cringest users in the internet

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today ive learned you dont have to be good or deliver with frags when you are a smoker. you can be as shit like zombs they say since youre just a SMOKER...

to all smoker agents, lean back and stop practising since your only job is to deliver 2 smokes and thats it! nobody will blame you for losing rounds and games since youre just a SMOKER...

easiest job in esports! literally easier than a mcdonalds job!

are you morons really serious about this? telling me its ok to suck as zombs since he only do smokes? holy shit! this cant be real! im still sleeping i hope...

meanwhile we have players who carrie even as a viper... cant describe how stupid some people here sound!


today ive learned you dont have to be good or deliver with frags when you are a smoker. you can be as shit like zombs they say since youre just a SMOKER...

to all smoker agents, lean back and stop practising since your only job is to deliver 2 smokes and thats it! nobody will blame you for losing rounds and games since youre just a SMOKER...

easiest job in esports! literally easier than a mcdonalds job!

are you morons really serious about this? telling me its ok to suck as zombs since he only do smokes? holy shit! this cant be real! im still sleeping i hope...

meanwhile we have players who carrie even as a viper... cant describe how stupid some people here sound!


YOU good, i think u need to see a theripast, casue you brain damage and need some help


today ive learned you dont have to be good or deliver with frags when you are a smoker. you can be as shit like zombs they say since youre just a SMOKER...

to all smoker agents, lean back and stop practising since your only job is to deliver 2 smokes and thats it! nobody will blame you for losing rounds and games since youre just a SMOKER...

easiest job in esports! literally easier than a mcdonalds job!

are you morons really serious about this? telling me its ok to suck as zombs since he only do smokes? holy shit! this cant be real! im still sleeping i hope...

meanwhile we have players who carrie even as a viper... cant describe how stupid some people here sound!


yeah man I smoke a pack of marlboro reds a day


Calm down mate.. Take deep breaths, don't take a toll on urself. Be Happy


youre a big help bro! i almost cant breath anymore because of this cringe people! luckily you here to help out! ty!


Devs, there really needs to be a system where we can mute/hide posts from certain users.
Seeing some troll post is so annoying when you are trying to have an actual conversation, especially when it is the same user over and over again.


+1 There r just ppl you can't have a civilized convo to.


true. i dont wanna see your posts anymore dude. all you do is cringetalking here

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