Teams we’ve seen play, ranked

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  1. FPX - aim is as cracked as always, but you can tell they are far better as a squad than they used to be, and have heavily improved on playing off their opponents weaknesses. I can see them making a run in this form, but I doubt they can win unless they improve even more. Main weakness: some individual misplays that will be ironed out with further experience.
  2. FUT - besides the first map, FUT played overall very well as a team. They are a well balanced team with a lot of individual skill, but need to work on their discipline, as they threw away quite a few large man advantages by over peeking. I don’t think this team has it in them to make it super far, but if they can show up individually and fix their easily fixable mistakes they can certainly make playoffs.
  3. G2 (interchangeable with T1) - valyn is undoubtedly a very talented igl, but you can tell the pressure gets to him in these international events. Calling was average at best today, and G2 only barely won due to hero plays by leaf. I don’t see any potential in icy, but it’s unfair to boil their issues down to just him. Good mental to close out the series after a crushing map 2 and start to map 3, showing that if they get over their nerves and play like they did against KRU, they could have a shot at playoffs.
  4. T1 - hardly worse than G2, but unfortunately I believe they have a very slim chance to make it out of playoffs now that they lost their first game. This team very clearly has problems with their mental, and they’ve repeatedly shown they are unable to break out of slumps where teams are winning round after round against them. However, at their very best, they look insane, and we saw glimpses of this during the series. They can make playoffs if they find a way to consistently show the insane form they showed on icebox (might have just been a shit map problem, idk) they have a slim chance at playoffs.

g2 heavily depended on leaf to close out the 1st map and throughout the series without leaf - g2 would have struggled and might have lost




THE GOAT 1LEAF STRIKES AGAIN. i love that leaf is succeeding in his val career, hes been one of my favourite NA valorant pros to watch.


G2 should be automatic number 1 since they qualified in the hardest region


lol you defo didnt watch the game. T1 dominated G2 only just to start choking in map 3 T side. FUT was waaay worse they shouldn't even won map 2




the issue with this is i think G2 stylistically match up VERY well vs Fut and especially FPX, while T1 match up very good vs them stylistically, so i'd favor G2 over the 2 teams listed above them, while against the field i probably wouldn't


I love the triple controller comps <3

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