else dude. Tenz needs a team, not all teams needs Tenz.

posted about a year ago

You can't bench someone getting paid twice as Zekken dude

posted about a year ago

Welcome to EDG Tenz! T_T

posted about a year ago

Yo is this a bait T_T I thought most of us liked women

posted about a year ago

We all like women but why did I think about the hottest dudes in pro play for a sec dude.

posted about a year ago

We all hecking love Tenz but its been years since he's last had significant impact in pro play. Things change. T_T

posted about a year ago

He can cook on stream dude. We can give our boi Tenz all the subs, It's a win win for all of us.

posted about a year ago

Here me out. I'm a huge Tenz fan but seeing the difference without him on the active roster makes a huge difference. I'm all out for competitiveness so I will be straight by saying, I don't think Sentinels really need Tenz anymore with how good Sentinels are rn. Just honest take, please don't cancel me.

posted about a year ago

So who gets the car then?

posted about a year ago
  • minus KR players
  • minus ayriin
    There are a lot of local talent that can compete in T1 level that they can pick from.
posted about a year ago

Everyone bout to go crazy once ChatGPT goes out from beta and people actually have to pay for it.

posted about a year ago

Dephh is actually good. It's just that his mistakes/ errors stand out because of the quality of his teammates right now.

posted about a year ago

I lowkey wish they were given a chance in franchising dude.

posted about a year ago

Unpopular opinion: I think old Sentinels roster would have performed better than the current roster if they were given a better structure. Just imagine though. Imagine.

posted about a year ago

I like this narrative. Yay would be proud.

posted about a year ago

Point given. But when was the last time Fnatic pulled a run like that though? I feel like Fnatic is heavily structured that's why Derke excels in what he does best. I still think individually, Aspas is more creative and a better duelist overall.

posted about a year ago

2021: Diffed by Tenz
2022: Diffed by Aspas and Yay
2023: Will be diffed by xD1LL4N
2024: Will be diffed by Tank Davis (140 pounds)
2025: Will be diffed by Selena Gomez (Grammys)

posted about a year ago

I really think SEN could make it but that's just me

posted about a year ago

I've been friends with a couple of brazilians especially back in highschool and I could say they are genuinely one of the nicest people. My take on this is some non-brazilians misunderstands the level of passion and love of Brazilians to their players and roots. I'm not from Brazil but they never made me feel like I'm not one of them when I'm with them.

posted about a year ago

Ez for Yay. Oh wait...
JK I lowkey miss Yay on C9 :( Please come back

posted about a year ago

LMAO! I actually heard koreans are better for branding though, don't know if it's legit or nah.

posted about a year ago

By paper, Aspas edges Derke. But come on be honest, if LOUD didn't choke that 11-3 lead, we would call Aspas the GOAT rn. Not taking anything away from Fnatic but LOUD's success is heavily influenced by Aspas.

posted about a year ago

Ez for my boi Jimmy

posted about a year ago

If he's comfortable with english or indian language, I don't see a reason why not to sign this kid to a T1 org like GE though. It's very rare you see so much IQ and insane aim from non-duelists.

posted about a year ago

Mb, just checked yeah he's philippines

posted about a year ago

Who is this kid and why GE haven't picked up this kid? SA could have insane firepower with another additional indian player playing alongside skrossi and lightningfast no? Don't know too much about SA scene but let's not ignore these types of talent. Just my 4 cents (was supposed to be 2 cents but you know inflation hits like a mf)

posted about a year ago

This dude's positioning and game sense is insane for tier 2 no?

posted about a year ago

We lowkey all wish our boss cares and is actually passionate and dedicated like toast

posted about a year ago

Just because there isn't a "best" player doesn't mean there aren't varying levels of skill. Every player has different strengths and weaknesses, and the key to success is finding a team that works well together and complements each other's abilities. It's not about being the best or worst player, it's about playing as a team and striving towards victory together.

posted about a year ago

In the world of competitive Valorant, there's always a debate on who the best player is. But the truth is, no one player can carry an entire team to victory. The key to success in Valorant is not just individual skill, but also teamwork and communication.

