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I don't understand what's wrong with calling someone fat. People can be mean but that's how it is if you choose to stand out. Do you expect to not be called out when you're kinda the spot light? It's like going out half naked and not expecting eyes and criticism on you. When faced with problems shouldn't you be facing it instead of running from it. Problems never end but the effect on you can be mitigated if you face it.
Tldr: face problems not run away from it
Edit: if it's a condition or genetics I totally disagree with calling someone out


the body positivity kids wont like this one


Theres a difference between encouraging someone to lose weight and belittling them for being a certain way imo. Instead of just calling someone fat maybe it would be alot more easier and more encouraging to phrase it in a way that points it out as being unhealthy but also not toxic or confrontational.

yaiima0 [#3]

Theres a difference between encouraging someone to lose weight and belittling them for being a certain way imo. Instead of just calling someone fat maybe it would be alot more easier and more encouraging to phrase it in a way that points it out as being unhealthy but also not toxic or confrontational.

for one being fat doesn't look good but most importantly you put your life in jeopardy. That's how I got my friend to lose 40 pounds since I told him the health risks


There are a large variety of reasons why a person would be obese, whether it be they have some type of disorder that makes it difficult to lose weight or they're just a lazy little fuck.

If they're lazy, then I completely agree with calling them out. There are so many resources available to people to lose weight that it is not necessarily easy to live a healthier lifestyle, but the path to becoming healthier is very clear and obvious.

There is a much grayer area if this is a disorder. Many obese people became obese because of some type of trauma, or they have some type of medical disorder where it is difficult to not gain weight, like leptin resistance. For the trauma part, many people have for example been abused as children or abused by a spouse, and eating is a very common way that these people deal with this trauma. These are much more difficult to deal with, and it is incredibly unfair to namecall these people because of their weight because it's largely out of their control. Someone with leptin resistance literally doesn't stop feeling hungry, and abuse victims need a long and difficult recovery process to not only get that PTSD of their abuse out of them, but also to develop a healthy relationship with food.

Being fat for no reason is bad, being fat for a reason is fine and reasonable and these people often are trying to not be fat anyway


You say "if it's a condition or genetics I totally disagree with calling someone out" which i agree with but how do you know? would rather not risk insulting someone and hopeing its not genetic. Also some people get mocked/called fat when they are only a little over average which is not ok. As long as they are healthy they shouldnt feel bad about their body. I do agree that people that are morbidly obese should be trying to do something about it instead of just playing victims BUT insulting someone is never the right answer, and to most "fat" is an insult.


people's feelings get hurt

seankukuz [#4]

for one being fat doesn't look good but most importantly you put your life in jeopardy. That's how I got my friend to lose 40 pounds since I told him the health risks

yeah, you told him the health risks. Lots of weird people will just bully fat people under the guise that they "care for their health" and are "trying to encourage them to do better".

V0sotros [#5]

There are a large variety of reasons why a person would be obese, whether it be they have some type of disorder that makes it difficult to lose weight or they're just a lazy little fuck.

If they're lazy, then I completely agree with calling them out. There are so many resources available to people to lose weight that it is not necessarily easy to live a healthier lifestyle, but the path to becoming healthier is very clear and obvious.

There is a much grayer area if this is a disorder. Many obese people became obese because of some type of trauma, or they have some type of medical disorder where it is difficult to not gain weight, like leptin resistance. For the trauma part, many people have for example been abused as children or abused by a spouse, and eating is a very common way that these people deal with this trauma. These are much more difficult to deal with, and it is incredibly unfair to namecall these people because of their weight because it's largely out of their control. Someone with leptin resistance literally doesn't stop feeling hungry, and abuse victims need a long and difficult recovery process to not only get that PTSD of their abuse out of them, but also to develop a healthy relationship with food.

