KK honest thoughts

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Someone tell this man to stop running his mouth




hes second acs rn for the whole event. his team literally is the only thing holding him back. he's actually cracked but he needs to support. bit of glazing but hes the goat with the op and hes barely used it the entire event. idk what after is doing but why is smoggy oping more than kang kang


he is just chinese mwzera with better teammates

zhongZHI [#3]

hes second acs rn for the whole event. his team literally is the only thing holding him back. he's actually cracked but he needs to support. bit of glazing but hes the goat with the op and hes barely used it the entire event. idk what after is doing but why is smoggy oping more than kang kang

EDG's game plan revolves around creating scenarios to get the most out of Kang Kang; is what I've heard. I haven't watched the games but if that is true then you cannot blame the ability of the team, maybe more strategic depth.

WhoseTao [#5]

EDG's game plan revolves around creating scenarios to get the most out of Kang Kang; is what I've heard. I haven't watched the games but if that is true then you cannot blame the ability of the team, maybe more strategic depth.

sen and friends 2021

FireII [#4]

he is just chinese mwzera with better teammates

better???? hes still one of the best players he just needs a better team and china needs better coaches bruh


yall so soft when it comes to trash talk. let the players talk, it makes it more entertaining to watch anyways.

khoival [#6]

sen and friends 2021


WhoseTao [#5]

EDG's game plan revolves around creating scenarios to get the most out of Kang Kang; is what I've heard. I haven't watched the games but if that is true then you cannot blame the ability of the team, maybe more strategic depth.

ive never seen a harder carry. he had 2 bomb out series and some how is second in the event acs second to god damn zekken the fucking goat

zhongZHI [#3]

hes second acs rn for the whole event. his team literally is the only thing holding him back. he's actually cracked but he needs to support. bit of glazing but hes the goat with the op and hes barely used it the entire event. idk what after is doing but why is smoggy oping more than kang kang

he was only 'goat' with the op in 1 international event, he was ass at champs once good teams figured out how he plays and started actually punishing him. The issue with edg's coaching staff is they don't even understand why they aren't good, they're not learning from their mistakes

shaq_attaqr [#11]

he was only 'goat' with the op in 1 international event, he was ass at champs once good teams figured out how he plays and started actually punishing him. The issue with edg's coaching staff is they don't even understand why they aren't good, they're not learning from their mistakes

i said zekken was the goat. plus look at kang kang's madrid stats, 2nd highest acs from kang kang in 2 series where they didnt even get doulbe digit rounds in total. hes a hard carry whos getting countered. plus is oping is the best he just didnt pull it out at all this event

zhongZHI [#12]

i said zekken was the goat. plus look at kang kang's madrid stats, 2nd highest acs from kang kang in 2 series where they didnt even get doulbe digit rounds in total. hes a hard carry whos getting countered. plus is oping is the best he just didnt pull it out at all this event

"bit of glazing but hes the goat with the op" was not about zekken surely, idgaf about the acs of chinese mwzera lol he can have fun checking his stats page from home. My point is edg will never get better unless they realise this playstyle isn't good and I don't think they ever will at this point

shaq_attaqr [#13]

"bit of glazing but hes the goat with the op" was not about zekken surely, idgaf about the acs of chinese mwzera lol he can have fun checking his stats page from home. My point is edg will never get better unless they realise this playstyle isn't good and I don't think they ever will at this point

nvm i misread but hes still good with it. and yes edg nees to improve their play style. its genuinely depressing watching them sometimes

shaq_attaqr [#13]

"bit of glazing but hes the goat with the op" was not about zekken surely, idgaf about the acs of chinese mwzera lol he can have fun checking his stats page from home. My point is edg will never get better unless they realise this playstyle isn't good and I don't think they ever will at this point

They should make some changes especially in their coaching staff. Their strats and prep was so stale against loud. Even sadhak said he was surprised how edg picked icebox. Edg looked like they had no prep for the maps they played against loud. And this team is too emotional such that once they get under pressure or momentum they get lost so badly which happened today and in geng game.

zhongZHI [#3]

hes second acs rn for the whole event. his team literally is the only thing holding him back. he's actually cracked but he needs to support. bit of glazing but hes the goat with the op and hes barely used it the entire event. idk what after is doing but why is smoggy oping more than kang kang

1.00 rating oh yeah he's being held back by his team xdddddddd
get kangkang an awp or he ghosts:((((( cant get out of groups without abusing the no skill gun:((( wasted spot

DecimateYKTV [#8]

yall so soft when it comes to trash talk. let the players talk, it makes it more entertaining to watch anyways.

Trash talk is fine but if they can’t back it up I’m going to clown them let’s be real they got ran over by loud today

thegoatofalltime [#16]

1.00 rating oh yeah he's being held back by his team xdddddddd
get kangkang an awp or he ghosts:((((( cant get out of groups without abusing the no skill gun:((( wasted spot

buddy did not look at what i said. 1.00 rating with the 2nd highest acs. did u even watch lmfao he didnt use op much this event

taejuny [#17]

Trash talk is fine but if they can’t back it up I’m going to clown them let’s be real they got ran over by loud today

they got slaughtered like pigs at a butchering house. they lit were just throwing shit at the wall and played like ranked like was the game just a really bad day or just their standard now its kinda hard to tell. but im praying they bounce back stronger please holy fuck its depressing to watch

taejuny [#17]

Trash talk is fine but if they can’t back it up I’m going to clown them let’s be real they got ran over by loud today

true but i can respect someone who keeps it consistent, win or lose.

zhongZHI [#18]

buddy did not look at what i said. 1.00 rating with the 2nd highest acs. did u even watch lmfao he didnt use op much this event

can you even read? i just said he ghosts when he doesnt have the awp because he is bad which can clearly be seen since he was grouped and had great performance of 1.00 rating xddd
literally cned 2.0, useless without the no skill gun in his hands:((( but hey next masters is definetly his!!!!


easy fix but not possible:
just get them to play in pacific league
they are not going to get better by playing against other chinese teams
these other chinese teams dont punish edg for their mistakes enough, therefore edg will not learn and try that shit on international stage and get fucked
they need to play teams that are better than them to get better

smthlikeyou11 [#22]

easy fix but not possible:
just get them to play in pacific league
they are not going to get better by playing against other chinese teams
these other chinese teams dont punish edg for their mistakes enough, therefore edg will not learn and try that shit on international stage and get fucked
they need to play teams that are better than them to get better

Pretty sure they have been scrimming with apac teams since like 2022

WhoseTao [#5]

EDG's game plan revolves around creating scenarios to get the most out of Kang Kang; is what I've heard. I haven't watched the games but if that is true then you cannot blame the ability of the team, maybe more strategic depth.

basically optic 2022 but optic actually pulled it off

lucidity0000 [#23]

Pretty sure they have been scrimming with apac teams since like 2022

scrims dont count apac teams love to experiment random shit in scrims
only way they improve is when the game is on the line
they have to get pushed by other teams to improve


it's not just his team he's also ass rn

FireII [#4]

he is just chinese mwzera with better teammates

are you seriously comparing mwzera and KK?


i'm very convinced that it's just his personality with no ill intention. he screams every winning round, celebrates with poses and gets so hyped up during interviews. when he gets humbled though he tones it down and he blames only himself not his teammates.

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