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Registered: March 14, 2022
Last post: May 12, 2024 at 6:35 PM
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Wasn't saadhak on Vikings with Sacy, sutecas, frz and one other guy?

posted 2 months ago

me and my buddy eric are gonna watch so that's 2, anyone else in?

posted 2 months ago

bro you need to stop spending all your money on esports betting, it's not good for your mental health

posted 2 months ago

Estrella certified Sigma Male

posted 2 months ago

Here's the objective ranking for the players on the G2 roster according to their acting ability based on this recent video

  1. valyn - Bro's a natural. Put him on the desk when G2 isn't playing, put him in every cinematic, make him play every agent in the inevitable Valorant television series.
  2. neT - From this video I wouldn't have guessed he's a professional video gamer. Bro definitely gives cowboy vibes. Yeehaw.
  3. trent - Decent for someone who spent his youth playing video games instead of studying the blade. Solid. Not much more to say.
  4. JonahP - Definitely seems out of place. Hiding behind papa valyn when they all draw their guns and yell "Fuck Sentinels", bro did not want to be in this video.
  5. Leaf - Weak delivery of his one line, bro probably didn't even go to acting school 💀 Let's hope he got another few years in tier 1 Valorant in him because bro will not star in a Hollywood blockbuster any time soon
posted 2 months ago

Point 3 also ties in with anohter aspect. Women are an extremely small portion of the general tac shooter playerbase. For example This study from 2016 puts them at 4%, although I'm sure we are sitting at higher numbers in 2024. Valorant has somehow managed to tap into the female market a lot more (e.g. this article says 35% of Valorant players are women). Valorant does appeal to a more casual audience a lot more and I would wager that the average woman in Valorant is probably approaching the game from a more casual standpoint than the average man (e.g. the first link above also shows that women generally tend to play games that are less competitive, like simulation games, whereas men tend to prefer genres with more competition). I'd also wager that casual players spend less money on the game.

A successful women's esports scene, no matter how they compare to the open circuits, can help the game to market itself to a demographic that was previously completely inaccessible, which makes up half the population. Let's take the 65-35 split mentioned above. If Valorant has a steady male playerbase and just increases the number of women playing the game to equal the number of men playing the game, this would be a 30% increase in players. Also, again this is just speculation on my end, but I'm sure Riot has numbers on this internally, I'd wager that esports watchers are probably more likely to be less casual and potentially buy more skins, which is the highest priority for Riot as it's the main source of income related to Valorant.

In terms of competitive shooters, getting women to play your game would be huge, and I feel like Valorant in its early days, like no other comp shooter, managed to actually do that, so of course they are investing heavily to expand on that market. Just a handful of female pros in the open circuit would be huge.

posted 2 months ago

mwzera went 6-0 against Sway24#4433, crashies went 3-1. Considering Sway24#4433's rank of silver 1, it's safe to say that crashies got humbled so hard he should retire.

posted 2 months ago

The answer is D. The Black Death.

All of the other events happened at the same time. With his final blow to FNC at Reykjavík, TenZ also stabbed Julius Caesar, smashed the Berlin wall, took power as the first Emperor of China, cured the Black Death, and painted The Birth of Venus under an alias, and sieged Constantinople. However of course the Black Death must have already existed for TenZ to cure it, hence D.

posted 2 months ago

bro that's not even a word, speak english man

posted 2 months ago

Mikhaeli you need to overstim

posted 2 months ago

Bro that clutch on Breeze against TL pissed me off so much lol

posted 2 months ago

He was a Chamber main before joining EG. He pretty much played nothing but Chamber on every map for a year (for 3090 rounds). And while playing Chamber, he consistently played Op. Just pick any of his games from the Chamber meta and you'll see him consistently get kills with the Operator.

The only reason he wasn't EG's main Oper is because Boostio (who has also played tons of Jett and Chamber) wanted to.

I know you haven't developed object permanence yet though, so all good.

posted 2 months ago

I've literally never seen a good Omen Paranoia from Lemon1, fraudulent player

posted 2 months ago

What a wild comment to make with zero context

posted 2 months ago


Not because I don't think he could make it in franchising, but because he did already get the chance and had a very underwhelming year

posted 2 months ago

That's cool and all and I might be tripping but wasn't this conversation about Buzz and not Rb??

posted 2 months ago

I mean yeah that's what he does. He has less understanding of the game compared to pretty much every semi-regular platchat guest. The purely theoretical angle can only get you so far if you've never hit immortal or coached an actual team. He also tries way too hard to be different sometimes.

posted 2 months ago

What he actually means by saying Flor can only win against GC teams and SR paid their way to win? I think he meant that he thinks Flor can only win against GC teams and SR paid their way to win. What do you think he meant?