Being fat for no reason is bad, being fat for a reason is fine and reasonable and these people often are trying to not be fat anyway

Yea i kinda agree


big difference between being a asshole to someone who is fat vs telling them 'yo you should improve this is mad unhealthy and ur life is going down the drain'


thank god i go to gym


in ur fat and are being called fat then dont cry about it bit**


How is being overweight the same thing as "choosing to be in the spotlight" what the fuck?? Are athletic people choosing to be in the spotlight with their build? Or skinny people with their build? This is such a weird thing to say. The way people dress and a person's weight does not invite comments from other people. They are minding their own business and you should mind yours.

raynexo [#12]

in ur fat and are being called fat then dont cry about it bit**

Yes that's why i will make sure that never happens since it's within my control


For some people it’s okay to mock someone for their height which one cannot control but it’s not okay to mock someone for their weight which they can 100% control.

EroSennin [#16]

For some people it’s okay to mock someone for their height which one cannot control but it’s not okay to mock someone for their weight which they can 100% control.



i have no idea how people in america somehow managed to find plus sized models attractive all of a sudden after all these years and now they pose on magazine covers

and #16


i have no idea how people in america somehow managed to find plus sized models attractive all of a sudden after all these years and now they pose on magazine covers

and #16

people used to go through lot of hardworks to be a model but now you can just be fat and get on the covers...shits unreal

Kai__ [#19]

people used to go through lot of hardworks to be a model but now you can just be fat and get on the covers...shits unreal

"go through lot of hardworks" you mean eating disorders? I don't think the standard of beauty should be obesity but let's not act like the standard look for models in the past has been unproblematic. For a long time and even now sometimes, model's body standards were maintained through unhealthy eating disorders and set unrealistic standards of beauty for women

V0sotros [#5]

There are a large variety of reasons why a person would be obese, whether it be they have some type of disorder that makes it difficult to lose weight or they're just a lazy little fuck.

If they're lazy, then I completely agree with calling them out. There are so many resources available to people to lose weight that it is not necessarily easy to live a healthier lifestyle, but the path to becoming healthier is very clear and obvious.

There is a much grayer area if this is a disorder. Many obese people became obese because of some type of trauma, or they have some type of medical disorder where it is difficult to not gain weight, like leptin resistance. For the trauma part, many people have for example been abused as children or abused by a spouse, and eating is a very common way that these people deal with this trauma. These are much more difficult to deal with, and it is incredibly unfair to namecall these people because of their weight because it's largely out of their control. Someone with leptin resistance literally doesn't stop feeling hungry, and abuse victims need a long and difficult recovery process to not only get that PTSD of their abuse out of them, but also to develop a healthy relationship with food.

Being fat for no reason is bad, being fat for a reason is fine and reasonable and these people often are trying to not be fat anyway

W take

asd7 [#2]

the body positivity kids wont like this one

'body positivity'
mf the only positive thing is their diabetes test


people talk about how obesity is something they can control but sometimes it’s not that simple. the cause is what matters. genetics play a large role in weight, where someone could be active 5x more than a skinny person, yet still weigh 50 pounds more. additionally, mental health can be a huge factor, as some people simply do not have the mental capability to work on their physical appearance.

people falsely assume weight is the main factor of health but in most cases it isn’t. skinny people can be just as unhealthy as fat people, yet skinny people aren’t ridiculed nearly as much as fat people. why is that? if i’m being charitable towards them, people are just ignorant. but if people are using someone’s weight to ridicule them just because they find it fun, then that is fatphobia. however, i think people are usually called fatphobic because of their ignorance, not because of their malice.

this isn’t meant to excuse people who don’t have an issue with either of the two factors i mentioned either. if people are consuming large amounts of food and becoming heavy because they’re lazy, then they’ve put themselves in the way of being ridiculed and they deserve what they asked for. but, if people believe making fun of fat people is okay, then making fun of someone being really skinny just because they don’t eat or exercise should be okay too, right? if you disagree with that last sentence, then you’re probably fatphobic. it’s fine if you want to ridicule lazy fat people, but have that same energy for lazy skinny people too.

EroSennin [#16]

For some people it’s okay to mock someone for their height which one cannot control but it’s not okay to mock someone for their weight which they can 100% control.

any sane person disagrees with that. don’t let those sigma male youtube and tiktok accounts make you think a majority of people think like that. it’s at most 10% and their hypocrisy is pointed out almost instantly


how to mentioning NA without mentioning NA.


