Flag: Mexico
Registered: April 3, 2023
Last post: May 12, 2024 at 12:23 AM
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I'm not saying they can't run games, but if you are 100% going to buy a laptop for school and gaming you can do so much better with other brands for the price of a MacBook. Unless you just really want a MacBook.

posted 2 months ago

if you plan to game on it pls dont

posted 2 months ago

Where did this term come from? Like why are tournaments that are perceived as fraudulent or low value called Mickey Mouse?

posted 2 months ago

no, this is obviously real bro can't u see wtf

posted 2 months ago

the tiktok pfp is killing me bro lmao

posted 2 months ago

LMFAO that's actually valid ngl đź’€

posted 2 months ago

It's simple tbh, so basically if the team you support didn't go to "X" tournament you just call it Mickey Mouse and go on and live a happy life, and hope ur team makes it to the next big event.

posted 2 months ago

this the first time I hear of that dude lmfao, what has bro done to get blocked

posted 2 months ago

what photoshop?

posted 2 months ago

"shiii I go next"

posted 2 months ago

why is chet also just starin in the corner

posted 2 months ago

This actually happened bro

posted 2 months ago

Idk what's happening over there, nor do I know what to make of this. Thoughts?

posted 2 months ago

seems like it, I haven't seen them play this bad since their loss against C9

posted 2 months ago

sleep, both G2 and LEV playing like shit bruh. Idk if I even wanna watch map 5

posted 2 months ago

I think it might be burnout or the fact that they have to play games with no prep, because both teams are playing horrendous Valorant and looking way worse than before. I think either team would lose against 100T playing like this

posted 2 months ago

both lev and g2 are playing like shit ngl

posted 2 months ago

they aren't, they make way too many mistakes

posted 2 months ago

Don't matter bruh, he is been playing well as of late. U can't throw him under the bus for one whiff, even aspas has those from time to time. Everyone has

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

saving strats for 2027

posted 2 months ago

for lev, they haven't been able to fix kingg's stuff

posted 2 months ago

he a smooth criminal

posted 2 months ago

sex with tex confirmed in shanhai

posted 2 months ago

ngl only indian player I know rn is Lightningfast.

posted 2 months ago

dw, not as bad as dealing with b0tster for 3 years on ur team. We chill

posted 2 months ago

maybe, but at least now he has mostly decent matches and sometimes he has really good ones. Definitely better than before when bro was bottom fragging every single match.

posted 2 months ago

Bro shutting the haters down. He was LEV 2nd best player today after aspas. I'm amazed how much he has improved

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

don't be mentally challenged buddy, this was 2 weeks ago when NRG were still considered top and G2 hadn't done anything special. Get a pair of glasses bruv

posted 2 months ago

lmfao thats crazy

posted 2 months ago

it's true that they're looking bad, but I'd at least wait a bit more and see if changes are actually necessary. It could all just be burn out, and they might look way better in split 2.

posted 2 months ago

nah bru this time is deserved, like they looked bad and on top of that they're losing Less.

posted 2 months ago

ngl teams have it rough when a lot of their hopes on winning against LEV rely on aspas not performing well lmao.

posted 2 months ago

I mean if all he cares about is $$$$ then yeah for sure, but if his individual performance falls, he is gonna have a tougher time getting back into a top team.

posted 2 months ago

Legend says Lightningfast taught aspas how to play Valorant

posted 2 months ago

Bro with all the problems NRG is facing, I don't think bringing someone new to the project whose still learning English is a good move. They already have good individual players, and their problems are beyond individual skill. They just don't work as a team and I don't see how bringing Less would make that any better.

posted 2 months ago

he is going to FURIA

posted 2 months ago

GE Less

that's a career ending move right there holy, imagine.

posted 2 months ago

True, but I guess that's an industry wide thing. eSports aren't known for being the most sustainable and/or safe businesses either. We see orgs having financial problems everywhere, not just in Valorant unfortunately.

posted 2 months ago

ofc that's not enough, it's up to the org to also get other sources of income and be sustainable by themselves. Like, the orgs that were selected for franchising had to prove that they were sustainable in the future and were not gonna go bankrupt in the middle of the year. The stimulus is to help them, not what is keeping them in operations.

posted 2 months ago

Crazy to think FURIA might now be the best Brazilian team (if they do get to sign pancada and xand)

posted 2 months ago

I remember someone saying they were pretty sure rito gives teams like a mill just from being in the league

EDIT: just googled it and it says they do get around $600,000, but it can go up depending on the amount of skins they sell, and if they make champs they also get a cut of the money made by the future champions bundle

posted 2 months ago

you're prob right

posted 2 months ago

It's funny how a lot of people think LEV pulled out the bank and went bankrupt to get aspas and c0m, which is not the case at all. Their CEO has said plenty of times that even though he was down to making some sacrifices to get aspas, he was never going to put the org sustainability at risk over a signing. He is a smart guy.

posted 2 months ago
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