Flag: Russia
Registered: January 21, 2024
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 7:39 PM
Posts: 2363
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somehow i knew it was gonna be this game before i even clicked

posted 2 hours ago

that also means ur comparing TSM to 2023 loud lol

posted 2 hours ago

EG pearl wasnt even bad with the ethan yoru comp

posted 2 hours ago

the same reason why ppl rate sen on s and a tier despite their current form
also prx's current form isnt even that bad, 2 maps against DRX who went toe to toe against geng

posted 4 hours ago

i would argue differently but thats besides the point
primmie has more games played than the average pro per act, the difference is he would consistently outaim the other pros

posted 4 hours ago

i mean ur statement kinda contradicts itself cuz only ONE person can be consistent at rank 1 for like 7 acts
if multiple pros tried, only one would still be rank 1.

posted 4 hours ago


posted 5 hours ago

will be considering

posted 7 hours ago

i apologize for this behavior.

posted 7 hours ago

used to play the type 58
heard they nerfed it then brought it back
havent touched that in years

posted 15 hours ago

i make money off it tho
im under contract

posted 19 hours ago

i think if it becames like an unhealthy obsession than nah but too much of anything isnt good
but its also steryotyped that like serial anime watchers are like basement dwellers and those kinda ppl
ive only ever watched two animes but its definitely good entertainment, like watching a show
but yea js unlucky some of the most unsufferable ppl js happen to watch anime

posted 19 hours ago

iirc he didnt rly try to convince ppl flashback did it i think?
his tone mightve pointed towards flashback as a potential perpetrator but i dont think he ever said flashback was the scandal
it looked more like me that hes just bringing awareness of the situation

posted 19 hours ago

wait im confused so is that butterfly effect?
as far as I know butterfly was the one who translated that onto VLR

posted 19 hours ago

wait im confused so the original translator who tranaslated the alledged victim's tweets is butterfly? this person?

posted 19 hours ago

DRX saya

posted 19 hours ago

im sorry she should not have said that

posted 21 hours ago

just increase the crosshair distortion simple fix

posted 21 hours ago

as a guy who owns every bundle:

  1. 2021
  2. 2023
  3. 2022/2024


  1. 2021
  2. 2022
  3. 2024
  4. 2023
posted 1 day ago

"if this actually happened" is implied that this actually happened in the flashback scenario
im not hiding shit
"a delusional story" its not delusional at all, this could 100% happen irl
i dont get how this somehow offended you LMAO
and yea the circumstances are horrendous thats the point
"too pussy to admit" admit what???
"dogshit opinion" opinion is subjective, if u dont like it, thats fine. I could equally say ur opinion is dogshit too
"hide behind" hide behind what? I was just clarifying myself, ur js assuming random shit
"the victim is somehow the perpetrator" yea thats the whole point of what I was trying to say

posted 1 day ago

causation does not equal coorelation

posted 1 day ago

look at the post again not once did i mention anything about drx or flashback or kru or anything like that lol
i might have to sue you for defamation now

posted 1 day ago

no this is unrelated to the drx situation
just a realization that came to me that this has a chance of happening

posted 1 day ago

its just crazy to me.... that somewhere out there, there will be a psychopath who would do unspeakable things to guarantee their team a win
and by the fucked up fucked up thing i mean getting into a relationship with one of the players, and when it comes to like intimate stuff leave like a lot of gray space and unclarity and secretly voice/video record it, and when the player is about to play at like champs grand finals, you release the drama like 4-5 days prior. Then you bet like a crazy amount on the opposing team, and you basically screw their career and reputation over too
ofc this is a double edged sword, you could still end up being sued, but its just crazy to me that there are people who would genuinely do this, the world is fucked man

posted 1 day ago

didnt they say they were gonna reveal it in a few days
i guess when they accidentally leaked it they js said fk it and js released it

posted 1 day ago

i mean he not cooperating with riot is because its his personal choice and he doesnt have to, and i alrd said if during the investigation he says anything ppl are gonna be quick to twist his words
he is already eligible for pro play, chet trialed him for NRG twice.
tbh even if he didnt comply he is still legally innocent so i dont get why ppl r just pointing at him
ppl preach this justice system but never follow it

posted 1 day ago

yea especially like removing the player from the team something just seems shady but im not going to throw any accusations around

posted 1 day ago

i mean its a riot investigation not a official legal one and him complying could lead to a lot of complicated stuff. especially if he says something and people twist it to their favor

not defending sinatraa but so many ppl r hypocrites saying innocent until proven guilty but are quick asf when it comes to pointing fingers

posted 1 day ago

its just interesting to me that sinatraa is innocent until proven guilty too yet everyone is basically treating him as a perpetrator

posted 1 day ago

its a team game

posted 2 days ago look
geng and sentinels are above fpx and heretics

posted 2 days ago

i mean they got drawn in the bracket above

posted 2 days ago


posted 2 days ago

who else matches that description?

posted 2 days ago

the "W" gaming is just a brand, there are set strats and its not just braindead pushes, its controlled aggression. However, individually they lack dicipline and keep trying to make a hero play and win the round for themselves

posted 2 days ago

I cant and wont speak for you but personally I can never go through with a long-distance relationship. You simply just dont know whats happening on the other half of the world. I would much rather prefer to be in a relationship with someone I could see everyday, not to mention the timezone differences. It's just impractical, and very high maintenance. But if ur comfortable with it go for it

posted 2 days ago

not cool man

posted 2 days ago

available on console

posted 2 days ago

ive watched it

posted 2 days ago

i think its just me but i dont rly like the neo frontier skins, animations are clean but the skin never rly stuck with me
glitchpop phantom is fire tho

posted 2 days ago

world champion screwface raze/neon?
i fw this

posted 3 days ago

Ardiis texture fns

posted 3 days ago

me, old marved, demon1, boaster if u ignore his zesty antics, johnqt, aspas, js off the top of my head

posted 3 days ago

slight correction champions B-decider reyna something ace was on ascent, not pearl.

posted 3 days ago

Happy birthday!

posted 3 days ago

yea but they would have to increase the price
its alrd like 6200 VP for just one gun and knife

posted 3 days ago

do u know when they will release the skin?
i remember a while ago they said three weeks or something but i forgot how many days have passed alrd

posted 3 days ago

lowkey me too i thought they were going to do an op in 2023 after they released both a vandal and a phantom
but now that they alrd released a vandal it just isnt fair to release anything other than a phantom i guess
hopefully next year they change it around, but not that many people play OP or other guns so i really dont know

posted 3 days ago
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