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Last post: April 19, 2024 at 1:37 AM
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Ive held out my hope for them so much in so many other tourneys and they kept disappointing. Now when i throw away all the hope i had for them thats when they start going crazy and start playing like close to how they did in berlin. Optic v Loud i still dont want to go for optic cause i have a feeling theyre going to disappoint again so fuck it im going loud 2-0

posted about 2 years ago

same and i hope whoever does end up winning this match ends up bringing it all theway to the finals and finishing it off

posted about 2 years ago

they definitely should not but it makes sense in order to increase the participation from all regions. It is nice we get more of the other regions but i feel like if they wouldnt be able to make it to playoffs in the first place then theyll just produce subpar matches so yes and no
overall tho i feel like looking at how far all the minor regions have come, id say theres no more need to do byes into playoffs

posted about 2 years ago

Haikyuu is ongoing and so far the anime steps it up with every season (i mean if ssn 4 had more consistent animation and didnt have a gap in between it would have been more hype), the next season hasnt been announced yet but im telling you if you want a heavy hitting sports anime masterpiece, haikyuu season 5 will deliver exactly that

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly could be the same for cleoh for defamation of character

posted about 2 years ago

Wouldnt the incels be the one that's rooting for sinatraa

posted about 2 years ago

It's just that he had to undergo training now. He most definitely will come back

posted about 2 years ago

I think give it a little time and theyll be really good but i dont know about qualifying for masters let alone win it

posted about 2 years ago

I mean poach really is something else. He lead BBG so well with such amazing strats tho they were just super nervous when they went against Rise and whiffed all their shots. They most definitely shouldve won that rise game

posted about 2 years ago

So reportedly Sentinels have locked in both Kanpeki and Zombs for Stage 2 of the VCT...yea...
I dont know what to feel, first off because i was expecting sinatraa and secondly this will be the first showing of sick on controller

posted about 2 years ago

Y'all actually thought g2 was good

posted about 2 years ago

Didn't the guy say he was an fa now? Even if he is restricted tho there's no way it could be that outrageous considering his results which don't speak for his skill

posted about 2 years ago

So no one is trying to look into rawkus right now? Like the man announced he was coming back and then just silence for the past few months. This guy is arguably one of the best fa sovas right now yet it seems like all the teams just forgot about him faze included

posted about 2 years ago

people over estimate loud but ok. Unless you mean theyre at 50% cause optic hella inconsistent

posted about 2 years ago

this thread is an atrocity

posted about 2 years ago

Optic Gaming
The Guard
V1 (with wippie)

posted about 2 years ago

hes 17 you nut

posted about 2 years ago

you say faze dont have a team but i think you should open up the sq page real quick

posted about 2 years ago

I died reading this

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

zombs and dapr arent a business its different. Ofc the world are gonna look at them in that light simply because there was a chance in which sinatraa was a sexual offender and honestly none of us can say he was but none of us can say he wasnt. Thats the biggest thing that annoys me is the fact that people claim one or the other as fact and thats what is ruining sinatraas career and the internet most likely will never let him live it down

posted about 2 years ago

if anyone is the child here its you. Its very clear the reason why nadeshot doesnt want to and will never negotiate with sinatraa and he even mentioned "brand image" in there, so its very clearly the controversy not the actual player himself. Nadeshot also said that as a player sinatraa could make any team he is a part of better.
To not be able to understand intent and implication is what makes you childish, not the person you were replying to

posted about 2 years ago

I thought this was gonna be a ban callout thread but alas its a bait.
If you think those guys are on adderall go back and watch the knights' matches

posted about 2 years ago

yea for their business it might be a small hit in the short term, but the amount of popularity they could garner if this team works out and theyre able to put NA back on top. The amount of money and publicity they would get would far outweight the negative

posted about 2 years ago

agreed, if she didnt finish him off then dont stop him from coming back to valorant. If she doesnt want him to comeback then provide riot with that "irrefutable evidence" that she has of the "rape" and then we can finally stop talking about the whole situation

posted about 2 years ago

i mean if it was the "conclusive evidence" she claimed of having then maybe this whole situation wouldnt be the way it is. The audio clip she provided was the most vague shit ever that could have either been literally anything, or just having regular sex. The reason riot isnt able to come to a conclusion is simply because that clip doesnt prove anything cause it could just be them playing taken out of context.

posted about 2 years ago

wait are you sure? My sources say 88%

posted about 2 years ago

you missed the other 0 in the back

posted about 2 years ago

yea its a true shame what the internet is

posted about 2 years ago

Its dumb how much damage it will cause for such a messy and rushed case with some of the weakest evidence. Its a shame that its inevitable regardless but yes im sure sentinels has talked to sinatraa and hes willing to work with them to better his image and to revert public perceptions back to what they were before

posted about 2 years ago

Legal team would most likely tell him to not cooperate seeing as the law wasnt involved. Sinatraa is not obligated to cooperate with Riot since its within his rights not to, and so following that most likely his legal team was the one telling him to not just spew whatever he wanted to say cause he might have let out something that could be used against him

posted about 2 years ago

thats true and thats what sucks about this whole thing. Both parties are probably in the wrong at certain places but at the end of the day the person that benefits from this more is cleoh seeing as she doesnt have a massive online following that she has to maintain a reputation for while she could have single handedly ruined sinatraas entire existing and potentially future careers

posted about 2 years ago

i dont exactly remember hearing the clip but wasnt it super vague and didnt really prove anything?