Obviously it's not healthy to be overweight, healthy at any size is stupid

but literally no proper self help program has ever started with making you feel worthless,
if your a asshole to someone fat your not doing it because you want to help them or some retarded shit, your doing it because you a cunt

asd7 [#2]

the body positivity kids wont like this one

i think body positivity is fine within reason, but what i don’t find fine is people praising an inactive, lazy, naturally skinny person for being the perfect image of health, while bullying and insulting a healthy, overweight person who exercises 3x a week. weight ≠ health and people need to realize that not all fat people are going to die in 10 years.

Neonfreak [#20]

"go through lot of hardworks" you mean eating disorders? I don't think the standard of beauty should be obesity but let's not act like the standard look for models in the past has been unproblematic. For a long time and even now sometimes, model's body standards were maintained through unhealthy eating disorders and set unrealistic standards of beauty for women

the thing that you call "eating disorder" thats gone for a long time...models now eat healthy and still maintain a good figure...look i agree that models beauty standards are quite unrealistic but if you think plus sized models are attractive you are letting other peoples efforts go in vein

Subreezy [#24]

any sane person disagrees with that. don’t let those sigma male youtube and tiktok accounts make you think a majority of people think like that. it’s at most 10% and their hypocrisy is pointed out almost instantly

bro its happening in real life wdym by tiktok and youtube ...dont disagree that 9 out of 10 times a girl will choose the taller boy if the characteristics are same between two

Faraday [#26]

Obviously it's not healthy to be overweight, healthy at any size is stupid

but literally no proper self help program has ever started with making you feel worthless,
if your a asshole to someone fat your not doing it because you want to help them or some retarded shit, your doing it because you a cunt

you could technically have an overweight bmi yet have perfect LDL AND HDL cholesterol levels, triglycerides, cortisol, etc. weight ≠ health

source: my brother, he’s same height but 50 pounds heavier yet has better numbers than me on almost every category of our labs

Kai__ [#28]

the thing that you call "eating disorder" thats gone for a long time...models now eat healthy and still maintain a good figure...look i agree that models beauty standards are quite unrealistic but if you think plus sized models are attractive you are letting other peoples efforts go in vein

it's not gone for a long time people speak all the time on how they developed eating disorders trying to maintain that unrealistic model level of skinny

Kai__ [#29]

bro its happening in real life wdym by tiktok and youtube ...dont disagree that 9 out of 10 times a girl will choose the taller boy if the characteristics are same between two

sounds like you’re projecting to me. liking tall people is a preference. liking skinny people is a preference. neither of those preferences involve “mocking” them.

also no shit the taller boy will get chosen if the characteristics are the same. same way how the skinnier girl will get chosen if the characteristics are the same. just because you can’t control it doesn’t mean people cant have preferences about it. i’m not tall at all yet i do fine with finding significant others because i’ve worked on other aspects of myself to make myself more desirable. i don’t need height as an edge since i’m more interesting than 80% of taller guys.

work on yourself and stop crying about how someone’s preference is unfair

Subreezy [#24]

any sane person disagrees with that. don’t let those sigma male youtube and tiktok accounts make you think a majority of people think like that. it’s at most 10% and their hypocrisy is pointed out almost instantly

ever talked to a girl?

raynexo [#33]

ever talked to a girl?

yeah. dated multiple girls and slept with some guys too. not one of them complained about my height

even dated a girl 3 inches taller than me and she didn’t care about my height because i didn’t make it a big deal

raynexo [#33]

ever talked to a girl?

who are you taking to bro?

Kai__ [#19]

people used to go through lot of hardworks to be a model but now you can just be fat and get on the covers...shits unreal

it's called inclusiveness or body positivity or whatever the fuck they call it

im all in for being comfortable in their own skin, but people use body positivity to justify their unhealthy obsessive eating habits and say its cool to be 300 pounds

i mean sure okay do what they want idc im not bothered by what strangers do, but their funeral isn't too far away, prepare a guest invite list well in advance

Subreezy [#32]

sounds like you’re projecting to me. liking tall people is a preference. liking skinny people is a preference. neither of those preferences involve “mocking” them.

also no shit the taller boy will get chosen if the characteristics are the same. same way how the skinnier girl will get chosen if the characteristics are the same. just because you can’t control it doesn’t mean people cant have preferences about it. i’m not tall at all yet i do fine with finding significant others because i’ve worked on other aspects of myself to make myself more desirable. i don’t need height as an edge since i’m more interesting than 80% of taller guys.

work on yourself and stop crying about how someone’s preference is unfair

who said anything about preference? the message clearly says "mocking" and its a reality.

