Country: Indonesia
Registered: June 21, 2022
Last post: August 19, 2023 at 9:42 PM
Posts: 191
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iya bang iya, ga kuat saya ngeladeninnya nih kalo uda dikasih sourcenya bukan asal ngomong tapi tetep kekeh kalo bukan resmi dari riot blabla, kan itu yang namanya opini, bukan fix STATEMENT, memang ada beberapa team yang punya masalah roaster pada saat itu, salah satunya ya RRQ yang lagi ramai hot di twitter, jadi banyak orang yang berprasangka kesana, ngerti kan?

posted 9 months ago

kan kita cuma baca dari beberapa source aja bang bahwa RRQ kena tegur, sourcenya juga legit ko bukan source yang asal ngomong followersnya 100an, info yang biasa dia kirim juga banyak validnya, kalo memang kenyataanya ga kayak gitu, ya bukan salah kita yang punya opini karna ada trusted sourcenya, kecuali kita asal ngomong fitnah ini itu, beda lagi kalo itu.

posted 9 months ago

iya bang kita anggep aja faktanya seperti itu ya, udah bang blm cukup kah berapa replies tuh, udah dikasih bukti juga tinggal percaya ga percaya aja bang he he.

posted 9 months ago

susah bro asli, dia cuma mantengin tweet official RRQ doang sih feeling gw, mana mungkin kita fitnah ngomong yang enggak2 kalo ga ada faktanya gila jg, masa iya ngejelekin ORG negara sendiri lol

posted 9 months ago

oh jadi 2nya yang nyusul gabung ke roster itu surprised ya bang sengaja di announce akhir2 biar dramanya makin hot? atau gimana bang? kayaknya ini abangnya nih yang paling banyak tau, ampe punya rekening pribadinya buat di tf tiap ngebela? xD

posted 9 months ago

itu apa rame2 bang? coba aja di liat kolom replynya pas lagi hot2nya itu, masa kita ngomong ga di dasarin fakta, ga ada untungnya juga ko, mereka cuma ngutarain opini doang.

posted 9 months ago

I don't even know which is bait or dumb at this point man -_-

posted 9 months ago

understandable, have a good day.

posted 9 months ago

"few games lucky" is way better than holding back the team to get a FULL POTENTIAL, liability in his genes.

posted 9 months ago

nah ini, kalo mau ngebela seengaknya sesuai fakta gitu loh jangan pake kata2 in the end in the end nyalahin komunitas, haduh.

posted 9 months ago

susah bro ngomong sama buzzer, kita ngomong cuma sesuai fakta yang ada aja di twitter padahal bukan di bikin2 loh, in the end in the end ngomongnya, ya awalnya kan ga sesuai ekspetasi harus di sindir2 dulu.

posted 9 months ago

yang bilang bohong bukan saya bwang, ada orang diatas itu saya cuma nyampein aja "mungkin" dan sesuai drama di twitter aja, kan in the end, bukan di meantime yang pas lagi panas2nya, capek deh sama buzzer.

posted 9 months ago

iya tapi waktu itu cuma kejadian 2 kan? 1 nya nyusul kalo ga salah? coba di koreksi mungkin saya yang salah Lmemore nyusul akhir2

posted 9 months ago

setahu saya yang permasalahan awal franchised beliau bilang ingin menjadikan rrq full roster indo, sempat ramai di twitter.

posted 9 months ago

"back then" semoga present day kejadian, yang kita tau kan rrq keep ph player karna gajinya affordable dibanding full indo.

posted 9 months ago

wkwk skip udah bro, uda ga panas lagi threadnya

posted 9 months ago

yes I agree monyet > mf, mf himself said that on stream, but are u sure to keep cgrs on a main roster tho? his aim not as good tier 1 player no? Isn't letting monyet play duelist is way better? + firepower etc, forsaken is better with his flex role lately, he needs to keep it flex imo.

