Flag: India
Registered: July 2, 2021
Last post: July 24, 2024 at 3:34 PM
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That's how little people think of u

posted 2 days ago

Better... Kings of Madrid vs. Kings of Shanghai

posted 2 days ago

I do think that their defaults are something completely different because of the comp they play, and how they agress on a site based on yoru+sova info is kinda cool.
I do wanna see how it works against teams like Gen.G cuz I don't think it's sustainable, but that's just me

posted 3 days ago

I think it should be, because that's the only way one can measure all the objective aspects there are to aiming, which aimlabs shows in ur scorecard after u perform a task.
Different tasks means different aspects sometimes as well.

Ofc, this was only in respect to valorant players. The top 500 on aimlabs have some of the best raw aiming skills, they just don't want to translate that into any specific game

posted 4 days ago

He has played other games as well and done crazy amount of aimlabs. Sure we cannot look at it so i can't exactly tell u.

I was just answering ur question

posted 4 days ago

There are many aspects to aiming, many of which aren't even utilised in valorant
Valorant is mainly passive aiming whereas games like Overwatch rely heavily on active aiming,

So when it comes to raw aim it is in context to both these areas

How it translates to valorant is a different matter

posted 4 days ago

Tenz has great aim but i think something that goes neglected is his reaction time. He is one of the fastest if not the fastest aimer in the scene and just reacts to things a but faster than other players in general. Maybe woot can beat him there. Just something I noticed

posted 4 days ago

If they pickup madrid form, then very likely

posted 4 days ago

Yoru- forsaken
Harbor- mindfreak
Viper- d4vai
Breach- s0mething
Sage - jingg

posted 6 days ago

f0rsaken duh

posted 6 days ago

I just feel sad that we weren't able to get SEN matches with LEV this split and the rematch with G2

posted 1 week ago

As much as I like seeing a gimmick in team comps, deadlock is fcking up Sen in their fundamentals. I hope their personal issues get sorted, and if not 2 much maybe try going back to what they were already pretty good at

posted 1 week ago

Exactly what I'm saying, SEN had good fundamentals, and as much as I enjoy a gimmick, deadlock is fking that up

posted 1 week ago

Yeah, I was also happy seeing zekken smile, I'm telling u, innovation is important but what's more important is having good fundamentals and having confidence.

Bang was fking them up even when he over extended cuz he was confident in himself and his insane mechanics of course

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

No wonder ur bronze

posted 1 week ago

They lost attack half on haven(no map control, HELLO!!) and deadlock weakened their defense on ASCENT OF ALL MAPS!!! That is very very bad

posted 1 week ago

Never said teams didn't get better, but if u saw Sen attack half on haven, u would notice they legit had 0 map control and were rushing.
Losing attack on haven is bad no matter what, that too 4-8

posted 1 week ago

They lost attack half on haven(no map control, HELLO!!) and deadlock weakened their defense on ASCENT OF ALL MAPS!!! That is very very bad

posted 1 week ago

SEN used to be insane at map control, trading and coordinating.
But in order to cook up something new, they neglected what once made them the best team in the world.

All teams that are winning rn are sticking to the formula they created or copied from madrid Sen. Trust in yourself

posted 1 week ago

My bad, I wasn't aware of oxy's game

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

You're the writer of this post, u going thru an identity crisis or something??

posted 3 weeks ago

Did I say sen played bad? C9 is dogshit on haven period.

posted 3 weeks ago

Idc whose pick was that, C9 looked absolutely clueless on attack, even NRG with their weird ass comp would beat them

posted 3 weeks ago

Sen mowed thru them on defense even tho haven is attack sided , any good haven team will prove a better match on haven than C9

posted 3 weeks ago

Nah c9 just sucks on haven, 0 rounds on attack wtf??

posted 3 weeks ago

I'm not sure it'll be that easy this time but if anything, the 22-23 seasons have taught me a great deal about the ups and downs that come with being a pro player

In SEN, we trust - Shroud

posted 3 weeks ago

I agree, but as an og sen fan, it is my obligation to trust the process. I would certainly like to see a sunset showdown against TH, and a long-awaited rematch with Gen.G

posted 3 weeks ago

I think, they definitely can improve a bit more, altho I do think it's just the rust from the break they're coming from, I'm sure as they play more matches, they'll turn into a well-oiled machine before champs

posted 3 weeks ago

I think it's just the break, the more u play matches the more u get better in form. It's just been two matches and they look pretty good, I'm sure they'll be able to iron out some minor inconsistencies before champs

posted 3 weeks ago

It's braindead to send hate threads over a performance to another human being. I would really like to see him win again

posted 4 weeks ago

I have never shit talked sacy my whole life and i never will

posted 1 month ago

Who cares, u think the strats and mid rounding on sunset is a joke?? No one else could have had a better calling there except some others

posted 1 month ago

What did I say?????

posted 1 month ago

The only fraudulent team in shanghai was T1. Drx clears

posted 1 month ago

Even if he was a SEN flair, we don't claim him, real ones know how phenomenal a team gen.g is and are rooting for them

posted 1 month ago

Too much of FNS aura in reserve

posted 1 month ago

Close enough

posted 1 month ago

I agree, there are so many indian talents who are hungry for the stage but dont get to show their talents on the big stage.

posted 1 month ago

I think that rossi could have evolved into a better flex player like TenZ did himself. He put up stats for his team for the better part of his career in GE. There are many good Indian players in other teams as well, he could pick them as well.

But the thing most important here is, if the coaching staff and doesn't step up their server game, nothing a player can do will change the result, they need better synergy. No one's asking them to beat prx in the 1st attempt but at least beat other teams in the league

posted 1 month ago

Actual goated roster move if that happened

posted 1 month ago

And edg won't

posted 1 month ago

Do these guys not know how big puchan's brain and aura is!?

posted 1 month ago

Remove the flair

posted 2 months ago

I am telling u, Geng will clear both of them

posted 2 months ago

Texture was a lil off, otherwise he is their best sheriff player, but now i think all of them are.

posted 2 months ago

Idc about that, why r u even making this a discussion? Dogshit topic

posted 2 months ago

in ranked

posted 2 months ago
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