Subreezy [#23]

people talk about how obesity is something they can control but sometimes it’s not that simple. the cause is what matters. genetics play a large role in weight, where someone could be active 5x more than a skinny person, yet still weigh 50 pounds more. additionally, mental health can be a huge factor, as some people simply do not have the mental capability to work on their physical appearance.

people falsely assume weight is the main factor of health but in most cases it isn’t. skinny people can be just as unhealthy as fat people, yet skinny people aren’t ridiculed nearly as much as fat people. why is that? if i’m being charitable towards them, people are just ignorant. but if people are using someone’s weight to ridicule them just because they find it fun, then that is fatphobia. however, i think people are usually called fatphobic because of their ignorance, not because of their malice.

this isn’t meant to excuse people who don’t have an issue with either of the two factors i mentioned either. if people are consuming large amounts of food and becoming heavy because they’re lazy, then they’ve put themselves in the way of being ridiculed and they deserve what they asked for. but, if people believe making fun of fat people is okay, then making fun of someone being really skinny just because they don’t eat or exercise should be okay too, right? if you disagree with that last sentence, then you’re probably fatphobic. it’s fine if you want to ridicule lazy fat people, but have that same energy for lazy skinny people too.

ofc subreezy thinks fat phobia is real 🤣

Subreezy [#32]

sounds like you’re projecting to me. liking tall people is a preference. liking skinny people is a preference. neither of those preferences involve “mocking” them.

also no shit the taller boy will get chosen if the characteristics are the same. same way how the skinnier girl will get chosen if the characteristics are the same. just because you can’t control it doesn’t mean people cant have preferences about it. i’m not tall at all yet i do fine with finding significant others because i’ve worked on other aspects of myself to make myself more desirable. i don’t need height as an edge since i’m more interesting than 80% of taller guys.

work on yourself and stop crying about how someone’s preference is unfair

okay so as per your say liking skinny people is a preference and disliking fat people is a preference too... cool then 👌

raynexo [#37]

who said anything about preference? the message clearly says "mocking" and its a reality.

he did.

dont disagree that 9 out of 10 times a girl will choose the taller boy if the characteristics are same between two

Kai__ [#39]

okay so as per your say liking skinny people is a preference and disliking fat people is a preference too... cool then 👌

disliking fat people in terms of a partner is a preference, yes. but hating on somebody because they happen to weigh more is fucking absurd. weight ≠ health

Kai__ [#35]

who are you taking to bro?


brobeans [#38]

ofc subreezy thinks fat phobia is real 🤣

hating on someone just because they’re fat is fatphobia, just like how hating on someone just because they’re gay is homophobia.

encourage people to lose weight, don’t try to bully them to fuel some sick desire in your head

Lucaspinheiro [#25]

how to mentioning NA without mentioning NA.



bad take

asd7 [#2]

the body positivity kids wont like this one

these mfs arent even using it the right way body positivity was supposed to be used for people who have disabilities that cant be changed for example if you lost an eye and look weird because of that etc


fuck it lets just be fat


why do you need to mock a fat person? i know that acting like it's normal to be fat is dumb and shit but why is the other option is mocking and making fun of it?

either encourage him or leave him alone it's not ur problem imo, i reached 100kg in 2021/2022 and close friends were always very polite and encouraging in telling me i need to lose that weight and i always agreed and started doing a diet and exercise more, but if someone who isn't close wanted to mock me about it i would just punch him lmao


I will never support a person who chooses to be fat, I have heard of people who have problems which leads to them being fat, those I will give an exception to, but if you're a lazy fatass who eats fast food all day and does nothing to better yourself, you deserve everything coming your way

ballsinyojaws [#49]

I will never support a person who chooses to be fat, I have heard of people who have problems which leads to them being fat, those I will give an exception to, but if you're a lazy fatass who eats fast food all day and does nothing to better yourself, you deserve everything coming your way

i call those lazy fatass people "goobers"

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