We waited FOUR MONTHS, for this...

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This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports.
I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one


This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports. I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one


This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports.
I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one


what is the best format for 32 teams im actually curious


This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports.
I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one


Rito making bad decisions time and time again. This is a fucking disgrace


This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports.
I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one


This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports. I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one

pitchfork [#4]

what is the best format for 32 teams im actually curious

8 groups of 4 + playoffs


This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports.
I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one


Isso é lamentável do motim. W esperou QUATRO MESES de merda para ser recebido apenas pelo possivelmente o pior formato para um torneio de 32 equipes em todos os esports.
Não sei quem diabos organizou isso, mas não sei por que eles estão agindo como se não tivessem tempo durante o ano, então decidiram por esse formato. Se isso acontecer, a Riot matou sozinho TODO o hype para este torneio antes mesmo de começar.
Riot, você tem espalhado Ls por todo lugar recentemente, por favor, não jogue fora um maior


This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports.
I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one


This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports.
I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one

Cayub [#9]

8 groups of 4 + playoffs

So 55 bo3 minimum?


यह दंगे से दयनीय है। डब्ल्यू ने सभी ईस्पोर्ट्स में 32 टीम टूर्नामेंट के लिए संभवत: सबसे खराब प्रारूप का स्वागत करने के लिए चार कमबख्त महीनों का इंतजार किया।
मुझे नहीं पता कि बकवास किसने आयोजित किया लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि वे ऐसा क्यों अभिनय कर रहे हैं जैसे कि उनके पास साल भर कोई समय नहीं है इसलिए उन्होंने इस प्रारूप पर फैसला किया। अगर ऐसा होता है, तो दंगा ने अकेले ही इस टूर्नामेंट के शुरू होने से पहले ही सभी प्रचारों को खत्म कर दिया है।
हाल ही में आप सभी जगहों पर दंगा फैला रहे हैं, कृपया बड़ा वाला बाहर न फेंके

ajwinner [#14]

So 55 bo3 minimum?

Not every match needs to be bo3

USCK [#16]

Not every match needs to be bo3

Bo1 groups is your genius idea to fix the format? 💀


Mae hyn yn druenus rhag terfysg. Arhosodd W PEDWAR MIS ffycin i gael ei gyfarch gan y fformat gwaethaf o bosibl ar gyfer twrnamaint 32 tîm ym mhob un o'r esports.
Dydw i ddim yn gwybod pwy trefnodd y fuck hwn ond nid wyf yn gwybod pam eu bod yn gweithredu fel nad oes ganddynt unrhyw amser trwy'r flwyddyn felly penderfynon nhw ar y fformat hwn. Os bydd hyn yn digwydd, yna mae Riot wedi lladd yr HOLL hype ar gyfer y twrnamaint hwn cyn iddo ddechrau hyd yn oed.
Terfysg rydych chi wedi bod yn lledaenu Ls ledled y lle yn ddiweddar, peidiwch â thaflu un mwy allan


Acest lucru este jalnic de la revoltă. Am așteptat PATRU LUNI ca să fim întâmpinați doar de cel mai prost format pentru un turneu cu 32 de echipe din toate sporturile.
Nu știu cine dracu a organizat asta, dar nu știu de ce se comportă ca și cum nu au timp pe tot parcursul anului, așa că s-au hotărât asupra acestui format. Dacă acest lucru va trece, Riot a ucis de unul singur TOATE hype-ul pentru acest turneu chiar înainte de a începe.
Revoltă ai împrăștiat L-uri peste tot recent, te rog nu arunca unul mai mare

alara_acendfan [#12]

This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports.
I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one

Esto es vergonzoso por parte de Riot. Esperamos por CUATRO MESES solo para ser recibidos por, posiblemente, el peor formato en todo esports para un torneo con 32 equipos.
No se quien lo organizo pero no se porque actúan como si no hubieran tenido tiempo durante todo el año solamente para elegir este formato. Si esta decisión continua, entonces Riot ha matado TODO el hype para este torneo antes de que empiece.
Riot, has estado repartiendo Ls por todas partes recientemente, porfavor no repartas una mas grande.

ajwinner [#14]

So 55 bo3 minimum?

Yes, it would be the best. If you think that's a lot, they could do bo1 for non-elimination matches. It would still be better than this

Cayub [#21]

Yes, it would be the best. If you think that's a lot, they could do bo1 for non-elimination matches. It would still be better than this

dude nobody wants to watch a 2month tournament lmao

ajwinner [#17]

Bo1 groups is your genius idea to fix the format? 💀

imo, it's better 3 BO1 then just 1 BO3

hrwoahrwoahro [#22]

dude nobody wants to watch a 2month tournament lmao

I want... and why 2 months tournament?

Groups -> 4 series per day = 14~15 days ............... OR ............... Groups -> 3 series per day = 19~20 days
Playoffs -> 3 series per day = 3 days


lol i copy and pasted this to Reddit and they all started crying and it got deleted. Biggest community of pussies on earth

kbkdark [#24]

I want... and why 2 months tournament?

Groups -> 4 series per day = 14~15 days ............... OR ............... Groups -> 3 series per day = 19~20 days
Playoffs -> 3 series per day = 3 days

and who is gonna pay the hotelrooms for 32*5 + manager + staff for 20days?


