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Registered: July 6, 2022
Last post: July 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM
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Sounds like a skill issue tbh, kcorp got fnatic in single elim and they won, heretics didn't even have woot, if you wanna go to the cool shiny event you beat the guy in front of you, and its their fault they got bent by bbl drizzy, if they beat the 2nd best turkish team they wouldn't have gotten that draw, even then its your fault for losing not anyone elses.

posted 1 day ago

idc, you need to beat teams to go to champs, its not like John Riot cursed them with a bo1 knockout game against prime fnatic, they lost in the regular season so they had to play a bo3 against a solid team and they lost, stop crying and hating and lock in for next year

posted 1 day ago

wouldn't have needed to lose to Vit if they didn't get bent by KOI and GX

posted 1 day ago

Maybe you wouldn't have had to face Vit in a knockout round (mid team btw, and its still your fault you lost) if you didn't get bent over and gaped by ShadoW and hoody lmao, "get me against these teams" you can't even beat fucking KOI and Giants who tf wants to pay for 3 plane tickets to fly your fatass to Asia. Also Meiy sScary and whichever GE player becomes himothy after dropped in 4 months all own you

posted 1 day ago

Just backread other threads instead of starting new ones bruh

posted 1 day ago

Touch grass

posted 1 day ago

If you get a knife kill with it boostio joins your lobby on the enemy team, wins the round, calls you a pig in all chat, and leaves

posted 1 day ago

Thank god riot runs this game and not Ubisoft or some shit, they are far from the best company and make a ton of blunders but they are 100x better than most other companies when it comes to esports and shit

posted 1 day ago

It's cool, skin is mid, finisher is sick and knife is cool

posted 1 day ago

Fpx is making it out of that group but ok

posted 1 day ago

Damn Zeek really just won champs..
Proud of him fr

posted 1 day ago

Yeah I'd much rather watch people press buttons all day, I actually spend most of my free time at a nuclear power plant watching the secretary write emails, super engaging

posted 1 day ago

Guys I think Mako is a really good controller player, maybe even the goat controller

posted 1 day ago

Fair NGL this is a pretty toxic question I just want vlr to go back to valorant instead of becoming a hub for wannabe private investigators

posted 1 day ago

Yeah jemkin and monyet would've fried

posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago

Pls get all the drx stuff off the front page
Worst player at champs?

posted 1 day ago

Now that drx has released a statement let's all chill out and discuss valorant considering coming up instead of having 30 drx threads
Anyways best team to miss champs?

posted 1 day ago

Zellsis calls enough for the whole team, TenZ has good call outs, leaf is fine, oxy will be dead 6 seconds in anyways and yay gives info by just holding a line all game

posted 1 day ago

Only issue with those two is some role overlap, like yay and leaf for c9 on sentinel, oxy vs TenZ vs yay duelist, xeta or zellsis, etc

posted 1 day ago

Prime optic + who? Do you take peak Ethan over Peak crashies? Som or marved?

posted 1 day ago

NGL i completely forgot that Weibo Gaming GC had this roster back in 2018, pretty obvious #1 mb for asking

posted 1 day ago

What team can field the best roster with any player that has played at least 1 round of officials with them? All players in their peak so C9 could have peak TenZ and Yay for example
C9 with
Yay - sentinel/chamber
TenZ - Controller
Leaf - Flex
Zellsis - Initiator
Oxy - duelist

Could be goated imo I might be high tho, low-key might just be worse than like prime PRX/EG/FNC in reality

posted 1 day ago

Honestly the only issue was not elaborating on the actual nature of the crime, not naming the player and remaining neutral was good, and you didn't seem to have any malicious intent, the only problem was framing it as 'a drx player raped a minor' illicits a much stronger assumption than what the allegations entail

posted 1 day ago

Your cooked buddy

posted 1 day ago

I'm suing you, kindly inform me of identifying details so that I can hunt you down

posted 1 day ago

His wording on some stuff was really questionable but none of it seemed malicious

posted 1 day ago

Damn looks like this might be their actual strategy lmao, I mean if he didn't do it no point entertaining it so who knows what'll happen

posted 1 day ago

Masters 1 Belgrade
Masters 2 Minsk
Champs Sofia

posted 1 day ago

Nah, throw as many T1 teams in as possible, more tier 1 vs tier 1 matchups, more competition, more excitement for upsets, etc

posted 1 day ago

13-10 maps vs DRX and Fnatic, run these more and more and see what happens, especially with regions like Turkey and NA

posted 1 day ago

It will create more movement and quality on both ends, T2 teams play officials against T1 teams, T1 teams get a better grasp of the talent in T2.
Also this would be 3rd parties running it not riot

posted 1 day ago

The most exciting thing about the pre franchising era was the upset potential and the openness of the system, one day all the big orgs could win glory, the next day the guard and ghost gaming could be on top. If your gonna protect your big orgs finances with franchising and have a massive off-season fill it with something exciting.
Also M80 beats half of franchising

posted 1 day ago

If we are only gonna have a small handful of T2 teams, many of which will be legacy teams, in franchising than we need to have more 3rd party events with open brackets. It will increase awarement, viewership, and revenue for T2 with them competing to upset top teams and claim valuable prize money, it will familiarize people with the T2 scene, and it will build more storylines in T1. Give me a full off-season split with hero base oxg, c9 and dfm competing in 1 group pls

posted 1 day ago

It's understandable to be hopeful for more news, the more clarity there is the more directed the bs will be and less bystander will be wrongfully targeted. With that said we definitely shouldn't treat this as entertainment of any kind

posted 1 day ago

If the allegations are true I believe he is the only person who fits the circumstances, with that said without official comment we don't know if the allegations are true

posted 1 day ago

Buddy was in Ireland when louds flight got delayed

posted 1 day ago

Ik lol, just feels like it should be said

posted 1 day ago

Guys please stop taking these kinds of threads seriously. We can speculate all we want but until an official statement is released we are just a bunch of kids hiding outside the principals office trying to figure whose inside and why. Doesn't matter if Timmy is the most likely suspect until he gets sent to detention we don't actually know for certain and we should be cautious when making assumptions.
We should also not be so careless when describing the allegations (something I'm guilty of) the allegations are serious enough as is and we don't need to make them any worse with inaccurate rumors.

posted 1 day ago

Is there another side of the story to listen to so far? Has a response been posted, otherwise all we can do is cautiously speculate with what info we have. Not saying we should jump to conclusions but if I say that you shot my dog, legally you are innocent until proven guilty but online you are guilty and a dog genociding racist drug dealer until the rumors are addressed

posted 1 day ago

I fw generic ass music so I like it, gimme a nice easy to listen to voice and some basic ass sounds and I'm chillin
Good animation too

posted 1 day ago

just the pros tbh, victor rage guy had some briefly

posted 1 day ago

Guys idk if Sinatraa is gonna stay on sentinels with some of the rumors coming out about him.. crazy stuff

posted 1 day ago

school, hw, commute, extracurriculars, volleyball practice, exercise, an actual social life etc.. yeah ill take my 7-8 hours of sleep ty

posted 1 day ago

what songs would you recommend from them that are more emblematic of their actual music?

posted 1 day ago

curious what you consider real music lmao

posted 1 day ago

He still clears your entire region 8x over but aight

posted 2 days ago

ticking away grew on me imo best val song, die for u is fire aswell though

posted 2 days ago

I can't tell if this is fire or mid as fuck
pls weigh in

posted 2 days ago
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