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

I heckin love Canadian multinational e-commerce company Shopify Inc.

posted 2 months ago

PRX has more trophies than you have funny or interesting comments

posted 2 months ago

If you have to add a flag to the name so people will understand who it's referring to, it's a shit name

posted 2 months ago

Shego clears Kim

posted 2 months ago

Yeah they're a zero money org, that's why they have a world champ on the bench, because that can't possibly be expensive

posted 2 months ago

I've never been rooting for SEN so hard

posted 2 months ago

I'm not saying FNC "should" have won Champs or anything, they lost twice, neither game was close, and Loud was just better in those games. I'm just saying saying FNC wasn't good because they lost to one (1) team internationally just takes a special kind of mental deficiency

posted 2 months ago

I'm SEN Sacy and I can confirm this is true

posted 3 months ago

Yeah actually that must be it. Pancada forgot to say "well done team" once and that's why he got benched. Can't believe you figured it out.

posted 3 months ago

I don't understand the whole "hpye man" thing.

It's really not that hard. Every pro in every interview has said the same thing. If the team doesn't click, they play like shit. They've played like shit with pancada, they played well with Zellsis. Even if you don't understand how team dynamics might affect performance, this part is very obvious.

posted 3 months ago

Also teams usually go into scrims with a specific focus, for example improving comms, or limit testing certain setups. What actually matters is how those specific things go, which are not at all reflected in the scorelines and completely invisible to us.

posted 3 months ago

Sometimes when I'm drunk, but when I'm sober that shit is just nasty

posted 3 months ago

This guy motivated me to finally end my life, thanks for showing me this 🙏

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

Bilibili Gaming

posted 3 months ago

can sm1 give me the clip when he glazes babysasuke cus it better be in there fr

posted 3 months ago

I don't know what you're watching but I don't think it's Valorant

posted 3 months ago

EG would not have cooked FNC. Loud beat them because they had the perfect playstyle to counter them. They already showed this at LOCK//IN when they made FNC look like complete dogshit on Split and Lotus even though nobody else could touch FNC on Lotus.

I know the average Valorant fan's understanding of the game doesn't go deeper than "team A beat team B = team B washed" but if you have even the slightest bit of understanding of the game I feel like it's very obvious how it wasn't talent that led to Loud consistently beating FNC while no other team could (including EG, twice).

posted 3 months ago

Yeah y0y is just iconic. I like L0ss and D0rke personally. Stuff like Sha0 is a bit lame imo.

posted 3 months ago

Names that are unique and actually create a funny pun >>>> randomly putting a 0 or an L or a bot somewhere. Sometimes it works (like L0ss or D0rke), but most of the time it's pretty lame.

Like come on, why call Alfajer Botfajer, when Betajer is literally right there?

However, on the other hand, y0y

posted 3 months ago

Everyone says their team is built to win. Every team that is even remotely close to having a chance to ever compete for a top placement is always going to say that their goal is to win. That doesn't mean there actually is pressure, or that their internal expectation is "if we don't win every trophy it's a failure".

posted 3 months ago

Yeah but that's coming from the fans, not from NRG themselves.

posted 3 months ago

Exactly, hence overrated.

posted 3 months ago

Are they putting pressure on themselves though? The fans are putting pressure on them, sure. But have they said anything publicly about what their actual internal expectations are? How are they putting more pressure on themselves compared to for example Sen or Lev?

posted 3 months ago

I know being intentionally obtuse is like your entire thing but this is a stupid comment even by your standards

posted 3 months ago

Half the people on this website have them in top 3 or even top 2 for Americas, how is that underrating them?

posted 3 months ago

No, it really doesn't. The point of the post is NRG haven't scrimmed enough and thus will be bad. The point of this comment is that they have scrimmed enough.

Nobody claimed that the number of scrims is somehow proportional to how good a team will be. Literally the only question here is the distinction between scrimmed enough vs did not scrim enough

posted 3 months ago
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