Flag: Greece
Registered: May 28, 2021
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 8:06 PM
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Cogu is a legend!

posted about 2 years ago

Yep, have faith my friend. These things take time to navigate. Even if it' not a great showing next year, Valorant mobile is coming. And that likely will boost the game in that region tremendously having a knock on effect to awareness of the PC game. India will be too large a region to ignore in not too distant future. There's money there, and companies like money.

posted about 2 years ago

To be fair, they are sort of cute

posted about 2 years ago

ahhh, I didn't realise a disband / big reshuffle was on the cards. Makes sense then.

posted about 2 years ago

Cool. You're talking about 2014. CSGO came out in 2012 and the first major tournament was Dreamhack which was 16 teams, all NA and EU.

You're referencing something that came out 2 years after the game had been out and re-established a community of players world wide.

India has more in Valorant in its first year than it had in CSGO. It's not an opinion, just a fact.

Also it's a different time, players have way more opportunities to garner support for their region and they did back in 2012/13 because of social media and streaming..

There's no way major region players and even tournament organisers back in 2012 would have known who the likes of SKROSSI were when the game first came out. Now we can't escape the name. This = impressions = money. Riot will not ignore this. so chill.

If India gets snubbed when the 2022 circuit is announced. Come back to this post and call me braindead.

posted about 2 years ago

NOT in the first year of CSGO the game. In any case, the first major csgo tournament had 16 teams and it was all NA and EU

posted about 2 years ago

My apologies. I didn't know you had seen Riot's road map.

My apologies that VCC (the circuit dedicated to India and SA) is organised by riot & nodwin, but the dude above you is calling it 3rd party.

Remind me also. how many South Asian only tournaments did CS, overwatch, LoL, R6 have in their first year organised by the Valve / Blizard / Ubisoft / RIOT / ESL / (Insert other large tournament organisers) that would grant passage into an international tournament featuring major regions with well established FPS history?

My apologies that you're emotional and will downfrag this anyway, because you're not comprehending the bigger picture.

posted about 2 years ago

99% sure I will hate myself for replying to this stupid post, but you seem genuinely convinced, so let me educate you rather than just calling you 1head. And your take is as 1head as they come.

How is csgo skill based or even esports? Every aspect of the game is RNG.
-tapping or one tapping
Even if youre standing still and you take a shot its RNG where your bullet goes. Also knows as first bullet accuracy.
*1 tapping is not the premise of csgo, it was not designed to be a 1 tap fest. 1tapping was popularised by a few players such as screaM who came over primarily from CS SOURCE, where first bullet accuracy on main rifles was far far more accurate than CSGO. Even though CS is not "realistic" it leans towards simulation, more than arcade on the action game spectrum. This is why first bullet innaccuracy is a thing. Furthermore, it is based on percentage chance DEPENDING on ranged distance. If you stand point blank at an enemy and fire with the AK at the head, you are going to hit the head 99.9999999% of the time. Same at short range, same at medium. Medium to long range is when you will see this dip slightly. And only at very long range will this drop to a noticeable percentage.

The skill to be acquired here, is how to control the recoil of your burst fire at longer ranges whilst strafing in between them. This is a skill that can be done poorly, or extremely well. It is not RNG to the point that a silver player could ever beat for example a global elite in like a 10 round duel or something. It's not happening.

Enter LONG RANGE RANGE WEAPONS. This is what makes sniper rilfes, auto snipers, and inbetween guns such as AUG and KRIEG more viable. They are designed for shooting at these longer ranges. This is what we call common sense/weapon design/ balance / whatever you want to call it*

There is RNG in the spray as well, even tho it wont make a big difference in close range, its a thing.

As above. Recoil and spray control is very predictable, it doesn't need to be 100% the same every time, as mentioned above. There is a skill to be acquired here, in how to control recoil and spray of certain guns, and it is REPEATABLE with a high success rate. Spray in valorant, not so much. You can, with confidence in CSGO, miss your first bullet and within 7~8ish bullets in the same spray correct and kill your enemy. In VAL this could be less, or it could be a whole clip

-Run and gun
Complately RNG, your shots can miss even if you aim on them, but the enemy will aim nowhere near you and because theyre innacurate, it will adjust on your head.

You really are 1 head for this take. I can't help you if you don't understand why this is irrelevant.

-"Reading the game and your opponents"
There is no such thing, you cant read minds.

*Yes there is. Because there is limited time and a consistent objective, in a select few maps. You know what this means? There are not an infinite number of viable scenarios for your opponents to achieve their objectives. This is where common sense and META comes into play. Players will use generally accepted as "best practice" strats to win rounds. It's up to you to use your brain to brain to read and PREDICT these.

Did your team mate call smokes mid on D2? with flashses over long A? Then guess what, it's LIKELY (not guaranteed) there is an A split taking place.

Did your team mate get picked off while crossing doors? It's likely they will exploit the timing and take a B hit.