Take, for example, the current "best player" in the world. While they may have impressive individual skills, they're currently playing in tier 2 Valorant and losing badly. This just goes to show that even the most skilled player can't carry a team alone.

On the other hand, we've seen numerous underdog teams rise to the top through their teamwork and chemistry. A team that communicates well and plays cohesively will always have an advantage over a team of individual superstars.

So while it's tempting to focus on individual skill, let's not forget the importance of teamwork in Valorant. In the end, it's not about having the best player, but having the best team. This shit sets Valorant apart from other tac fps shooters. There is no best player, but there is a best team.

posted about a year ago

I don't know if it was the translation but from Pancada's pov but it seems like they are not totally "okay" with the role changes but they can't do anything about it anyway. Imo, I think the better approach would be to approach all the players and collectively make a decision instead of just making changes depending on what works best with the "IGL". Unless the players have some kind of 'hiererchy' I don't understand why they would force these type of changes anyways. Just my two cents.

posted about a year ago

LMAO! Tbh imo, I don't really like the araxis collection. It's just too plain imo. I don't reload/inspect that often.

posted about a year ago

Thanks for this. +1 for prime

posted about a year ago

Why is it dogshit tho? You don't find the green and white variant fire no? And the pew pew sound too?

posted about a year ago

The thing is. Those 2 accounts were silver-gold elo lmao. This account right here is diamond 3.

posted about a year ago

I already have 2 accounts with reaver vandal so I thought I would go for a different vandal skin this time around

posted about a year ago

Yo, I've had my eyes on the Ion Vandal for ages because the skin is straight-up fire, and let's be real, that sound effect is just chef's kiss. But it's been three long months, and still no Ion Vandal in sight on my store. Meanwhile, the Prime Vandal's been popping in and out like it owns the place. I've seen it three times this month alone, and it's got a sick reload and sounds almost as good as the Ion Vandal. I'm torn. Do I keep waiting for the Ion Vandal or do I take the Prime Vandal while it's hot? I've only got 3.6k VPs left to spend on a rifle skin. Help me out, crew! Classic and rifle skin recs are also welcome 👀

posted about a year ago

aint readin allat

posted about a year ago

Riot can simply incentivize or penalize teams accordingly to ensure competitive balance. I still think this draft system's pros heavily outweighs the cons. I mean an example would be the 'yay' situation. Players can be ensured, teams can scale exponentially and will garner a much better sustainable model by not heavily relying on sponsors, fans all around the world will have something to enjoy besides the games, it's almost a win-win for everyone I must say if you think about it. Also we can implement a Reverse Standingslike the NBA, order of the draft is based on the reverse standings of the previous season, but with a twist: the team with the worst record may not necessarily get the first pick, but rather the first pick is randomly selected from the bottom three or four teams. This creates a level of uncertainty and reduces the incentive for teams to tank.

posted about a year ago

That is actually a valid point. Teams can intentionally lose games in order to secure a better draft pick in the future and just tank.

However, I think it's important to note that the success of a draft system ultimately depends on how it's implemented and enforced. Like ann example, leagues like the NFL and NBA have implemented rules and penalties to discourage tanking and ensure a competitive balance, such as draft lottery systems that reduce the likelihood of the worst teams always getting the top pick. The algo can be custom tailored for esports.

Also, with the relegation system in European football, while this system may work well for football, it's not necessarily applicable to all sports or esports. The structure of a relegation system may not be practical or feasible for a tournament-style event like the Valorant champions tournament. An example that I can think of is that VCT is a short-term event with a limited number of matches. It would be difficult to implement a relegation system within the confines of the tournament format. Additionally, the goal of the Valorant champions tournament is to determine the best team in the tournament, not to determine which teams should be promoted or relegated to a different league considering the global structure of the events as well.

