Country: Indonesia
Registered: June 21, 2022
Last post: August 19, 2023 at 9:42 PM
Posts: 191
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the most inconsistent duelist atm

posted 7 months ago

yeah, they should wait until 4 secs to plant the bomb, I'm not familiar with your game.

posted 7 months ago

he can't hold his own site tho

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

that guy is prx number 1 hater, he's make loud fans look so bad since 5 days ago

posted 7 months ago

james, am I seeing prx never lost a scrim at na or am I tripping

posted 7 months ago

he always does, trust him.

posted 7 months ago

they will take some time off this week, hiding in the shadow

posted 8 months ago

he's been saying this for 4 days I think, he's just straight hater for no reason, let him be, he needs attention so badly.

posted 8 months ago

not someone, by that I mean bunch of people, I knew that rrq twitter replies was swarm by jp ppl, my point is, they nice to their own community. even another apac team has at least 5-10 hate comments on their losing match I believe

posted 8 months ago

I'm curious too, not following jp drama except rrq recently

posted 8 months ago

It's a beef ofc someone eager to type crazy stuff, I talk about a result they have eventho It's dissapointing for them mb

posted 8 months ago

I didn't see a single hate comment to Zeta's twitter post match, amazing community nonetheless the result.

posted 8 months ago

yeah, imagine they are playing with their brain yea?

posted 8 months ago

I cared:(

posted 8 months ago

skrossi holding back his team to compete in franchised league, man belong to tier 3 indian compe scene

posted 8 months ago

random player from top 500 radiant*

posted 8 months ago

use DisplayPort 1.4, thank me later

posted 8 months ago

I will always remember someone who said he has the best raw aim itw, and It's a scam.

posted 8 months ago

I guess It's fine, u don't need to like everyone, that's why u have a fav team/players

posted 8 months ago

grew up watching Naruto, but imo One Piece > Naruto

posted 8 months ago

hope so man, their group are stacked tbh

posted 8 months ago
  1. Can
  2. PRX/NAVI are the possibilities team to use her
posted 8 months ago

well, if GE does nothing about Rossi, I feel bad about the rest man.

posted 8 months ago

are u sure that the problem GE has is coaching staff, not the lineup?

posted 8 months ago

I really am cheering for you guys, but it is what it is.

posted 8 months ago

I see, guard players playing victim then

posted 8 months ago

yea and then Something happen out of nowhere

posted 8 months ago

I missed this one, can u summarize what mf said?

posted 8 months ago

if they mad at fl1ip I can understand there's certain context to be mad about, but mad over prediction?💀

posted 8 months ago

I've replied one of them yesterday, literally said "are u blind? u're not seeing zeta winning?" like wtf he's not prophet or anything💀

posted 8 months ago

how is prediction made japanese mad? holyshit so soft

posted 8 months ago

isn't 1070 episode delayed to July 30?

posted 8 months ago

top 3 with subs, navi full power getting grouped :(

posted 8 months ago

Skrossi's fans might want to wait for him to improve even tho he needs 5 years to do it, but the others 4? It's not about skrossi career right here we talking about

posted 8 months ago

I do have 1 fix for GE tho

posted 8 months ago

GE needs a decent jett player, he'll suit the others 4.

posted 8 months ago

we're not living in the past, aren't we?

posted 8 months ago

karma apaan? mau RRQ nanti menang 10 tournament berturut2 juga ga ada ngaruhnya ama idup gw, kecuali gw diehard HATERS mungkin gw bahagia kalo RRQ kalah, mau dia menang dia kalah ga ada ngaruh juga, karma over video games? cuma lu kali yang support orang main game sampe masukin ke hati kalo ada yang komen negatif lol

posted 8 months ago

masalahnya lu 1-1nya orang yang gw temuin di forum ataupun di twitter yang ngebelain fraud ORG sampe segininya, kecuali gw udah nemuin beberapa orang, karna lu 1-1nya orang yang kayak gini, apalagi kalo bukan buzzer?