Are your enemies on shit cash? It's possible they're going to stack / push together or play some tight ratty angles*

I can't help you anymore. That's your parents job to fix your shortcomings.

posted about 2 years ago

Bro, relax, it's the first year of the competitive circuit. Wait and see what 2022 has in store, it's just round the corner.

posted about 2 years ago

Isn't valuable tournament experience considered prep these days?

posted about 2 years ago

ya, would be nice. perhaps we're not too far from it.

posted about 2 years ago

Agreed. With a constantly evolving meta and new things being added to the game frequently. I don't forsee CS style EU dominance (or vice versa) in this game.

posted about 2 years ago good? things ok at home? wanna talk about it?

posted about 2 years ago

This is the type of thinking that would have picked SEN to roll envy. Yet they didn't.


posted about 2 years ago

It's a 3 team group. Get this seeding game bullshit out the window lol. SEN are out of the tournament because they lost to to 2 teams better on the day.

They took g2 seriously. Weirdo

posted about 2 years ago

Ignore people same dumb shit. The hardstuck silvers in this scene flip-flop like no other.

posted about 2 years ago

Insanely unlucky.

One team has a bad game while the other is on their SS game = a crazy 13-0.

Harsh world.

GG to both teams

posted about 2 years ago

And SEN. If they lost twice to Sen they'd have played envy

posted about 2 years ago

Really want g2 to win, that way we get both of them in champions

posted about 2 years ago

I honestly don't get what the pundits/media obsession with lakia is. He's a great player but they honestly made him to be way too much of a thing. They just looked clueless or stupid by hyping him up so much

posted about 2 years ago

That's way too many. With all the tech pauses, advertising breaks and pre match, mid match and post match analyses? You're tweaking bro.

posted about 2 years ago

Solid take. Dapr said himself quote a few series he didn't perform to standard. Keloqz was a question mark for me going Into Berlin, but he has been a monster and fun to watch.

posted about 2 years ago

Why the downvotes?

posted about 2 years ago

It's not his job to put the whole team on his back every single map. Relax

posted about 2 years ago

Tournament ends in like 2 days. It's all good

posted about 2 years ago

The slot allocation for champions is different to Berlin.
Whichever region wins Berlin effectively grants an extra slot for their region.

posted about 2 years ago

Lmao this forum is different xD

posted about 2 years ago

I'm cool with this haha. Though the NA teams realistically have the edge. Vamos EMEA !!

posted about 2 years ago

Tough run of form for sen atm

posted about 2 years ago

70 kills. Team/experience diff. Hopefully ace can learn from this

posted about 2 years ago

If Acend play like how they did Vs SMB. This will be total destruction by 100t 2-0.

If they have fixed those mistakes / calmed nerves, it's anyone's game

posted about 2 years ago

Well played KRU, big improvement from Iceland.

Happy to see G2 move forward

posted about 2 years ago

silver kneejerk take

posted about 2 years ago

The scrimlords came out to play!

posted about 2 years ago

you do realise G2 got pounded in the first game. Stop embarassing EMEA, you're making us all look bad.

posted about 2 years ago

hahaha xD xD

posted about 2 years ago

If they make it to the finals I'd say EMEA = NA.

It's single elim afterall, and if the games are close, it means they could have gone either way. We'd need consistency to trully put 1 region over the other.

posted about 2 years ago

Is that even official yet? As far as I know it's just rumoured, I haven't followed it / seen anything from liquid

posted about 2 years ago

I agree with you, but the caveat is. Are SEN currently at full strength? Tomorrow will tell I guess

posted about 2 years ago

Only on VLR.GG (epic rivington voice)

posted about 2 years ago

Big Respect. Glad they're on for champions

posted about 2 years ago is full of clowns

posted about 2 years ago

I'm now on the train of thought that, all teams are much closer in skill than we thought.

We've seen too many close calls with top teams and lesser teams. Not just this LAN either. If you have good reads on your opponent and you're not completely trash, you can have a close game.

Valorant could do with a wider skill gap.

posted about 2 years ago

Very good try by CR. I hope they don't feel bad about the loss, see them in champions!

posted about 2 years ago

Agreed, they have an important experience to draw learnings from. They can get much much better.

posted about 2 years ago

By the way man. Supporting a team becomes 1000% easier when you recognise and accept the fact that they're not as good as you want them to be. The good thing is, if you support them getting better, they will level up. And you won't have to waste time responding to people online who just feel like shitting on them for no good reason. Let it goooooo

posted about 2 years ago

Dude, I promise you. They played FAR below the level of an EnVy. Perhaps you're not looking for the right stuff when watching the gameplay. Like I said, I am an SMB fan, a big EMEA fan in general. But the level we've shown, apart from some brilliant moments from G2 and Gambit has been poor. Especially in this SMB vs Acend game.

Perhaps they'd smash KRÜ, but the NA teams are way more disciplined. If Acend are to stand a chance, they need to compose themselves and clean up alot of their mistakes.

posted about 2 years ago

Dude be rational for a sec. They farmed weak teams, but apart from SMB's aim, they showed us nothing else this tournament.

I was genuinely rooting for them too, i love the idea of a TR super team beasting an international LAN. But both them AND Acend played pretty poor valorant most of the time.

posted about 2 years ago

Dude get over it. Both Acend and SMB have played mostly awful this tournament. It is what it is.

posted about 2 years ago
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