Sentinels made a huge mistake

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I used to be a massive Sentinels hater then I realised if Sentinels built the team around TenZ, they could be a top contender as long as TenZ stays on his comfort picks and the rest of the team allows him to pop off, kind of like yay on Optic with the whole team supporting his Chamber.

INSTEAD, they built a team with a mid IGL (IMO they need a crazy good IGL for the team to work such as FNS), 2 "imports" (not exactly imports but not NA) and another great duelist player.

Not saying zekken isn't a good flex/initaitor or pancada isn't a good sentinel player but they could've built a much better team that would've had immediate impact compared to a team that has to grow into their new roles along with learning a new language for pancada.

I would guess the team will be top 3 in Americas with time but I'm not sure if Sentinels as an ORG are willing to sacrifice all that time to build a team that will not pull off the results for quite a while.




Based on interviews with Syyko, he mentioned with Rob Moore how he wanted to build for the long term and that was his condition to accept the position as head coach. So I don't think SEN is going to be dropping players anytime soon unless it's an internal problem like poor work ethic or other unfixable problems with the players. I mean just look at XSET and how long the squad has been until they got dropped only because XSET did not make franchising and they just improved and improved with each tourney up until champions 2022.

Rokun [#3]

Based on interviews with Syyko, he mentioned with Rob Moore how he wanted to build for the long term and that was his condition to accept the position as head coach. So I don't think SEN is going to be dropping players anytime soon unless it's an internal problem like poor work ethic or other unfixable problems with the players. I mean just look at XSET and how long the squad has been until they got dropped only because XSET did not make franchising and they just improved and improved with each tourney up until champions 2022.

if it’s for long term then why take an igl you’ve worked with that sucks mechanically, why not get a competent but inexperienced igl with cracked aim and develop him for the long term

firefirefirefire [#2]


Can sperm whales cum? The southern right whale, which has testicles larger than the blue whale's, can produce about five gallons of ejaculate in a single mating session.

turkey [#4]

if it’s for long term then why take an igl you’ve worked with that sucks mechanically, why not get a competent but inexperienced igl with cracked aim and develop him for the long term

someone like marved would be good for that project I think!

Rokun [#3]

Based on interviews with Syyko, he mentioned with Rob Moore how he wanted to build for the long term and that was his condition to accept the position as head coach. So I don't think SEN is going to be dropping players anytime soon unless it's an internal problem like poor work ethic or other unfixable problems with the players. I mean just look at XSET and how long the squad has been until they got dropped only because XSET did not make franchising and they just improved and improved with each tourney up until champions 2022.

really smart pre-condition by Syyko to keep his job safe, even if the team plays trash

turkey [#4]

if it’s for long term then why take an igl you’ve worked with that sucks mechanically, why not get a competent but inexperienced igl with cracked aim and develop him for the long term

Based on the interviews, I think it's because Don and Dephh are already well acquainted with one another and Dephh, they already have many established protocols in place. I just kinda paraphrased this but yeah this is why I think they're gonna try this out until their contract expires.

ufc [#7]

really smart pre-condition by Syyko to keep his job safe, even if the team plays trash

true very smart scammer

ufc [#7]

really smart pre-condition by Syyko to keep his job safe, even if the team plays trash

Yeah but realistically everyone wants job security right. I personally think it's a good start for them to take the XSET core and decide what to do from there. Maybe we'll even get to see Sacy IGL. Don looks like an open minded person.

Rokun [#10]

Yeah but realistically everyone wants job security right. I personally think it's a good start for them to take the XSET core and decide what to do from there. Maybe we'll even get to see Sacy IGL. Don looks like an open minded person.

Yeah, its actually good to put that pre-condition, some orgs can be really pushy for success, causing burnouts...dephhh looks really bad, he should have worked on himself in the off-season, sacy IGL might be a W, but at the end you have to outfrag to win

Rokun [#8]

Based on the interviews, I think it's because Don and Dephh are already well acquainted with one another and Dephh, they already have many established protocols in place. I just kinda paraphrased this but yeah this is why I think they're gonna try this out until their contract expires.

seems like they went for short term with depph then bc he already understood the protocols so they wanted to immediately get to work instead of developing the team and igl together, you get what i’m sayin?

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