The Best (and Worst) Roles for Each Region

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DISCLAIMER: This is a super subjective post; obviously it does not account for every player and makes large generalizations. It also only considers franchise players because I'm too ignorant about APAC and EMEA ascension teams. I'm going to put results first because I know everyone loves that, but I'll put my methods below. Enjoy!!


The Best of Each League:

Best of Americas: Controllers

Even though they're missing the arguably greatest controller player right now (Mako) a surplus of insane controllers saturates the Americas franchising league, with more undoubtedly incoming after Ascension.
WORLDCLASS Controllers in Americas include:

  • kiNgg of Leviatán
  • s0m of NRG
  • Marved of Sentinels

leading the way with upcomers,

  • jakee of Clould9
  • Khalil of Furia
  • Mazino of Leviatán

having a bit more to prove.

Honorable mentions in this category, consisting of WORLDCLASS players who have been shafted this season by less inspired teams or role switches, are:

  • pANcada of Sentinels
  • bang of 100Thieves.

Best of EMEA: Sentinels

In the wake of the chamber meta, EMEA's lethargic adaptation of the agent proved to be in their advantage as they currently hold a monopoly on top sentinels.
WORLDCLASS Sentinels in EMEA include:

  • Alfajer of Fnatic
  • SUYGETSU of NaVi
  • nAts of Team Liquid


  • ceNder of Vitality

also appearing on the top 25 players in EMEA franchising.

Best of Pacific: Duelists

Pacific's top 25 list is much more rounded than EMEA or Americas, and their WORLDCLASS player list doesn't indicate any major numerical strength or weakness. However, typical of some of the Pacific league's fondness for ultrafast pace, high intensity playstyles, the duelist roles stand proud here, counting more primary duelists than any other region. And yes, the three current top proven duelists in Pacific are all on the same team. Take a guess which one.
WORLDCLASS Duelists in Pacific include:

  • something of Paper Rex
  • f0rsakeN of Paper Rex
  • Jinggg of Paper Rex


  • Sayaplayer of T1
  • Foxy9 of DRX
  • SkRossi of Global Esports
  • Dep of ZETA Division
  • T3xture of Global Esports

capable of becoming WORLDCLASS players in the near future.

Honorable mentions here include:

  • Meteor of Gen.G


Now of course, we must do the flipside.

The Worst of Each League:

Worst of Americas: Duelists

The end of the chamber meta hit the Americas hard, and these days only one pure duelist can be considered WORLDCLASS, that duelist of course being Aspas of Loud, an absolute demon. Zekken of Sentinels and Leaf of Cloud9 are WORLDCLASS players as well, but fulfil a flex duelist function. Moreover, in the top 25 players ranked by VLR rating in the Americas, only 5 of them are pure duelists and 3 are flex duelists compared to 7 duelists and 2 flex duelists in EMEA, and 7 duelists and 1 flex duelist in the Pacific. The Americas lacks in pure duelists.

Worst of EMEA: Controllers

EMEA suffers from a massive drought of top tier controllers. In their top 25, the highest rated controller is Boaster, mainly due to Fnatic's dominance over the League. They have 0 WORLDCLASS controllers compared to 1 for Pacific, and 3 for the Americas. Part of this is due to EMEA IGLs, usually the bottom fraggers, preferring the controller position while Americas and Pacific IGLs have recently taken over the flex/initiator positions most prominently. Hopefully, ascension brings new life into the EMEA controller scene.

Worst of Pacific: Initiators

The Pacific league has 9 initiators in their top 25, more than any other region with Americas possessing 8 and EMEA possessing 6. Despite this statistic, only one of those initiators can be considered WORLDCLASS: xeta of T1. None of the others except perhaps stax of DRX approach the same tier. On the other hand, Americas has one initiator in WORLDCLASS with two being snubbed by their team's performances and another five within spitting reach of that mark. EMEA has two WORLDCLASS initiators, Leo of Fnatic, and Shao of Navi, with another three close behind. Many of Pacific's initiators might be deserving of the WORLDCLASS title, but until they prove it on LAN, we'll never know.


That concludes the essay! I gathered this data by taking the top 25 players from each region ranked by VLR rating, then color coded them based on role (Duelist, Initiator, Sentinel, Controller, or Flex), and then took the top 7 or 8 players I thought were deserving of the WORLDCLASS label. I then italicized the other players I thought approached that label but needed to prove themselves a bit more to earn it.

