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Registered: June 9, 2021
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 7:02 PM
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Cryo was supposed to be the superstar this team needed to be better than mid.

He just hasn’t lived up to it yet.

posted about a year ago

Omen doesn’t smoke window.

But also, steel wasn’t supposed to swing with yay

I’m confused. How is he owning anyone when he also messed up?

posted about a year ago

I didn’t watch the game, but they won map 2 with booty stats…

Maybe he is a halfway decent IGL?

He is still 💯 🍑

posted about a year ago

Lil bro put himself on raze?


posted about a year ago

I thought they were dumb to drop will.

But Ol boy narrate is looking like the real deal.

posted about a year ago

If Valorant becomes huge in China it will be the rest of the world that’s struggling to be relevant.

posted about a year ago

Bro is litterally gonna say China doesn’t have work ethic????


posted about a year ago

For real

The best team in t2 would probably lose to EG

posted about a year ago

What a weird way to spell m80

posted about a year ago

Extremely common L from shitstewLamf

posted about a year ago

It’s getting to the point where we are going to have to admit that sayf might be the best duelist in the world.

Hard to call his success a fluke when he has been consistently putting up absurd numbers despite being on a mediocre team.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

How do you say this in English?

I have been saying bah grah Dior.

Like the mother of the evil guy in shadow and bone and the perfume company.

I’m sure that’s not correct.

posted about a year ago


People actually believe this.


posted about a year ago

Highschool = people much more likely to cheat.

You can’t see tiny signs on stage.

No one in their right mind would be desperately scanning the crowd for hints on how to play.

The noise is a legitimate home court advantage, even if sometimes it can backfire. But no one is reading signs from the stage.

posted about a year ago

I have played on stage before.

I coach a highschool Esports team.

No one is reading signs.

posted about a year ago

I repeat

There will be people who think the players are reading signs from the crowd while on stage.


posted about a year ago

Hahahaha 8/8

Some people will honestly think players are reading posters in the crowd while on stage.

posted about a year ago

I like him and his content.

Y’all soft as fuck.

He is right 90% of the time with the worst player of the week.

posted about a year ago

Soft as toilet paper

posted about a year ago



He’s been practicing Zerg

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Cj is given a reason to cry this time

posted about a year ago

Are you andrewbamf?

Just as ignorant and annoying.

posted about a year ago

Unironically he can’t be worse than Ardiis.

Also, a side note.

S0m was originally a smokes player before he played duelist.

posted about a year ago

Are you saying that putting your star duelist on support agents is bad?

No way.

NA coaches should be fired.

posted about a year ago

Jet is the best agent to OP on.

Having a good Op is key to winning.

Loud letting their star duelist play his most comfortable agent that also happens to be the best Op agent = wins.

It’s insane how many fans and COACHES can’t seem to understand that putting your stars on their star agents = more w’s

posted about a year ago

Most likely outcome is the complete opposite of what the OP posted.

However, the C9 game could go either way. 60/40 Furia

80/20 NRG

posted about a year ago

You mean if you put Cryo on his best agent he will play well?

No wai

posted about a year ago

+not putting Cryo on Jett

posted about a year ago

It’s the biggest weakness I see so far.

Is csgo like this too?

posted about a year ago

I thought it was jizmo this whole time.

posted about a year ago

Sen would be better with sacy IGL and -deph

Everyone knows this. Period.

posted about a year ago

I stand in the closet wearing only tube socks pulled up to my knees and film it.

posted about a year ago

Things are not looking good for NA

posted about a year ago

He played jet the first map and nearly bit fragged.

Dude is just underperforming

posted about a year ago

Zellsis has one of the lowest dollar values on draft kings.

This week.

posted about a year ago

I can call anyone a bitch if they act like a bitch.

regardless of race

posted about a year ago

Isn’t dg the same guy that cried about being called cj?

He’s a lil bitch

posted about a year ago

Facts don’t lie

posted about a year ago

You’re high if you think it’s gonna take 3 hours for navi to beat KC.

posted about a year ago

Rip his viewership

posted about a year ago

He will probably ask chat.

And chat will say Sen v Loud

I don’t know how anyone can watch anything other than sliggy watch parties.

posted about a year ago


I know google translate is bad, is there anyone that knows french?

The English translation of this tweet makes it seem like Newzera left the team and that put them in a bad spot.

posted about a year ago

T2 duelists:
Yay, bdog, koala

Honorable mention:
Reduxx (kids going to be a star)

posted about a year ago

He said tex was better than oxy.

He didn’t say Tex was better than t1 duelists like Aspas and derke.

posted about a year ago

-17 as a role player against the best team in BR


-31 as IGL in a loss to the worst team in BR

I think they got it right ;)

posted about a year ago

-31 AND you’re the IGL that lost to the worst franchised team in BR.


posted about a year ago
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