Flag: France
Registered: February 18, 2023
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 5:17 PM
Posts: 4039
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well Pcific is actually amazing. The only fumble this year is the age issue really.

posted 3 hours ago

i think paura has been good enough to keep him if you cant get sociable.

posted 6 hours ago

well its hard to pick up the teenagers from pcific atp but the gotta steal Xeus and anima surely. Kick qutioner and reazy and keep elite and paura. That team is insane.

Lets see what they do. Im giving them one more chance

posted 6 hours ago

"If the bbl buys even one player from these two teams, come and fuck my ass, they will go and pull the lion or something back fucking watch"


posted 6 hours ago

how do you get cleared by your own VCL

posted 6 hours ago

Well... they did it. Incredible

posted 6 hours ago

Now riot will be caught with their pants down for their dumb decision when they win ascension and cant play XDD

posted 6 hours ago

incredible. a team of teenagers making ascension

posted 6 hours ago

this man is speaking nothing but the truth

posted 9 hours ago

Like thats a packed ass movie theater. Thats really impressive for a VCL. Turkey must really love Valorant

posted 9 hours ago

its not genetic difference mate...

The parts of europe that have the size and PC culture are more focused on CS i would assume. Other countries might just be too small to matter or are more casual/console countries (e.g. Italy)

posted 9 hours ago

I dont think they planned for this tbh

posted 9 hours ago

we had 40 last year. surely theres gonna be a bigger bump. Just due to the fact that valo is still growing even outside of china in viewership

posted 9 hours ago

my estimations are 70 Million now that china has joined. Massive increase from 40 last year

posted 9 hours ago

i havent heard much of turkey in csgo tho. Are they actually good there?

posted 9 hours ago

yeah he had a fantastic split 2

posted 9 hours ago

do they gain points from split 3 that carries over towards next ascension? if not it seems useless

posted 9 hours ago

Your fathers

posted 9 hours ago

Valorant is very popular in Turkey i guess.

posted 9 hours ago

its would be hilarious wouldnt it. Thats why i hope Howl wins it. They are really good and could ascend. Plus they are boguth by EF who are supposedly a good org

posted 9 hours ago

my guy is having conversations between his alts. he lost the plot....

This is what being a tmv mod does to you...

posted 9 hours ago

Comeback - 17
Lar0k - 16
Celasun - 17
Loita - 16

Rose - IGL 20

Like wtf is this. They are on the verge of winning turkish league thats filled with cracked players....

This team couldnt even ascend lmao. too young

posted 9 hours ago

Why is eternal fire so good for turkey? heard this a lot now

posted 9 hours ago

They are playing most of playoffs on LAN with good audience and they have a nice stable stream and production with a nice trophy.

Seems like things are going well there. (unlike polaris)

posted 9 hours ago

I am sorry you are a sen fan 😔

posted 14 hours ago

Like how are people so ridiculous to expect the absolute perfect timezone for them.

9-17: oh i gotta go to school/work!!! Such a baaad timeslot. It suxks 😡

1-6 am: Mannn i have to ruin my sleep schedule!!! Suxh an unfair timeslot!!!!

So that leaves one 3 hour timeslot in the morning for some people who dont go to wrok straight away and the preferred timeslot of primetime 5pm-12am --> the timeslot everybody wants for themselves.

Like blud it it what it is. If you get morning timeslot eastcoast NA its worktime in EU. If Eu gets primetime slot its worktime in NA and Midnight in China. If China gets primetime its middle of the night for west coast and worktime for EU.

Like jesus Christ stop fucking complaining. Like be happy if you can even be awake during the games. Theres nothing worse than the 2-5am timeslot for the massive majority of humans. If youre a school/uni kid watch it in class or breaks. If you work in office watch it on the side. Like just deal with it.

posted 14 hours ago

And btw do you know Comebacks age?

posted 1 day ago

I think yes. Their form in playoffs was decent. But the other 3 probably not i agree

posted 1 day ago

I mean they had a good match vs Vitality who went p2

Coulda been a bounceback in form

posted 1 day ago

Ah... Babycocksucka...

I am the realest american of you all

posted 1 day ago

Relax pussyboy. He's just chattin about what interests him. Doesnt mean he is not a real North american.

posted 1 day ago

Thank you . Good to know for sure

posted 1 day ago

Well... Supermassive has enough money, no? Why are they struggling so much to build a good team and ascending? They are a good org in your eyes, no?

posted 1 day ago

For most men only violent forced Penetration is rape. They dont understand how it really works.

posted 1 day ago

What exactly is bad about them (genuinely curious) ? FF apparently had enough financing to buy parla so thats a good thing

posted 1 day ago

You could build like 3-4 full turkish teams (if u take the ones on foreign teams too) who all would have a very solid chance of making playoffs

posted 1 day ago

Is eternal fire really legit? So is it a good thing they bought howl?

posted 1 day ago

Any idea how old this akai kid is. I havent watched a single game of mena so i can only rely on stats and age. If he is like 16-17 his stats are really good and there might be something there.