posted 8 months ago

ini pertama kali gw bahas ORG sampe segininya karna ada diehard yang kayak lu gini, gw MENGAPRESIASI pemainnya bukan ORGnya, mungkin lu kebalikannya, jadi dari awal kita uda beda visi misi bang, kalo lu diehard ORGnya gw ga perduli, gw nonton yang karna support PLAYERnya bukan ORGANISASINYA. W Players L Org sad but truth.

posted 8 months ago

lu baca semua pembelaan dia dari A ke Z dah, capek buzzer kalo dibayar lembur ya begini jadinya.

posted 8 months ago

so whats ur point ? if the owner doesn't care about this game...dari awal aja udh bohong mulu kerjaanya kntl

bangsat bangsat, disini ga ada yang belain lu, lu liat replyan orang lain aja kayak gini, berarti emang ada problem ORG kesayangan lu blok

posted 8 months ago

hadeh ga heran banyak haternya, fansnya aja modelan kek lu2 gini bang, jijik bang liatnya kecuali lu dibayar buat belain kayak gini gw maklumin, ORG pelit keluar duit dibelain mati2an, kecuali umur 15 tahun gw maklumin, tapi keknya lu ngikutin RRQ dari jaman dulu sih feeling gw, mangkanya udah masuk genes idiotnya

posted 8 months ago

hah gw claim? itu yang pertama kali ngasih tau riot warn some ORG emang gw yang bikin threadnya bang? jangan di bawa ke hati ah, salah RRQ? bang gw ga peduli mau RRQ 5 PH, 5 THAI kek 5 apa kek, gw bukan diehard ataupun haters juga, gw cuma ngomong sesuai yang ada di twitter aja, kalo lu sakit hati gara2 omongan orang yang ngejelekin RRQ, lembek amat hati lu, kalo dukung salah satu team ya pasti ada hatersnya lah, masa mau di puji terus ini itu, kalo emang ada salah ya pasti ada yang judged ini itu, ini bukan education forum, ini GAME FORUM semua buat fun bukan buat muja2 team ini itu lol, kalo hati lu lembek kek gini dukung RRQ di ML aja jangan di valo, baru ngomongin warning roaster aja uda kepanasan, apalagi ada masalah yang serius lol.

posted 8 months ago

abangnya terlalu kepatok sama kata2 fakta di awal, di replies2 yang udah saya tulis juga saya bilang ga pure itu fakta 100%, saya selalu mention OPINI, KEMUNGKINAN, karna ada kata2 these ORG, bukan specific. namanya public thread ya opini pasti ada dimana2 bang mau faktanya mau gimana pun ya pasti ada yang beropini ini itu, abangnya juga daritadi kan kekeh kalo itu bukan RRQ, ya ga ada yang tau kita juga. dan disini ga ada yang jelekin specific pihak ini itu sih, emang saat itu banyak banget ga puluhan orang, lebih karna Thread itu, jadi intinya opini sampai saat ini ga ada yang tau itu di tujukan ke PIHAK mana.

posted 8 months ago

more than one warning kemungkinan tinggi kira2 RRQ kena ga bang menurut abang aja nih? based on Trusted Source bang karna lagi panas2nya waktu itu, ini abangnya ngikutin roaster shuffle ga pas awal franchised bang? yang mau deket2 closed transfer window? ga ada yang bilang itu bold pure ditunjukan ke RRQ, tapi MENGARAH ke RRQ, wah kalo sampe sakit hati maap deh bang saya cuma penikmat aja sama pembaca thread2 yang lagi seru, ga ikutan saya kalo sampe nyakitin hati orang gara2 ini bang.

posted 8 months ago

wah saya ga sampe ngejelekin team lain apalagi ngomong kebantai sama A,B,C padahal yang ini lebih baik, saya ga sedangkal itu juga sih, beda tournament ga bisa di compared.

posted 8 months ago

iya some of these organizations kan berarti lebih dari 1 kan ya bang? nah yang punya masalah roaster itu ga banyak loh cuma beberapa, menurut opini viral yang di twitter kira2 RRQ termasuk ga sih bang? karna ini kan lebih dari 1 ya, bukan 1.

posted 8 months ago
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