Country: Palestine
Registered: February 9, 2022
Last post: April 24, 2024 at 10:12 PM
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Best comeback for bad performance at the most important event of every year - "6 months ago"

posted 2 months ago

Cope harder if FNC and FPX where that good in 2022 then what happened at champs? I could ask the same thing about 2023 as well, choking region that can't get the most important achievement since franchising

posted 2 months ago

NGL eastern Europe dominates EMEA. Gotta be like 75% of best EMEA players

posted 2 months ago

You really should if you don't like bland food. Indian food has sooo much flavor and naan is fuucking amazing. PLus you can dip the naan into the sauce that comes with your entrees and it is even more fucking amazing.

posted 2 months ago

types allat for nothing :)

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Ahh British person runs into American with good eating habits and can't respond to any criticism. I never said the average American is healthier I'm just saying we can eat better food AND still be healthier than British people because I, and many I know, are living examples of it.

Life is great when you can experience great flavor without having a 50lb British beer belly that makes eating that dogshit food plausible

posted 2 months ago

The point being; all food tastes better than British food and just because you live in America does not mean you only eat junk food

Our best food tastes better, has more vegetables in it, and is healthier than British food. You thinking Americans only eat fast food, frozen food, or some shit you would buy at a gas station just shows that you don't know what your talking about LOL.

British food can't even copy other food. Like how tf is Chinese takeaway; fried chicken balls, white rice with soy sauce, covered in vinegar, mushy peas, and curry sauce?!?!?!?!? And you think that is healthier?!?!?!??!?!?

posted 2 months ago

I know a brit isn't talking about food quality, you have never eaten anything that wasn't beige or brown.
Funny how Britain's best food is all not from Britain

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

FUT in A tier after losing to heretics?

posted 2 months ago

You trusting in a podcast called "Platchat" is a you problem

posted 2 months ago

dropped qw1 for this

posted 2 months ago

M80 rly got more bags then 100T? And from what I've seen of APAC they have mutliple new smoke players in T1 popping off, and multiple teams in APAC comm in English so there is def talent across the world who could fit

posted 2 months ago

Skuba, zander, or import?

posted 2 months ago

best IGL in the game

posted 2 months ago

and they've given him alot of props too so if anything they are making him look good

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

There was so many thread crying abt killing the agent yet Skye still getting so much value in these games. Skye abusers in shambles

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Jett battle was fun asf to watch tho

posted 2 months ago

bur bur or ger ger

posted 2 months ago

MWzera plays for himself to look good and his team to play bad, look at every team he has ever been a part of for the last 4 years

posted 2 months ago

If you let PLAT CHAT get rent free in your head you were never gonna make it lol

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

I always thought Victor was the worst player on the team but tbf he is the glue player filling in gaps in legit every single role.
Crashies has been a top 2-3 initiator, definitely the best at times, in Americas for 3 years in a row. He is a clutch player too.

I can understand gold players hating on victor not taking into account his flexibility and how that makes it harder to perfect your gameplay but calling crashies washed or trash is a dogshit take.

posted 2 months ago

seek professional help!

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Ur downvoted for misgendering not ur criticism genius

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Wasn't even mCe it was C9. Esports is in a financial decline rn and C9 chose to cut the player with the highest salary lol

posted 2 months ago

Fr when asked y he said he was discouraged after taking multiple budget or "lower level" teams to success yet would be done dirty

posted 2 months ago

Sadly my GOAT has said on stream he is currently just focusing on his education and will probably leave esports soon :(

posted 2 months ago

???? if you think placing smokes in the same few postions on every map is a difficult as being able to flash/stun/recon any single area of any map at a moments notice then idk brother
obviously it takes some level of timing and game sense to play smokes, but initiator totally requires more game sense, timing and more precision with your util. He might be able to pull it off but I'm not gonna say he can until I see it.
plus with world class initiators like crashies and ethan on his team I rly doubt he will play the role

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Being literally a game off of T2 makes u T4?
I mean at worst they have to be considered T2.5 at the worst. They are as close to being T2 as u can get

posted 2 months ago

I do watch some T2 games of other regions, especially the important games that are supposed to be the best T2 teams. But ya I totally watch more NA T2 which is why I said "I'm not an expert but from what I've seen"
And i literally was watching vanity's stream today and he was talking about T2 teams/players good enough for T1 and I have heard this from multiple other T1 pros too in NA.

posted 2 months ago

You never said they're based in NA? what is "Liquid is an NA organization then"? They were not always an NA org. They started as an EU starcraft team u idiot. They have had rosters from different countries across multiple different games like plenty of esports organizations so of course they have facilities across the world.
You have one link from, Nerdstreet 2021 LOL, you totally got me there bro. Obviously I'm not saying they are a European only roster org, but to claim they are "an NA organization" is just wrong, they have teams in NA and facilities in NA. But they are an EU org.
BTW here are some links for ya

posted 2 months ago

I'm sure you will understand if I disagree with a person who doesn't even know where their favorite team is based. Bc it's always been the netherlands LOL

posted 2 months ago

Don't think they r better than all non NA T2 teams. Just think they r good enough to be considered a T2 team if they weren't in NA

posted 2 months ago

I mean I'm not an expert on other regions Tier 2 but from what I've seen NA Tier 2 is levels above the rest. Pros admit that there are multiple teams in NA T2 good enough to play in vct. Which makes sense since we have the most players and orgs

posted 2 months ago

Dude the team play in EU and since they r ur banner I figured u watched. If you think that's a crazy assumption then ur a silly goose

Liquid based in Netherlands BTW

posted 2 months ago

Because the post is calling one team really bad for losing to a bad team, when Winthrop isn't really a bad team at all. He is contextualizing the situation by relating it to the region jeffo watches.

Cry and play the victim some more plz

posted 2 months ago

I wouldn't say any agent. Just smokes and duelist, plus I'm sure he could be a sentinel too but initiator is super util and timing based which takes away his best asset which is his aim.

posted 2 months ago

ya pretty silly planning

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

For the T2 teams that anti strat alot it is definitely a disadvantage. I just don't know how many teams actually have the time, resources, or dedication for that

posted 2 months ago

TSM signed babybay and gmd?

posted 2 months ago
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