posted 9 months ago

yea that's my point too, u rather choose monyet filling controller role instead he can replace jinggg as a duelist, and cgrs move to main roster, that's what I'm catch rn from your opinion.

posted 9 months ago

that's what I'm talking about rn, u rather choose cgrs to be a main roster? instead monyet willingly can play duelist instead? I knew jinggg go ns next year, monyet can flex to be duelist, 2nd controller or whatever, and u want cgrs to main initiator? :O

posted 9 months ago

yang boong mungkin pak AP, tapi owner RRQ bukan pak AP bro, sejauh ini gw nangkepnya yang lu omongin pak AP bukan?

posted 9 months ago

f0rsaken has been playing fade no? but idk let's see what the future offer. pretty sure the initiator / sentinel role is ez to learn for those who really want to win a tournament.

posted 9 months ago

I know he owns Ayana Hotel afaik, but spend that much money on pc games? hope he does.

posted 9 months ago

yet has a more rating than..

posted 9 months ago

how is 0.60 rating for a DUELIST player is better than 0.93 rating for an IGL role? I'm lost here

posted 9 months ago

iya mangkanya semoga, ga berharap lebih, tapi ga ada yang tau kan kalo ada uang kaget kali aja khilaf haha

posted 9 months ago

still not answering my question tho -_- if u consider cgrs > mf then I'm watching different games last master.

posted 9 months ago

who do you think is a good replacement for jinggg rn in apac scene except for monyet?

posted 9 months ago

your point is cgrs > mf right now? damn

posted 9 months ago

jinggg going ns next year, unless u want cgrs to play controller role instead.

posted 9 months ago

Kalo itu masih kayaknya, gw lebih setuju ke RRQ / PRX sih tbh, semoga aja nyangkut di 2 ini.

posted 9 months ago

sirius2k? uda ga di bleed kayaknya

posted 9 months ago

yea, Bleed has a more chance possible now.

posted 9 months ago

harganya meroket pasti bro, siap ngeluarin budget lebih ga nih kira2

posted 9 months ago

haven't u heard a man called Something? he just casually tapping the enemy's head without utility as we speak rn. Skrossi's problem is he can't land those shots, simple as that.

posted 9 months ago

he's really in lockin form right now isn't he

posted 9 months ago

I feel bad for you guys, fans who really see the reality, hope u guys have a better representative soon or later.

posted 9 months ago

sometimes Indos carried, sometimes Ph carried, unlike Skrossi consistently bottom fragging -_-

posted 9 months ago

I think t3xture is the most disappointed for the loss from his looks, so yea maybe.

posted 9 months ago

oh you have no idea, even tho he'll underperform 10 more games, there's dickriders.

posted 9 months ago

I'm just curious how the rest of the team feels about it, it's not the first time that he underperformed on an important match no?

posted 9 months ago

It's because the CEO promised the fans more Indos players than ph, that's it iicr.

posted 9 months ago

but at least Wronski stepped down from the duelist role and let T3xture, which is way better than Skrossi.

posted 9 months ago

The problem is, the others who didn't do well on regional actually improved, meanwhile skrossi still missed those op shots and has terrible entries.

posted 9 months ago

Man is igl-ing and still has more rating than skrossi, what else do you want?

posted 9 months ago

If the best Indian player playing like this, It's over, I feel bad for the rest of the team, really am.

posted 9 months ago

u care enough to make a thread bud

posted 9 months ago

are we gonna see until the "first" fight finishes next ep?

posted 9 months ago

100-150 juta aja ga berani ya, apalagi buyout monyet yang lagi panas ya, hmm padahal kalo berani buyout monyet masa depannya lumayan ga si jaminannya, kita lihat saja nanti semoga ada peningkatan.

posted 9 months ago

kalo GE/RRQ ga menang lcq, ada kemungkinan monyet ke rrq ga bang gantiin 2GE? gimana ni bwang menurut lu, kan pas tuh ga lama transfer window

posted 9 months ago
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