posted about 2 years ago

I think the whole respecting sex workers is being misunderstood here. It is definitely not just another laymans job thats just not true and it definitely cannot be seen that way. It should be normalized yes but it most definitely isnt a job that doesnt entail anything. I dont think she is wrong in starting one and it definitely shouldnt be a REASON as to why she shouldnt be believed but it most definitely makes it hard to believe her considering her claim as to what her reaction was to the experience she had and how its very closely related with what onlyfans entails. Im not saying dont believe her, im just saying that she might not be telling the whole truth especially due to her not providing the claimed "irrefutable evidence" that was and still is in her possession, because "they didnt ask her for it". That is absolutely the dumbest reason for not fully convicting a man that has abused you

posted about 2 years ago

Id say the most consistent NA team last year were definitely 100T. They didnt seem to fluctuate much in terms of game to game performance unlike Optic which literally would go from being one of the best to becoming a mediocre team depending on what time in the comp season it was.
This year i dont think weve had enough games to judge but i think TG. Their lan games i feel like were super harsh for them especially considering trent was super nervous and wasnt able to focus up yet they still almost beat optic.
If not TG id say probably Knights, theyre super consistent but they just arent as good as the top dogs. They really stepped it up against C9 and blew past all the expectations ppl had of them.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

give them some therapists and some mental boosting drugs and theyll win every lan

posted about 2 years ago

nerfed FNC is quite bad but id say mainly because they didnt have the time to improve. Due to that i think id 100% say KRU

posted about 2 years ago

I mean honestly at this point zeta are probably no 1

  1. Zeta
  2. Optic
  3. prx
  4. loud
    could possibly be 5. zeta

I think prx as a team arent better than optic, but if they were to meet in finals prx would be the winners imo

posted about 2 years ago

very clearly the teams that would make it are

So we can rule those out already, now for the rest these are my predictions
Knights (if they dont make a roster change cause someone is on adderall)
GenG (theyre looking like theyre gonna have a stacked roster this time around)
NYFU (looking like another stacked ass roster)

Not sure if these will make it
NRG (lost the IGL that got them to where they were in the first place)
TSM (well... i mean i think this one is self explanatory)
100T (not sure about their roster either)
LG (inconsistent showings)

posted about 2 years ago

i mean with no practice im p sure sentinels are still able to qualify, the team would stomp any t2 teams and low t1 teams

posted about 2 years ago

I dont think a star player is the issue, all of their players are stars in their own right and one of them will lead the game in every series. Thats not a problem. The problem is very clearly mental and this might be because of zest and his mental which leads the team down a poor path. The dude looked like he didnt even want to be playing anymore and he looked happy once they lost.

posted about 2 years ago

munchkin is an igl right? So maybe switch out with zest?
But the thing is tho, how good is munchkin really? He was on a team that literally were not able to win a single match against any team on LAN

posted about 2 years ago

I think its probably a problem with zest. I think maybe he isnt able to rally the morale enough on the team. This problem wasnt as prominent before zest was on the team imo, back then they just lacked the fire power, but now each and every one of their players are capable of clutching rounds. So id say probably switch out zest for 1, someone that is better able to support the team more consistently, 2, someone that can easily rally the morale of the entire team and bring them back from heartbreaking rounds. Also maybe 3, find an igl that isnt easily swayed by the rounds in game and always has a clear mental, someone like boaster, or shahzam. Those two are really good igls cause theyre never swayed by whats going on in the game (boaster arguably though gets affected in games where they clearly cant win so theres that

posted about 2 years ago

so... guess that didnt age well huh?
Forsaken isnt the primary fragger first of all for PRX and thats why ppl think hes so bad even tho he really isnt. The dude creates an unholy amount of space for the team when he isnt oping and he causes absolute havoc. His role is to take space, cause panic on the other team, and take first bloods. Hes insanely good at doing all those things. The fragger on the team, the one that finishes off the opponents, is Jing. He gets the multikills in a round and hes the one that finishes what forsaken starts. Even when hes in ranked thats usually what happens, ppl are just stupid

posted about 2 years ago

which map was forsaken playing poorly? I honestly dont see it.
Also forsaken isnt their primary fragger, jing is. Forsaken is the one that gets the first kills and hes damn good at doing it

posted about 2 years ago

yea ofc but it looks like theyre very far from 100% after they lost icebox to optic.

posted about 2 years ago

Yea I definitely hope DRX win cause I feel like zeta is good but just not as solid as DRX, but i guess this game might just show how fragile DRXs foundations are

posted about 2 years ago

Yea i feel like they dont have adaptability which is required for a game like this. They make up for it with a ton of super powerful setplays but it just looked like for some reason this game they didnt pull any of them out. Maybe Zest is fatigued and isnt thinking straight which does happen a lot but this is elimination, something liek that cant be happening

posted about 2 years ago
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