This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports.
I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one

hrwoahrwoahro [#26]

and who is gonna pay the hotelrooms for 32*5 + manager + staff for 20days?

lmao riot who else are you forgetting tencent is worth 500 billion


This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports.
I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one

Xav [#18]

Mae hyn yn druenus rhag terfysg. Arhosodd W PEDWAR MIS ffycin i gael ei gyfarch gan y fformat gwaethaf o bosibl ar gyfer twrnamaint 32 tîm ym mhob un o'r esports.
Dydw i ddim yn gwybod pwy trefnodd y fuck hwn ond nid wyf yn gwybod pam eu bod yn gweithredu fel nad oes ganddynt unrhyw amser trwy'r flwyddyn felly penderfynon nhw ar y fformat hwn. Os bydd hyn yn digwydd, yna mae Riot wedi lladd yr HOLL hype ar gyfer y twrnamaint hwn cyn iddo ddechrau hyd yn oed.
Terfysg rydych chi wedi bod yn lledaenu Ls ledled y lle yn ddiweddar, peidiwch â thaflu un mwy allan


hrwoahrwoahro [#22]

dude nobody wants to watch a 2month tournament lmao

Double or triple streams fixes everything

I_HATE_MCE [#25]

lol i copy and pasted this to Reddit and they all started crying and it got deleted. Biggest community of pussies on earth

Reddit Valorant fans are literally the biggest morons, they'll accept even the shittiest format and make it look like it's alright when it's clearly not

ajwinner [#17]

Bo1 groups is your genius idea to fix the format? 💀

i would rather see my favorite team play atleast 3 different teams before leaving the tournament rather than just 1


The format is just bad.
There is no way arround it. Its bad for the teams, bad for the orgs and bad for the fans.

Only ones winning from this is riot itself who spares money by sendidn half of the tems home in their first day of the tournament.

Massive fucking L.


This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports.
I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one


यो दंगाबाट खेदजनक छ। सबै एस्पोर्टहरूमा 32 टोलीको टूर्नामेंटको लागि सम्भवतः सबैभन्दा खराब ढाँचाद्वारा स्वागत गर्नका लागि W ले चार FUCKING महिनाहरू पर्खनुभयो।
मलाई थाहा छैन यो कसले आयोजना गर्यो तर मलाई थाहा छैन किन तिनीहरूले वर्षभरि कुनै समय नभएको जस्तो अभिनय गरिरहेका छन् त्यसैले उनीहरूले यो ढाँचामा निर्णय गरे। यदि यो मार्फत जान्छ भने दंगाले एकल हातले यो प्रतियोगिता सुरु हुनु अघि नै सबै प्रचारलाई मारेको छ।
तपाईंले हालै जताततै Ls फैलाइरहनुभएको छ, कृपया ठूलो फ्याँक्न नदिनुहोस्।


Ikr. In one series, 16 teams will go home instantly 😂 that's fvcked up


Ito ay nakakaawa mula kay Riot. Naghintay ako ng APAT NA PUTANGINANG BUWAN para salubungin lamang ng posibleng pinakamasamang hulma para sa 32 na torneo sa lahat ng palakasang elektroniko.
Di ko alam sinong gago na gumawa nito pero di ko alam bakit umaarte silang wala silang oras sa buong taon kaya napagisipan nila ang ganitong hulma
Kung magpapatuloy ito, isa-isang pinatay ng Riot ang LAHAT ng kasabikan para sa torneong na ito bago pa man ito magsimula.
Kamakailan lang, nagkakalat ka ng "aw8 lods" sa buong lugar, mangyaring huwag magtapon ng mas malaki


এটা দাঙ্গা থেকে দুঃখজনক. সমস্ত এস্পোর্টে 32 টি দলের টুর্নামেন্টের জন্য সম্ভবত সবচেয়ে খারাপ ফর্ম্যাট দ্বারা অভিবাদন পাওয়ার জন্য আমরা চারটি মাস অপেক্ষা করেছি।
আমি জানি না কে এটা সংগঠিত করেছে কিন্তু আমি জানি না কেন তারা এমন আচরণ করছে যেন সারা বছর তাদের কোনো সময় নেই তাই তারা এই ফর্ম্যাটে সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছে। যদি এর মধ্য দিয়ে যায় তবে রায়ট এককভাবে এই টুর্নামেন্ট শুরু হওয়ার আগেই সমস্ত হাইপকে মেরে ফেলেছে।
আপনি সম্প্রতি সমস্ত জায়গায় দাঙ্গা ছড়িয়ে দিচ্ছেন, দয়া করে এর চেয়ে বড়টি বের করবেন না

hrwoahrwoahro [#26]

and who is gonna pay the hotelrooms for 32*5 + manager + staff for 20days?

bro this tournament is already 20 days long


the copypasta messages in another language are fucking hilarious LMAO

sleeek [#33]

i would rather see my favorite team play atleast 3 different teams before leaving the tournament rather than just 1

and then cry how the opponent team is a fluke bo1 winner?

I_HATE_MCE [#25]

lol i copy and pasted this to Reddit and they all started crying and it got deleted. Biggest community of pussies on earth

I get brain damage everytime i post. I barely do it anymore.
All they do is be slaves to riot no matter how many stupid decisions they make, act like NA is the only relevant region, and you also get your comment deleted or get warned if you use words like retarded. Like hello? Thats like censoring “idiot” or “dumbass”
Fucking weirdos.

Subreezy [#40]

bro this tournament is already 20 days long

ye but half of them going home after their first day

FNEGGS [#28]

lmao riot who else are you forgetting tencent is worth 500 billion

also... Riot and orgs can do a 50/50

OzyMeister [#42]

and then cry how the opponent team is a fluke bo1 winner?

only if i think they are actually worst

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