How to stay consistent in valorant?

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Let's say I am a hardstruck ranked player. I comm, I frag, and I try to be as positive/confident as possible, but I am pretty inconsistent. I am confident with my aim overall and just decision-making. I swing to trade, I fill in ranked and I try to be a good teammate in general. It just seems like there is a major drop-off whenever I have an off-game and that just becomes an off-day. I rank up topfragging all my games one day and then just lose in close games and end up bottom frag next couple games. What are some things you guys do to stay consistent? Playing again after a loss seems to be a pattern for me.

If I am a support player who just plays about anything, what should I play if everything feels the same? What statistically i'm best with? or just what I win with?
I win when I run it down as duelists, but lose when I top frag as viper and cypher. Would overcomming or just role consistency be a problem? Do i just need to warmup better?
Would finding a consistent duo or people I like to play with be a solution? I have people I could play with, but they are all bronze/iron and I'm addicted to ranked so does that mean I need to just quit ranked?


quit valorant




I love you bro


I was inconsistent as fuck, until I realized that I have to focus more in the game.
I mean, this tip don't help too much, but basically what I'm trying to say is that u have to find what makes u inconsistent.
Hope this help u :)


One thing I would say is that if you feel like your aim is consistently good when you play ranked then a lot of the inconsistencies are from your playstyle. When you are winning games and top fragging/fragging decently or even losing games and top fragging your playstyle is probably the same, but when you lose games/start to play bad your playstyle tends to change. The angles you swing, your timing for trades, rotations, and your confidence when playing all get affected. When you are playing well try to notice how you play, like if you tend to play close with the team for trades, do a more lurk style of play, set your teammates up with your utility, etc. You may feel as though you are aiming just fine, but what causes you to bottom frag with the same aim that you might've top fragged in the game previously is just a difference in playstyle. However, I'm not trying to say that if your playstyle and aim are consistent that you will be top fragging no matter what, oftentimes there are some games where your teammates are underperforming and your opponents might be too good to overcome, but by keeping a consistent playstyle with the consistent aim, you are likely to individually be good most of your games. I'm sorry if this seems obvious, but its just a tip I have and I hope it helps you!


Stop filling for ur team thats the problem.


just watch mwzera and you'll play better



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