Flag: United States
Registered: June 9, 2021
Last post: June 12, 2024 at 8:05 PM
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People in this game are so weird.

Why does everyone want you to have to completely stop moving to shoot? It’s honestly a bad game mechanic.

posted about a year ago

Trying to nerf random smoke kills?

posted about a year ago

It’s interesting because you can say

“yay did bad cause he was on a shit team.”

Then you look at n4rrate and you wonder….

“Is his team better than yays?”

posted about a year ago

Sad for Japanese fans.

Soon we won’t see any Japanese in t1

posted about a year ago

Is he even going to play?

Are we sure something won’t get his visa?

posted about a year ago

How can one person be wrong ALL the time.

posted about a year ago

I think Lardiis is the worst duelist in NA franchising.

Change my mind.

Doesn’t mean he is bad, but it’s hard to argue he isn’t the worst.

posted about a year ago

Most of your lists are teams that are not very highly rated. Here is my list of some of the highest rated teams that I think are not as good as most people think.

I don’t think they have it anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the team blow up after a disappointing performance in Tokyo.

Many people still think this team will win Tokyo. While I think it could be possible… I would say it’s probably 10%

They won EMEA, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see them do the worst out of all of the EMEA teams.

posted about a year ago

Tex is who he has always been.

A good t2 player.

posted about a year ago

Hard to deny that Saadhak is a good IGL.

He has only lost one trophy in Brazil in his career and he took 3 separate teams to masters.

He won champions and then turned around and took two rookies to the finals of an international lan.

Now he sits as the undisputed king of the Americas.

I don’t need to understand Portuguese to know he is the best IGL in the world.

posted about a year ago

Guard might win, but that will never change the fact that they are probably the most overrated team in the world.

posted about a year ago

This is why your parents think you’re a failure.

Grow up

posted about a year ago

Both are in the top 10 for stats this season in their region

Ahead of 3 people from loud, and demon 1, all of Sen basically everyone on your list from the Americas performs statistically worse than them.

But let’s put aside facts and numbers. Crashies has been one of the best players in his role for YEARS. He’s a rock and deserves to be considered top 5 in “slot”.

Victor is very good at his role, but I’m fine putting him A tier.

posted about a year ago

Good list.

I would personally swap NRG and Navi but the top 6 could realistically end up in any order.

posted about a year ago

Maybe if you’re 15….

posted about a year ago

FNC still the best team in the world.

If you’re a betting man and you’re picking any team other than FNC then you’re trolling.

Finals between great teams are basically always 60/40

posted about a year ago

I came to defend FNC.

Then I saw this comment and knew the thread was cooked. /endthread

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

All I know is that Sliggy said this is the best team liquid has ever had.

He said it before the playoffs.

posted about a year ago

America has always taken your huddled masses yearning to be free and showed them a path to unlock their true potential.

He may have been born Russian, but I guarantee he isn’t going back lololol he’s American now.

He has a taste for the good life.

Cope and seeth you eu trash.

posted about a year ago

Fucking problem

posted about a year ago

For being to handsome

posted about a year ago

Foxy9 is getting married to sliggy

posted about a year ago

He has more clutches than everyone higher ranked than him other than 3 people, and those people have WAY more failed clutches.

Kid has had ice water in his veins this year 🥶

posted about a year ago

People who say this or agree with this only show how little they understand about Valorant.

You look like an idiot to everyone who actually understands the game.

Btw, he has the highest clutch percentage in all of EMEA this year. Explain how his “teammates” are helping him win when they are all dead.

posted about a year ago

Could be all of EG trolling in those tweets but “whatever you do next” doesn’t sound like he is on the team anymore.

posted about a year ago

100% guessing.

But also it makes the most sense. You don’t just drop your best player and he “somehow” can’t go to Japan (who have VERY strict rules about who can come into the country )

posted about a year ago

With the new tweets it definitely looks like he is done.

Maybe he has a felony or something that stops him from getting a visa and that just isn’t conducive to playing on a team that needs to travel internationally.

posted about a year ago

Ardiis for keznit

posted about a year ago

Ardiis is the worst duelist in NA.

He’s not horrible, but still clearly the worst.

posted about a year ago

I understand that you’re slow, but instead of making “unnecessary” games they decided to make the grand finals a big deal.

Your opinion is dogshit

posted about a year ago

Maybe you didn’t read many of the responses. Seems like lots of people don’t know that only in EMEA do the finals not matter.

But keep thinking you’re superior ;)

posted about a year ago

1st and 2nd already in playoffs for EMEA.

Points don’t matter cause top 3 teams in EMEA at Tokyo go to champs.

The only thing I can see is maybe being 1st seed EMEA helps seed you against a worse team for the first round of the playoffs.

posted about a year ago

Only in EMEA does it matter less.

But good question.

posted about a year ago

Last year people were saying he only scrims and plays DM.

Never really grinds ranked.

posted about a year ago

C9 doesn’t have the pedigree to be taken seriously… yet.

Neither does EG.

NA looking very weak going into Tokyo. We are still relying on NRG to keep us from being a laughing stock.

posted about a year ago

W format

There should be a large advantage to teams that win their region. It makes the regular season mean something.

posted about a year ago

100T with nitr0


That core would still be insane today.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Sliggy is best.

Plenty of points already said from people above me.

I just want to add that I like how wholesome he is. He rarely talks bad about players and he tries to make sure his chat doesn’t talk shit too.

He’s just out here with good chill vibes breaking down the game from a coaches perspective.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I peaked diamond with 17%

I am a smokes main. I spam phantom through smoke ALOT.

posted about a year ago


Check him PC that’s gotta be trigger bot

🔥 https://youtu.be/PtUbQsHJzUE

posted about a year ago

I have not watch much of somthings games because they play so late for me in NA.

However the best knives I have ever seen is when Tenz is on fire. It may only happen 10% of the time recently, but when Tenz is in the zone no one in the world hits crazier shots / knives.

posted about a year ago

We could see a world where Loud lose to Lev and NRG lose to C9 and set up an El Classico for the last spot to Tokyo.

You may have just jinxed NRG to miss Tokyo.

posted about a year ago

“sCrImS mEaN nOtHiNg”

It means NRG isn’t that far ahead of TSM.

TSM > NRG unless NRG is trying their hardest.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Wait till this guy finds out that black people are not the only race that suffered through slavery.

posted about a year ago

Pretty soon we will have to admit that it’s not an “episode”.

It’s basically been 6 months of this shit. It seems like it’s about time we admit that this is who he is now and it’s time to move on and let him fall into obscurity where he belongs.

posted about a year ago
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