If you would like my color coded Excel sheet that I gathered this data on, feel free to dm me. If you're insane and read this whole thing, thank you for reading :)


allat 🙄


W for making a whole excel sheet.
I didn't see Boaster or Mistic on here though. Prolly a typo lol

Jogular [#3]

W for making a whole excel sheet.
I didn't see Boaster or Mistic on here though. Prolly a typo lol

Boaster actually appears but he doesn't count

zardinez [#2]

allat 🙄

glad you said it for us


stax definitely world class

gamr [#5]

glad you said it for us

sadly I know my audience

zardinez [#4]

Boaster actually appears but he doesn't count

Oh that makes more sense. I was a little confused at first


Mazino is not an up and comer controller. He’s def established as one of the best. He was the best on kru and he’s the best on lev rn

YvngKurry [#9]

Mazino is not an up and comer controller. He’s def established as one of the best. He was the best on kru and he’s the best on lev rn

kiNgg is a better controller on Lev rn (or at least secondary controller). Mazino isn't an up and comer true, but he's also not top 3 controller material at the moment; that's why I put him in the category with Khalil and Jakee

TakoSaki [#6]

stax definitely world class

Including his IGL abilities yes, but mechanically and statistically; no he's not right now.

Jogular [#8]

Oh that makes more sense. I was a little confused at first

Jogular moment

zardinez [#11]

Including his IGL abilities yes, but mechanically and statistically; no he's not right now.

more like igling is hindering his individual performance but it gives more value to the team overall


Foxy9 not in that top 3 is actually insane. Especially since forsaken isn't even playing duelist roles anymore. Foxy9 clears all in Pacific

zardinez [#11]

Including his IGL abilities yes, but mechanically and statistically; no he's not right now.

Stax was always a mechanical monster wdym, IGLing just impacted his ability to frag. Whenever the burden of IGLing is taken away from him he will frag out.
FPX vs DRX Ascent and Breeze champs 2022 (every time he is in a 1v1 or 2vX he will frag out)
His 1v5 ace vs PRX at Iceland
Any game where he's not IGLing

In fact he was considered the best/second best mechanical player on DRX before 2022.


t3xture Sentinel >>>> t3xture Duelist imo


read allat W essay

Neonfreak [#14]

Foxy9 not in that top 3 is actually insane. Especially since forsaken isn't even playing duelist roles anymore. Foxy9 clears all in Pacific

F0rsaken is still playing duelist every once and a while, and Foxy9 isn't worthy of being called top tier when he's never played on an international stage. The only guy I call WORLDCLASS who hasn't proven himself on LAN internationally is Something and that's just bc his numbers are unignorably insane. After Foxy9 dominates on LAN, then I'll promote him.


If you're going to count f0rsakeN as a duelist, might as well throw BuZz into the mix too as a proven Pacific duelist

archetype [#15]

Stax was always a mechanical monster wdym, IGLing just impacted his ability to frag. Whenever the burden of IGLing is taken away from him he will frag out.
FPX vs DRX Ascent and Breeze champs 2022 (every time he is in a 1v1 or 2vX he will frag out)
His 1v5 ace vs PRX at Iceland
Any game where he's not IGLing

In fact he was considered the best/second best mechanical player on DRX before 2022.

I did not factor in IGLing at all, hence why Saadhak and FNS weren't considered WORLDCLASS. It's not good practice to give guys like Stax an exception without doing that for everyone. Even if Stax is the best player itw mechanically when he's not IGLing, I can't consider that for this list.


kingg is not a controller, he is a flex player. the only controllers he has played are viper (basically a senti), and omen (1 game in his career)

Neonfreak [#14]

Foxy9 not in that top 3 is actually insane. Especially since forsaken isn't even playing duelist roles anymore. Foxy9 clears all in Pacific

Foxy9 is significantly behind any duo of PRX I'm sorry. Foxy9 is good but is playing duelist worse than buzz was and is mostly carried by his team. He has mechanical flashes but in general contributes much less than a top 4 team usually has.


Very well done!

rina [#21]

kingg is not a controller, he is a flex player. the only controllers he has played are viper (basically a senti), and omen (1 game in his career)

it's actually insane how differently you play viper vs all the other controllers


W Post very interesting to see what each region has to offer!

In the case of Initiatiors, no region seems to stand out greatly, but did you see which one seemed to have better initiator performances?

Also, remove SkRossi from APAC duelists and you're golden~


W update, please do this more often.

rina [#21]

kingg is not a controller, he is a flex player. the only controllers he has played are viper (basically a senti), and omen (1 game in his career)

Yeah I mean he’s literally just a viper main but in the current meta I’d call that secondary controller. Some of these players were really hard to place (like sheydos/trexx/leaf/zellsis, etc). I usually differentiated them by pure flex/duelist flex, and if they used to main a certain role, I kept them in it, that’s why crashies is still initiator and Victor is still duelist despite all the flexing NRG has been doing recently.