But obviously Mena is similar to portugal in that regard

posted 1 day ago

I get it man. But idk... It happens.

posted 1 day ago

Portugal is much harder to tell until they make it to ascension because the league is so shit. But they definitely produced some great talent with tomaszy, DaviH and Fizzy.

Lets wait on that one.

Anima is added in the Honorable mentions. I was already writing his own section but scrapped that to keep the circle as small as possible. Because theyre supposed to be true MUSTS. Like its trolling if you dont pick them up.

posted 1 day ago

4 of these players (woot riens benjy and miniboo) just embarassed your entire region in shanghai...

posted 1 day ago

I mean paura is a good igl amd elite is cracked. Add xeus and you have 3/5 good picks already. Just replace reazy and brave with Ruxic and Sociablee/Anima. Its easy

posted 1 day ago

I cant go too wide with the net. Its about musts here. And even the HMs... I cant put 50 names on here

posted 1 day ago

I am more and more convinced that IGLs have to be developed IN T1. The Cenders and Clouds are the way.

posted 1 day ago

Like i've had enough. So much insane quality wasted in lower levels.... Its time to send them up.

Sociablee - insane player. Im convinced he can learn to play anything, leader & igl --> way overdue.

Izzy - The single best Duelist in T2 for the past 2 years. Outrageously good. Literally top 2 player in turkish league for every split for 2 years. --> its a fucking joke he is still here

Xeus - The next generation of incredible duelists in Turkey. Made his breakthrough this year and needs to playe T1 as soon as possible. Only wasting time down here.

Profek - Big dick Profek .... Some might have thought of alexiik, some of minny but the real king of Eastern this year is this gigachad. Guy is sucha good smoker his lungs are pitch black. He has got nothing left to prove down here.

Ruxic - Carried dogshit Digital athletics on a miracle run to win turkey and make ascension where he was one of the best players. This year consistenly a top 5 player in turkey minimum. Just really really good.

Kajaak - The kid is so much better than his oppponents he is wasting his fucking time in this dogshit league. Mega talented. Could slot into T1 to become a cracked duelist super fast.

DaviH - Was insane last year for Saw, was arguably the best player at ascension and is still hard carrying his team this year to be a top player in DACH. This guy can play any role you need him to im convinced of it.

Now... There are some clear prodigies that are either confirmed to be too young or suspected to be. Let me this them now so you can get them the day they become eligible:

Sayonara - This kid.... He genuinely might be the biggest talent i have ever seen in Valorant..... And we just had Wo0t. This guy.... Is 16(!) and has DOMINATED his region (spain) this year. He will one day win a masters or Champs trophy. I have genuinely 0 doubt in my mind. At this point everyone in the know knows him. This is not some big revelation. He is special.

Fangeer - Giga cracked Russian duelist... Oh how badly did we need new Russian killers... We were robbed of them with the closure of the Russian league. This guy is 17 and just fucking insane. The day he turns 18 he will play T1.

Comeback - Sigh... Another insane duelist from
... You guessed it right...Turkey. Im quite sure he is underaged. Immense potential.

Lar0k - Guy still went to school last year so he gotta be 18 max. Maybe younger. He is insane. Carried PCFIC together with Comeback into the Turkish league grand final. Huge potential.

Lewn - 17 yo. Had a strong split 2. interesting prospect. Used to play on PCFIC with the other cracked kids. Someone sign their scout fr.

If there are any more please let me know. Its hard knowing all the ages in T2.

Now lastly some honorable mentions of really good players that might not be Top 10 in the priority list but are just really good players that could slot into a T1 team and do pretty well (think patitek, if things go really right). But they are obviously no "musts".

Turkey: sterben, Anima, Lauress, ipott, Crewen

Spain: Flickless, Kiles, B1sk, Zeddy

East: alexiik, minny, Pa1ze

Polaris: Soulcas deserves one last shot. He has been insane in Polaris and yes... I know its polaris but is think one more try for a bounceback is fair with these performances. If he doesnt work can him again i dont mind.

France: Kamyk, mayyybe veqaj

Germany: Lime, ellement, Xuss, (Click, Fizzy)

Okay im done. This is some Jobless behaviour. If you want to add someone let me know. But i want to keep this list fairly short. So only name real bangers i missed.

posted 1 day ago

You are fucked in the head.

... And an incel without girl contact

posted 1 day ago

Well how the fuck would you prove it? Thats the whole issues with sexual assault investigations. Maybe you can prove it if you have physical injuries and dna from the semen that you can look at but if they were a couple? How tf can you realistically prove this? Banged raw without consent came inside without consent, maybe even some minor force or coersion... Thats still rape my guy. But its gg as the girl you cant prove anything unless you have 100% clear video/text evidence.

So if you cant legally prosecute its still a moral issue. She is perfectly in the right to argue this if its true.

posted 1 day ago
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