Country: Palestine
Registered: February 9, 2022
Last post: April 24, 2024 at 10:12 PM
Posts: 1036
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poop hehe

posted 2 months ago

I can taste the salt thru the screen

posted 2 months ago

TBH u just gotta eat alot and make sure ur eating things that are nutrionally dense and not just chips or something.
Just like how people with super slow metabolism have to be very cautious about what they eat and tend to have to eat less than others people with fast metabolism have to eat a lot more than most.
But fr tho don't just eat garbage food. Putting on some fat is fine just make sure your not only putting on fat.

posted 2 months ago

Especially when Lonzo has missed 80% of his career NBA games and when he did play he was a role player

posted 2 months ago

cade and them every day of the week
in 2016 lamelo wasn't even the best player

posted 2 months ago

Bro u do not need every skin in the game on multiple accounts. Chilllllll bro just buy the ones you rly like

posted 2 months ago

blud is talking to himself

posted 2 months ago

Mwzera is the type of player who has always looked rly good yet every team he joins ends up doing worse and having drama, maybe it finally works out but I do not have faith

posted 2 months ago

LA champs too my king
keep that head high we only dislike EU around here

posted 2 months ago

Balla is def the best and is consistently immortal or high ascendant.
Think sideshow only hit immortal once or twice and both times he was in EU. Typical easy servers
Bren is like a diamond player who has been immortal once or twice as well but he got there in NA which is harder

posted 2 months ago

Valuable insight!!! I will use this to further solidify my bias against EU!


posted 2 months ago


posted 3 months ago

pretty sure for the last like week it's been confirmed that zellsis is on the bench again. Your posts r irrelevant now nerd

posted 3 months ago

nuff said

posted 3 months ago

It's not that he was just accused bro she brought receipts of her clearly saying stop and the mf didn't stop.
Sinatraa then said he had the entire video and would cooperate and then didn't cooperate, probably bc his lawyer saw/heard the video and said it looks bad for him.

What innocent person won't cooperate after stating they had the video? If my friend claimed they had proof they were innocent and didn't show it to anyone I would think that was sketchy and weird. So you have one side with evidence and one side without.

Word of advice just bc someone is your friend does not mean they are always right, don't defend ppl who are guilty just bc they are your friend and say "the evidence makes them look bad but I swear they have evidence that they won't show anyone that proves they are innocent"

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

Thx for the nomination but I don't believe in awards

posted 3 months ago

The caster from Platchat is plat in NA and Immortal in EU.
That pretty much settles it

posted 4 months ago

Do it on twitter and one tweet might actually blow up

posted 4 months ago

We get it, you don't pick up on obvious social cues that everyone else does you don't have to be mad abt it

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

nt buddy

posted 4 months ago

Ya I'm from the US and had the US flag always until recently.

Keep proving my point abt your education please

posted 4 months ago

Team queso from APAC?
Palestine in APAC?

EU education

posted 4 months ago

The amount of buffoonery in this match confirms the death of this shit region

posted 4 months ago

You really just said Victor was 2nd best jett?
You really think Jinggg is a fraud after 3 years of being an insanely dominant raze?
You really think Aspas is overated?
If your gonna bait at least make them funny lil bro

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

Confirmed troll or smooth brained with this one ^

posted 4 months ago

Jinggg has not been playing since champs bc he has to do military service all of 2024. They have been scrimming with monyet, who is replacing him. PRX subbed in a new player every map bc its an offseason tournament where they are playing for fun. SEN wanna win so badly they don't even play pancada for a map.
And Jaw was def the best raze in americas all year his util is better, his movement is better, zekken has better aim but that's not what being the best raze is abt. If you disagree your delusional

posted 4 months ago

Jawgemo fluked by looking like the best raze in Americas all year? And then also performing extremely well at tournaments?
And who dethroned Jinggg if not for Jawgemo?
And saying he gapped jinggg after jinggg hasn't been scrimming bc he knows he has military service? Bro you are def meatriding

posted 4 months ago

first sentence is wrong. Jawgemo exists and Jinggg will be back to take his crown in a year

posted 4 months ago

Too busy eating borgur

posted 4 months ago

please site what you are referring to I would like to read them

posted 4 months ago

Ya and they beat T1 teams in scrims too and beat some T2 teams in games too. T1 teams lose to T2 teams too. Good argument buddy

posted 4 months ago

IMO there is wayyyy more guys that play games than girls. Not to mention all the girls I know that play games don't tryhard that much. When you think there are 10x as many guy FPS gamers than girl FPS gamers plus guys are 3x more likely to tryhard and want to play competitively then there should be 30x the amount of great players.
Not to mention iron sharpens iron so that's why the womens teams that scrim and play in not womens tournies are much better than the girl teams that don't. At the start of GC Mel's team was really bad in comparison to T3 male teams. Now they compete with some T2 teams. They don't beat them all the time but they are improving and catching up. The gap has gotten smaller every year.

posted 4 months ago

this is gonna be great or fucking horrible

posted 4 months ago

Always love seeing Chaadhak walking his dogs, such a sweet man

posted 5 months ago

wasn't talking about all of EU tbh, just brits that y I said beans on toast eaters.

posted 5 months ago

Beans on toast eaters call us unhealthy and proceed to eat 2.5k calories for breakfast

posted 5 months ago

You could tell they were rushed and it wasn't done but holy shit they still went fucking crazy

posted 5 months ago

Fr EMEA full of robots not players

posted 5 months ago

just excuses bro I hit immortal on 50 ping with only 80 fps

posted 5 months ago

everyone knows that team was fraudulent. Cned fell off, starxo fell off, rest in T2-3. Lucky team did not deserve champs win

posted 5 months ago

bro tried to sneak in demon1

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

my data is more recent therefore more relevant and from the more important tournament
classic EU brain

posted 5 months ago

There really is no argument, FNC is the best EMEA team by far and they are not better than teams that are composed of less all star level players from their regions

posted 5 months ago
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