I think still that the success of any competitive system depends on how it's designed, implemented, and enforced. While there may be potential downsides to a draft system, it's possible to mitigate those risks and ensure that the competition remains fair and exciting for all participants and viewers. The 'Yay' C9 issue is also one of the eye openers that I think this draft system can combat.

posted about a year ago

Hello everyone. I have been thinking about this system since last year when the new structure was announced. I think integrating an NBA-style draft system into Valorant champions tournaments could provide a more structured and fair approach to team formation, eliminating concerns around players being dropped all of a sudden and providing a more equitable distribution of salaries. Here are some steps that could be taken to implement such a system:

  • Establish clear rules and guidelines for the draft process, such as how teams will be formed, how players will be evaluated, and how salaries will be determined.

  • Set up a centralized platform or organization to manage the draft process and oversee the VCT.

  • Create a pool of eligible players who can be drafted, based on factors such as their in-game performance, past tournament experience, and other relevant metrics. This can go per region (Pacific, EMEA, etc..).

  • Conduct a draft event, similar to the NBA draft, where team owners or managers can select players to join their team. This can be an anticipated live event just like an annual NBA draft.

  • Once teams are formed, establish a salary structure based on the performance of the team and individual players, with incentives and bonuses for achieving certain milestones or winning tournaments.

  • Monitor the performance of the teams and players throughout the season and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that the draft process and salary structure remain fair and effective.
    This implementation with an NBA-style draft system could help create a more professional and competitive environment for Valorant champions tournaments, while providing a more structured and equitable approach to team formation and player compensation.

Sample use case:
Let's say the next VCT is scheduled for the year 2024, and the first pick of the draft belongs to the team EG. EG had the worst record in the previous tournament, so they get the first pick in the draft in Americas.

During the draft event, team managers or owners from various organizations will take turns selecting players to join their team. The order of the draft will be based on the teams' performance in the previous tournament, with the worst-performing teams getting the earliest picks. The team with the worst record may not necessarily get the first pick, but rather the first pick is randomly selected from the bottom three or four teams.

For example, let's say the draft order is as follows:

  1. EG
  2. KRU
  3. MIBR
  4. C9

EG, as the first pick, may choose the player they believe will be the best fit for their team. KRU, as the second pick, may then choose the next best player, and so on.

As time goes on, the talent pool of Valorant players will continue to grow and improve, with new players constantly entering the scene. By using a draft system, the competition is spread more evenly throughout the teams, which ensures that the tournament is more competitive and exciting for viewers. Also, just imagine 2 teams in VCT Champions like Sentinels vs PRX for example, with both teams having their region's newly drafted #1 picks going head to head against each other. Players can potentially build a legacy and teams can foster sustainability.

Overall, implementing an NBA-style draft system in a Valorant champions tournament could help create a more competitive and professional environment, while ensuring that the most talented and deserving players are distributed more equitably across all the teams.

*Update: read people saying teams will just tank for last place, well we can implement a structure like:

  • Custom Draft Lottery: Instead of automatically awarding the top draft pick to the worst-performing team, a lottery system can be implemented to determine the order of the draft. This reduces the incentive for teams to intentionally lose games in order to secure a higher draft pick, since they cannot guarantee that they will receive the top pick.
  • Reverse Standings: Another way to discourage tanking is to order the draft based on the reverse standings of the previous season, but with a twist: the team with the worst record may not necessarily get the first pick, but rather the first pick is randomly selected from the bottom three or four teams. This creates a level of uncertainty and reduces the incentive for teams to tank.
  • Penalties: Teams that are caught intentionally losing games or engaging in tanking behavior can be penalized, such as being fined, losing draft picks, or facing other sanctions. This creates a strong disincentive for teams to engage in tanking.
  • Incentives: Instead of punishing teams for losing, leagues could provide incentives for teams to perform well, such as bonus draft picks or prize money for reaching certain performance thresholds.

I would love to get insights and feedback from everyone, feel free to comment down below! Thank you.

posted about a year ago
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