Ways to improve custom games

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what do you guys think the ways to improve customs like adding bots and its difficulties


They should first improve deathmatches before improving custom's


They should first add demo review smh


Really wish you could add bots that at least stay still. Would be much easier to practise lineups(especially) and even some utility combos. Nowadays you need people in your lobby to properly practise recon lineups for example. Also could be useful for practising crosshair placement and peaking etc for some people.

Also wish there was system that would record your latest ability from position you were standing in maybe even create a bot to mimic you and in press of a button or command it would do the same action as you did. Its like in CSGO where you can just use command to throw your last util from same position. Makes checking lineups etc much easier because you don't have to always lineup again and then quickly follow it with ghost mode. You could just wait in site and in press of button get recon shot there etc. Like practising some lineups can be so annoying when they just insta disapear and you can't really see it properly.

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