with Melser and Adverso
they were a fun team to watch
chamber meta
always felt like adverso on initiators was monstrous like leo on guild. He just needed a good team.
i hope he qualifies to tier 1 one day with a good tier 2 latam team, i think there are chances of goated rosters, but its unlikely because there arent good coaching staffs on our region.
next year in Krü, instead Nagz🤑
Bring back Melser he clears Mazino even while IGLing. Also Adverso is ass
Tu país no existe en valorant no tienes opinión
Im American dipshit, Puerto Rico is not a country
Im american as well, i live in the continet america 🤓☝️
American very obviously in this context means from the United States, United Statesian is not a word, American is the only word to describe it