what is riot waiting???????
Dw your time will come lil bro
Puerto Rican agent next. Val leaks confirmed.
Puerto Rico isnt South America
I know I was thinking more of Latam instead of South America as a whole.
im still waiting for that turkish map based of istanbul
you guys atleast have 1 agent and 1 champions
And it’s from the worst South American country too…
2nd best country*
Gamr top 5 racist in val community. Truly a great accomplishment with the competition you have to face.
you can have omen
reyna and gekko are south american no?
Reyna is Mexican And gekko is from LA
gekko is from LA but his origin is south american right?
His origin is mexican like reyna, and mexico its not south america
so there is 2 mexican and still 0 south american? massive riot L then
LA is a country now? Why didn't they make him a latin american
gekko es mas yankee que un tiroteo escolar . . . . . don't translate it
i translated but still dont understand shit
if you want to see.translate to english
now i got it
I wonder what it says. :)
All g bro,I am working on south American agent
rito thinks mexico is latin america
Para riot latam=mexico, invitan a watchparty y a los eventos a mexicanos, en el champion pasado invitaron a ari que no tenía nada que ver con valorant ,en vez de a un sudamericano que se lo mereciera xd, lo peor es que mexico no existe en valorant
We still don't have a gurkha inspired Nepali character smh. Or irish or a south african character.
Atleast you got gekko
Gekko its not from south america, he is from LA with mexican origins, and mexico its not from south america
gekko is the type of latinamericans more hated(yankee that thinks he is latin)
No we need laos agent
I aint gon lie to you, it would be dope to have an agent from Argentina to call Raze "hermana" or sum
have an agent from argentina and raze naming he manito would be so good