Flag: Kazakhstan
Registered: December 6, 2021
Last post: October 14, 2023 at 1:11 PM
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FUT should be twice as good as heretics. oh no...

posted 9 months ago

first GC vs t1

posted 9 months ago

yeah the solar eclipse was pretty cool

posted 9 months ago

not sure about all GC teams, but V1 has been competing in t3 events including VCT circuit

posted 9 months ago

yes and no. I think they should start by beating the other t3 teams first

posted 9 months ago


feels like make-a-wish rn

I think they need to compete more in t2/t3 events like the other teams and build up their skill

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

i think heretics gives a mercy round

posted 9 months ago

i guess it is first time GC has played other t2/t1 teams in an event. could be wrong

posted 9 months ago

this isn't even drama. just people crying about GC

posted 9 months ago

idk but yay clears 🐐

posted 9 months ago

maybe heretics is worse than fokus

posted 9 months ago

why downvotes? this was funny

posted 9 months ago

need more events

posted 9 months ago

bigger questions is why c9 is signed until 2026

posted 9 months ago

EMEA is king of imports. fnatic has russians, turkish, nordic, uk, american, etc

posted 9 months ago

why can't teams play for real

posted 9 months ago

g2 could win this. fokus is mid t2

posted 9 months ago

true. franchising is rough

posted 9 months ago

who wants to bet you could go thru half of GC player's DMs and find similar messages?

posted 9 months ago

nice edit. here's comes the final ban

posted 9 months ago

but I agree. Heretics did decent last year. not every team can win

posted 9 months ago

so does FUT

posted 9 months ago

wouldn't be surprised if all of GC acts like keenc so I think it is hypocritical. strange how the info came out after EG won regions

posted 9 months ago

actually, they also have new rosters too. might be close games

posted 9 months ago

to be fair, these t1 teams should be mid besides FUT. imagine fnatic was in this event

posted 9 months ago

it's happening

posted 9 months ago

my experiences with b1itz have been creepy. vlr pls kick him!

posted 9 months ago

no crowd. might as well play online

posted 9 months ago

How did this dude get hired as an engineer 💀
At least it’s QA

posted 9 months ago

just remove Judge on Split. problem solved

posted 9 months ago

demon1 or whoever EG’s coach is

posted 9 months ago

Damn, y’all suck so bad that riot had to nerf smokes

posted 9 months ago

not even reading the title of allat

posted 9 months ago

here you go man 🔥:

posted 9 months ago

it's physics. just plug into the formula and ur done. ik you have a formula cheat sheet somewhere

posted 9 months ago

he can play as a man since he is a last-minute sub I think. I see GC teams play with their coaches all the time

posted 9 months ago

they should put demon1 in as sub. pretty sure it's allowed

posted 9 months ago

i dont think most people cared about george geddes rizz

posted 9 months ago

EG finally does something impactful but it is removing their star player after qualifying for champs...

actually braindead

posted 9 months ago

apex & lol. looking to finish elden ring and the zelda games in the future

dabble in csjoe and ow

posted 9 months ago

he’s probably just like fns. main igl voice but teammates will help call

good teams have communication across the team; not just one player ordering everyone around

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

s0m has better mechanics

marved has a good track record from optic

posted 9 months ago
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