Best none franchise players NA

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with flors current skill theres probably a 90% chance that she still will not make tier 2 NA let alone tier 1. Mechanically flor could be tier 2 and maybe tier 1 but just watching every gc player play they lack the depth needed for tier 2 which is purely just from the gc scene being behind the main t1 scene. Flor is good but no way is she top 10 for best tier 2 players


I can tell another person that hasnt watched flor.... If you can give me any reason why she shouldnt be considered a top player in NA outside of Tier 1 that dosent include " She plays vs gamechangers " Then PLEASE tell me... I watch her and know her weaknesses and stregths and they all can be fixed with proper coaching but you 2 all you say is shes playing GC players.... Please name me any flaws in her game. If not HUSH.


sound like u should be a coach if u know all her strengths and weaknesses and know how to fix them.


  • inconsistent aim
  • often taking 1v1 duels whilst being up numbers or being up in ults.
  • game sense like positioning and decision making is not as good as most tier 2 players.

I am not naming tens or hundreds of examples of these as I do not have the time and don't really care what you have to say as I know what I say will not change your opinion so there is no point.

Now can you tell me why you think flor is better than players like seven or clear when flor (v1) can't even beat tier 3 NA teams


inconsistent aim is invalid but I will agree with the other 2... and what does that mean ? Proper coaching will fix that with no ease which she hasnt expereinced with and as you get older you tend to fix. Comparing her to Misfits and V1 shes already 5x better the player and has no celing as of it. and V1 as a team is far behind her in terms of skil not saying theyre bad or anything shes just that good... she just turned 18 and younger players obv have things to work on I promise you that you will see Her on a Tier 2 team if not this season then next lmfao.


thing is that its not just about skill as well but also if the players agree to have flor on their team as some might feel uncomfortable which is what happened to meL during trials


meL said this happened with 1 team and this was like a year or two ago not in recent time.


no this was 1 month ago

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