It feels great having high game sense

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I will never be a washed player because of my high level game sense. The only thing that can become washed is my aim and mechanics, but those things are easy to get back.

I attribute my game sense to being a good Chess player. You see in middle school, I was in the Chess club and I won 4th place in my State’s Chess tournament.

This gave me the confidence to understand tactical shooters at a high level. Basically I can see all the plays and misplays that happen in pro games. I see all the blunders my teammates make in my games as well, but I dare not speak on them. It just feels great knowing I have the big brain.


PaperRex are the fucking worst nightmare of the armchair analyst. They do not make sense as a team. They make confidence based decisions. They play the game exactly how the fucking MOBA crowd hates it. Listen, there’s a subsection of playerbase out there that thinks the game needs to be defined down to the fucking numbers. The analytics. “Pushing up my glasses. Oh this lineup from this particular angle. Oh this composition doesn’t work in theory because this particular position of util 🤓.” YOU’RE GONNA GET SHOT IN THE FACE! YOU’RE GONNA LOSE THE ROUND! IT’S A GUN GAME! IT’S AN FPS! IF YOU WANT THAT, IF YOU WANT THAT PLAY OVERWATCH! IF YOU WANT THAT, PLAY LEAGUE OF LEGENDS! PLAY A DIFFERENT FUCKING GAME! THIS IS VALORANT YOU MOTHERFUCKER! YOU GET SHOT, YOU DIE! YOU GET SHOT, YOU DIE! YOU GET SHOT, YOU LOSE THE ROUND, YOU LOSE THE GAME! IT’S AN FPS GAME!


bluds been living in a dream for 25 years


I also think I have good gamesense but my silver teammates decide to run it down and die in the 1st 5 secs 🙏


can confirm(I am prx analyst)


I have two accounts, both were Immortal 3, but one is my Alt.

In fact I went from Immortal 3 to Ascendant 2 on my Alt in a few days, and I have no regrets about my behavior.

There are many things that frustrate me about the game, and it’s getting teammates who don’t understand the concepts of winning.

The average Immortal player has no idea how to win rounds with a man advantage.

They also have no idea which rounds are more crucial than others.

They also have no idea how to win a 1v1 post plant situation, which should be a 99% win chance for the Attacker.

Maybe it’s because I played CSGO and chess at a high level (1900 lichess rating), but it’s just bewildering to me at how many blunders I see from the top .1% of players.

I will tell my teammates what they should have done, only for them to say that I care too much.

I will throw games with no regrets as my protest against ranked!


Bud uses lichess 😹😹😹😹😹


hey yo challenge me on lichess


😂 😂 😂


i seriously dont know how some people get ascendant, let alone immortal with game sense i have encountered in solo queue games. these guys are absolutely ATROCIOUS.

Look, i dont mind if your aim is absolute dogshit, but ATLEAST play with your brain switched on. Your aim is shit? PEEK OFF YOUR TEAMMATES CONTACT!!! STOP BEING A BRAINDEAD BOT!!! Then i get people who play initiator but never use util for their team. Dude, i be asking my breach to stun that shit and he be stunning that after i die.

Teamplay? Not even fucking heard off. Peeking together is like a anonymous tactic for them. Crossfire? you wish. The one braindead kid is going to swing and the other 2 will try to trade and awfully fail by isolating themself and losing all gunfights losing a 1v3.

Comms? Bro the only comms i get is the drunk russian screaming into his mic and that one german clearly having a midlife crisis and the other french with level 10 depression

The only win condition in immortal is to IGL, if you dont IGL you lose, simple as that


Good game sense is good and all, but you just gotta be able to aim well. Most of the time you can make the dumbest plays but still win if you can just out-aim them.

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