Flag: Nigeria
Registered: April 3, 2021
Last post: July 24, 2024 at 4:21 PM
Posts: 4113
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oxg is such a fraudulent team man they dont deserve any of these rounds

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

Verno will be hard diffed by dip

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

fpx took both grand finalists to close map 3's at shanghai, I think China is an underrated region.

posted 5 days ago

yeah he was shit at it

posted 1 week ago

this series will end up being proof as to why keznit is the biggest fraud in the americas region, he does nothing to contribute to wins and he pads kills when it doesnt matter (unwinnable game or when in a 1v5). He is a despicable player that really doesnt deserve to be considered as good as he is thought to be

posted 1 week ago

Im happy China is sending their best, I would've been upset if drg or AG qualified

posted 1 week ago

I will bookmark this and come back in 3 years

posted 1 week ago

All this talk yet when China runs valorant in 3 years no one will say a word

posted 1 week ago

Im not wrong though

posted 2 weeks ago

troll list

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

name 10

posted 2 weeks ago

literally better than mta

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago


Bob is LFT, any team would improve by picking her up, 150 iq genius that is a top 3 initiator in the world

posted 2 weeks ago

no other ethnic nigerian on vlr

posted 2 weeks ago

+surf -ban please

posted 2 weeks ago

Sayf is shit so I expect him to go triple negative anyway

posted 2 weeks ago

SEN_FAN335 wrong once again

posted 2 weeks ago

Idk if he will even start the next game

posted 2 weeks ago

This is not in order right?

posted 2 weeks ago

go special grade, i want to see nanners finally make the t2 circuit

posted 2 weeks ago

BLG 2-1, i think both teams are in the top 4 china, unfortunate one of them is not going to make champs

posted 2 weeks ago

clears stax

posted 2 weeks ago

Wolves Esports player "Pl1xx" has been allowed to look for options as a restricted free agent. What team picks him up? @T1 @JieJieHao @SaD @NRG

posted 2 weeks ago

he hasnt even been playing well lmao

posted 2 weeks ago

You are right

posted 2 weeks ago

how do you go from vcl portugal to vcl china???

posted 3 weeks ago

dimasick found his way into china LMAO

posted 3 weeks ago

Crunchy will clear and BOBO will make ascension. Once at ascension, teams will marvel at Crunchys stand out performances against the rest of pacific tier 2, leading for a Bob and Crunchy superteam to be formed once they both join BLEED in 2025

posted 3 weeks ago
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