Tips to ranking up

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  1. Operator - If you wanna have good impact and carry you gotta be good at opping, The op has the most impactful kills. get an early pick then its a 4v5. not only that, it also gets in the enemies heads (they have to avoid you, and shit like that)

  2. Duelist - Again if you wanna be impactful you gotta play duelist and play duelist right, Entry and get entry kills, if you dont get any kills as youre entrying, you're just average and youll never get out of your rank. having confidence and peeking to get a pick. Basically just like the operator but You're aim dueling with a rifle, or you can just use the op.

  3. Impact - Its literally just the impact. you can carry or get out of rank with any agent, just be impactful. Its the impact of your kills, and also your utility and the way your position yourself for your teammates. A good kill would be getting a kill when the enemies are entrying site (you getting a kill from an unexpected spot might distract the enemies to set your teammates up for easy kills, depends) trading your teammates and such (This is a support characters job to trade your duelist) Also keep in mind this is ranked, youre playing with randoms so you gotta know your teammates playstyle and just play off of them (its not easy but just try to read their mind). If you have a duo, that would be alot easier for positioning. Your utility should be used for your duelist as he entries site, make it easier for him to open site. when youre defending, it should be used for yourself and your team for easy kills and distraction.


aint reading

  1. Don’t overdue yourself

  2. Good mindset or don’t play

  3. Be confident and get a steady practice routine to where you feel comfortable before playing

Everything this guy said is bs


allat ain't readed
but number 3 is obvious every player

blazennn [#3]
  1. Don’t overdue yourself

  2. Good mindset or don’t play

  3. Be confident and get a steady practice routine to where you feel comfortable before playing

Everything this guy said is bs

  1. being good at oping is a good skill (when you main jett, chamber, smokes, or a movement character)
  2. all he said was duelists should entry and get theirs, it's impossible to disagree with that
  3. agents with utility should use it to help take/defend site and trade if a teammate dies

what is bs about this? they may be very basic statements but they're not wrong


just be a man like me and you'll be radiant in no time

Subreezy [#5]
  1. being good at oping is a good skill (when you main jett, chamber, smokes, or a movement character)
  2. all he said was duelists should entry and get theirs, it's impossible to disagree with that
  3. agents with utility should use it to help take/defend site and trade if a teammate dies

what is bs about this? they may be very basic statements but they're not wrong

the duelist point is so dumb though, he said if you want to be impactful you gotta play duelist... not a helpful tip at all. in fact, if someone is struggling at the game duelist is the last role they should focus on lol

squush [#7]

the duelist point is so dumb though, he said if you want to be impactful you gotta play duelist... not a helpful tip at all. in fact, if someone is struggling at the game duelist is the last role they should focus on lol

but in #3 he also said agents who aren't duelists provide impact

how i read it was "if you play duelist, you need to play it right"


just win more rounds than your opponent, and you be high rank fast.


this mf be like:

  1. Headshots do more damage, clicking on heads can be done by dragging your crosshair all the way to the enemies character model, crosshair placement good!

disagree w the second point, play what you want, if you are good with it you will know how to get max impact out of that agent, you can carry w raze as well as viper with no problems

second, always take trades if the situation provides, you duelist might not get entries every time but you can kill any non escape agent who killed your duelist and make it an even situation

if you have man advantage do not throw and overpeek, you might turn a 2v4 into a 2v2 in no time and im sure you do not want that, hold crossfire if you can

changing up angles, positioning and how you use util is the key to anchoring site, this goes for most kj/viper players, especially kj, switch up your stuff, for example if you see jett dashing or ignoring your turret and swarm, check where the jett usually smoke dashes, if the jett smokes the same spot and dashes (eg ascent a gen/greenbox), put a swarm and activate it once the jett dashes in its smoke, very simple stuff but works. vipers dont have to switch up orb/wall unless extremely needed, the best thing a viper can do is switch up where you play, and trying not to die in ct rounds. delay the t's plant with your mollies, one or two of your teammates will surely rotate by then

drop the ego fuck the excuses, hit the deathmatch, your mechanics will carry you to atleast dia/asc, if you are bad at shooting and strafing theres no point playing this game unless you are playing 4fun


you also gotta play the game to rank up lol. Some people don't really take notice but always complain about their ranks but only play like 2-3 games in the whole week.

Subreezy [#8]

but in #3 he also said agents who aren't duelists provide impact

how i read it was "if you play duelist, you need to play it right"

bro gave two points on playing duelist and the last gave little advice on not playing duelist. And in reality this isn’t helping players its making them think about their game more. I notice the thing holding so many players back is thinking to much about the game and irritating one’s self trying so hard. Get a good duo who can calm your mental and can hold his weight and you’ll be good.

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