Sprouts [#19]

If you're going to count f0rsakeN as a duelist, might as well throw BuZz into the mix too as a proven Pacific duelist

Buzz hasn’t touched duelists since this season began (aside from one map on raze). Thus I didn’t consider him a duelist and instead called him KJ/Kayo flex.


forsaken is no longer a duelist


forsaken is basically a flex player not a duelist anymore, plus he played senti/init more

SAMPV6 [#25]

W Post very interesting to see what each region has to offer!

In the case of Initiatiors, no region seems to stand out greatly, but did you see which one seemed to have better initiator performances?

Also, remove SkRossi from APAC duelists and you're golden~

For initiators, I’d say the greatest concentration contenders is in Americas but the best two are in EMEA (Leo and Shao) rn. In Americas, Crashies is the only WORLDCLASS player I counted, but Xeppaa, Runi, Nzr, cauanzin, and zekken (when he’s playing them) all have the ability to make that top tier of player on initiators. I also think Sacy and Mwzera ARE WORLDCLASS players already, but they didn’t make the top 25 by vlr rating bc rough team performances recently.


stax when glow was igling and zest -for a short while- was so fcking goated in fragging. still frags like he used to from time to time tho.
also, stax deserves to be in world class if you are putting xeta there. just doesnt make sense to have xeta above stax

zardinez [#27]

Yeah I mean he’s literally just a viper main but in the current meta I’d call that secondary controller. Some of these players were really hard to place (like sheydos/trexx/leaf/zellsis, etc). I usually differentiated them by pure flex/duelist flex, and if they used to main a certain role, I kept them in it, that’s why crashies is still initiator and Victor is still duelist despite all the flexing NRG has been doing recently.

tuyz better controller imo hes cracked on harbour

DeluluGavin [#32]

stax when glow was igling and zest -for a short while- was so fcking goated in fragging. still frags like he used to from time to time tho.
also, stax deserves to be in world class if you are putting xeta there. just doesnt make sense to have xeta above stax

It’s really just statistics from this year. I explained this above w archetype, but basically since I’m not counting anything igl related, he hasn’t been good enough to justify that status.


from one essay writer to another, i appreciate u

Vianx11 [#33]

tuyz better controller imo hes cracked on harbour

kiNgg is literally ranked 2nd in all of Americas, and he’s proven himself at a bunch of LAN events. Tuyz isn’t even looking like a top 8 controller in Americas rn, that’s how stacked it is.

zardinez [#34]

It’s really just statistics from this year. I explained this above w archetype, but basically since I’m not counting anything igl related, he hasn’t been good enough to justify that status.

ah my bad, yea if we are only counting 2023 then it seems pretty good and clean. keep it up!!!

Nachtel [#35]

from one essay writer to another, i appreciate u

Thank you Nachtel!

zardinez [#18]

F0rsaken is still playing duelist every once and a while, and Foxy9 isn't worthy of being called top tier when he's never played on an international stage. The only guy I call WORLDCLASS who hasn't proven himself on LAN internationally is Something and that's just bc his numbers are unignorably insane. After Foxy9 dominates on LAN, then I'll promote him.

That argument doesn't really hold water when you have something as your no1 duelist. When it comes to duelist with lan cred, it goes Jing, Buzz ---gap--- Forsaken Sayaplayer Meteor Dep then everyone else. Something has to be the most OVERRATED player of all time I swear to god

YshouldICare [#39]

That argument doesn't really hold water when you have something as your no1 duelist. When it comes to duelist with lan cred, it goes Jing, Buzz ---gap--- Forsaken Sayaplayer Meteor Dep then everyone else. Something has to be the most OVERRATED player of all time I swear to god

I just put them in order of stats. He’s only second to Mako in the rankings.

zardinez [#20]

I did not factor in IGLing at all, hence why Saadhak and FNS weren't considered WORLDCLASS. It's not good practice to give guys like Stax an exception without doing that for everyone. Even if Stax is the best player itw mechanically when he's not IGLing, I can't consider that for this list.

see that makes no sense?

You said you weren’t taking IGL’ing into account which is fair it’s hard to account for. But then you say even if stax was the best mechanically you wouldn’t consider him when this list is strictly based off mechanics. Stax is a WORLDCLASS player, mechanically if you were using basis of recent performance I see players who you consider “world class” that wouldn’t be anymore by these standards.

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