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Registered: November 23, 2021
Last post: August 12, 2023 at 9:33 AM
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What hype song for a game isn't corny though, it's not suppose to be subtle, it's suppose to sound like imagine dragons

posted 11 months ago

stay mad you know I'm right

posted 11 months ago

so the TL champs 2023 video dropped, this is better then the actual champs song, the animation is obviously not up to the same standard though.
Imagine the TL song but with an actual rapper, how is riot so bad at this

also NATS in a suit, holy I'm bricked

posted 11 months ago

You have been downvoted for 'Copying my content'
Please read my PSA on what this means for you.

posted 11 months ago

holy shit he actually is 26, He looks like 30, I thought he was the same age as fns

posted 11 months ago

Travis scott is incredible, first AI musician to be nominated for a grammy!
Truly breaking barriers!

posted 11 months ago

bros pretty crazy, hyped to watch him next week

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

I mean he should be held accountable and it was braindead to do something like that with no planning or organisation

but it has nothing to do with the generation, literally every generation does stupid shit like this, and every generation will say the ones below are out of their minds, this has happened since the beginning of time

posted 11 months ago

I was scrolling through the val comp reddit and this thread came up, the comments are saying he's racist and a bigot and shit, I haven't heard about this at all, (vaIorant_fanboy_69 is so good at baiting he must be a VLR user)

He's made a response here aswell

Apparently he retweeted someone racist or something? does anyone know who or what he retweeted?

posted 11 months ago

stopped reading at CS2 will now feature a new anti-cheat
If you think CS2 will solve cheating like val has without kernel level access, your on crack

posted 11 months ago

thanks for some content, all the americas good franchised teams have boring content and no personality

posted 11 months ago

true but imagine what VLR would be without baiters like him, just reddit lite

posted 11 months ago

He's not good at the game, doesn't really understand the game, he just kinda says words, like a poor mans sliggy
people don't like that he pretends to understand the game

it's possible he does actually understand the game and we're retarded but he has never done anything like coaching or analyst for a team to prove it

posted 11 months ago

wait rare TMV W wtf,
TMV is a true armchair analyst that doesn't understand the gameplay
but all these takes about the scene are 100%

posted 11 months ago

Berlin 2021

posted 11 months ago

People understand he's a necessary part of the eco system

posted 11 months ago

imagine both getting boosted and smurfing
actual degenerate person

posted 11 months ago

ah yes, the data

posted 11 months ago

I mean with how navi is performing ofc the only fans left are insane,
same with 100T flairs tbh

posted 11 months ago

Yeah it's not bad, imagine if you had a good rapper on that production though

posted 11 months ago

inter regional and liquid>>>>>>>>>>>navi
sleeper match

posted 11 months ago

I mean your right but also nobody has been talking about him for ages, who are you responding to

posted 11 months ago

Do you know what under rated means?
These are all super popular and highly rated shows

posted 11 months ago

we don't even have polls on vlr or rankings separating franchised with non franchised teams,
I don't think VLR will never actually add anything or improve the website

posted 11 months ago

imagine babysasuke and netero being the same person, I'd probably kms

posted 11 months ago

anyone remember what that website that had stats for players and teams that cost money to use was called?

posted 11 months ago

Solid picks Netero
Ignoring FMA/B because then they would have top 3 for everything

best op imo is Domestic girlfriend

Best ed is serial experiments lain (OP is better but can't have both be 1 anime)

posted 11 months ago

heat death of the universe, humans we won't go out in a bang like war or anything, it's gonna be a slow deflate

posted 11 months ago

He did it for charity, he hasn't redyed it yet
He said he might re-dye it though because it triggers people so much

posted 11 months ago

Sliggy's chat is just very much not VLR, so even if it's not for me I don't think it's bad per se

Also literally everyones chat is dogshit, I've never seen a twitch chat and been like wow how funny, interesting, or novel are these chatters, twitch culture is spamming emotes so you can't really expect anything

posted 11 months ago

Yeah pretty decent, read ahead in the manga and the ending of the first arc is kinda flat but otherwise still very sweet story

posted 11 months ago

Yeah honestly doesn't seem that hard to do since all you gotta do is make a copy of a imagine dragons song which is already just overly manufactured pop rock

But I guess it is that difficult because they just can't do it, only the 2021 champs song was hype, 2022 was meh but atleast showed players in the video,

2023 doesn't even have players in the video, like bro I don't care random people playing, I want the storylines animated

posted 11 months ago

The controversy about guest slots or what he specifically has said is braindead but that doesn't mean there isn't any problem:

Leo Faria has made a bunch of tweets about how tier 2 support is coming, it's going to be announced 'soon', about how they are currently in talks for months now
But literally nothing comes out of it, it seems it's just a PR statement and hopefully people will just quietly forget

There is not a single tier 2 off season event officially announced yet, only leaks about pacific
The fact that there isn't leaks for EMEA or Americas means that likely even the tier 2 orgs don't know what there is gonna be for the off season

Right now tier 2 orgs are in limbo and don't know if there is reason to even keep a roster atm

posted 11 months ago

I hated him before it was cool, like back in 2021 so if anything I started the hate train

posted 11 months ago

I thought he got banned until 15th what happened

also this is the same guy that insta locks yoru every game

lothar is genuinely the most unlikable person in valorant

posted 11 months ago

well done cinematic, wish you could actually see the skin though, looks like it was uploaded in 480 p

wait this guy has a bunch of sick videos, why he so small

posted 11 months ago

most serious shanks interview


posted 11 months ago

Onur I think would make any team win ascension but can't win in tier 1

His style of doing the exact same thing and a very rigid structure means it's impossible to play tier 1 since everyone will read you
but in ascension the teams don't have the skill to play against it and they roll

I hope he joins some tier 2 SA team and pulls them through next year

posted 11 months ago

Olivia Rodrigo is more famous and it's not even close

posted 11 months ago

also it's years out, who knows what happens

posted 11 months ago

Yeah this was known when we first heard about partnerships,
I already know people are gonna mald about the teams that get kicked in 2027 since it's not gonna be the bad teams it's gonna be the bad orgs

posted 11 months ago

I think to be a faker or s1mple you need to be crazy mechanically, I don't think igl's can really ever do it cuz they just aren't that hype to watch

posted 11 months ago

What can you compare?
One is a musician the other a actress
one is also way more famous then the other

posted 11 months ago

Well damn, that is truly masculine commitment, I'm sold, ima get a bro to be my cuddle buddy

posted 11 months ago

I use g pro wireless and have big hands, def the best mouse I've ever had, still perfect after a few years of abuse

Although I have heard of other big handers getting cramps using it so might depend on your grip

posted 11 months ago

Too insecure in my masculinity to do that, but maybe in the future

posted 11 months ago

No val games, just wait until the off season, last time I had such good posts I got banned

posted 11 months ago
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