God is dead

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You can both think that the monarchy shouldn't exist while also appreciating what she represents. for much of the world she represents an imperialist state and I can sympathise with that point of view but that's obviously not what she represents for me.
Think about americans founding fathers, they were by todays standards all horrible people but americans have pride over them because of what they represent


I dont feel any fucking pride for my founding fathers, they were slave owning pieces of shit and wrote an outdated vague constitution that has causes tons of strife in my country. I don't understand what their is to appreciate what she represents, she represents a country whos literally best known for travelling around the world shoving their nose in other peoples business and being imperialist colonizers. Genuinely, id like to hear an explanation for what their is to appreciate, she was a vapid waste of space and money if what you say is true. So no, i dont see why anyone is mourning her except those in the imperial core who grow up seeing her as a symbol of their dominance.


Differen't people can have different ideas of what something represents, there isn't a 'correct' one. Maybe MLK would be a better example then the founding father or do you hate him aswell?
Obviously to someone who isn't under the monarchy that's what she represents but to people under the monarchy she essentially represents the country and I have pride in my country, not that my country is always perfect nor that the queen in perfect but I love my country and the queen is part of it


how the fuck is mlk a symbol of america lmao, obviously i dont hate him lol but hes simply an extremely influential civil rights leader, not a representative of our entire country.
I guess your last point makes some sense, but why would you consider her the symbol of your country rather than your prime minister/president?


Because the queen inherently represents the good parts of the country, why is because NZers decided so. Kinda like a national anthem of national animal, shes the national 'person'. The prime ministers will have atleast something you disagree with so although they might represent the country, they often represent a lot of the bads parts of NZ and it's harder to have pride about that. Same as I imagine you have no pride for biden/trump

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