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Registered: January 13, 2023
Last post: August 25, 2023 at 6:00 AM
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not objectively, like leo or chron

posted about a year ago

liquid win if soulcas and redgar frag like yesterday consistently. bro is a god on somedays, and somedays not there, thats what causes the criticism he gets

posted about a year ago

he just needs a nats like discipline, and he'll be a top 10 player itw anyday of the week

posted about a year ago

now this is a W reply from which i can understand shit

posted about a year ago

how can you even decipher what the groups are from that guy has tweeted? i know one thing for sure, one china, one apac, one emea, one americas, this will be for both groups. #1 china, #2 americas with # 3 apac and #4 emea
#2 china #3 americas #2 apac #3 emea. this will be my guess

posted about a year ago

yea right

posted about a year ago

bro has made that tweet so confusing

posted about a year ago

bro really said "ardiis has the lowest headshot percentage". as if there werent other stats to prove his point lmaoooooo. headshot % is the fakest dumbest stat to exist, especially for op players

posted about a year ago

furia coach

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

definitely. especially if soulcas continues this form, i can easily see tl reaching top 2 at tokyo

posted about a year ago

stfu you will say anything to make a point? you clearly know fnatic won 20+ series which made people think it was the start of an era. pls dont be a brainless fan. if you want, you can do it after leaving emea pls. argue with actual points and not brainless vlr baits

posted about a year ago


if derke and chronicle both have such an off day, and even redgar and soulcas start shooting like aim gods, then it was bound to happen. i think it was pretty decent showing. nt fnatic. congrats liquid

one team region coming to take over tokyo <3

posted about a year ago

if one loss is the end of an era, there'll be no era ever in any esports

posted about a year ago

check his twitter, and edit the link in the forum for future readers

posted about a year ago

yea both cant speak english

posted about a year ago

kremer is mid, ender has a personality which makes their duo really likable. of course adding to the fact that he is a brilliant color caster

posted about a year ago

they are already not bringing mitch and tom, and if this means we are getting any of the casters from pacific, then we are doomed. we need ender and pavlos in tokyo. they have so much potential

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

t1 is the only team i think will be bad, rest all are very good

posted about a year ago

and thats why i call pacific fans delusional

posted about a year ago

you genuinely think secret will even touch the toes of current team liquid?

posted about a year ago

been doing it since 2021. My GOAT

posted about a year ago

we need him back

posted about a year ago

Who'll bottle it first? PRX or DRX

me personally, i believe both have a high chance, but prx choking after getting top 4 seems likely...

posted about a year ago

and that was for one tournament. how long did their form carry on? it was more about prx weird strats that helped them win. this time its mostly their fast playstyle with high skilled players, so its going to be much different

posted about a year ago

dw typical braindead vlr users

posted about a year ago

i didnt say prx playstyle is one dimensional, i said your way of thinking is one dimensional "playstyle-fast, so play reyna" this thinking is one dimensional. prx playing reyna can have many different reasons, whihc you and i dont know

posted about a year ago

tl is already in playoffs lil bro

posted about a year ago

either ways, one group can be hella overpowered

posted about a year ago

i was also thinking the same thing, they probably cant

posted about a year ago

it probably is to give zest some game time as well. you can save strats + he gets to play a few games , win win

posted about a year ago

imagine these 3 coming in the same group. and then edg qualifies :)

posted about a year ago

why is no one talking about the fact that this is not the drx that was winning everything weeks ago, they dont have foxy9 right now? (yes they have synergy with zest too , but the squad is the squad)

posted about a year ago

its more about the confidence but yea

posted about a year ago

this game is not one dimensional like you say

posted about a year ago

its decent, but no way can you say that a reyna comp is good enough to beat a strong bind team. (not a strong team on bind, "a strong bind team")

posted about a year ago

No way they are letting something play this much reyna and get away with it. what has pacific come down to

posted about a year ago

yep , but all prx did was massively upgrade their firepower, everything you said about mental and confidence is directly related to the fact that more firepower->more kills->more duel won->more round wins->more map wins->more series wins->more confidence->more belief in the team->better mental. and i am not a sen fan, i was just saying that if sen had made a similar move, they would've seen similar improvements

posted about a year ago

improvement? if sen could replace dephh with saadhak surely they would've also improved

posted about a year ago

oh yeah we want the finals to be a 2 map series where 13-9 13-7 yea gg go home after 2 hours on a sunday

posted about a year ago

bo5s are perfect, i dont want the tournament winner to be declared after just 2 maps. the last match has to have the highest stakes, as well as also test the wider map pool and stamina of teams. the comebacks are harder to make and consistency is required. the true test of a team. bo5s are goated

posted about a year ago

worse regions choose easy maps like pearl, no need of exquisite strategies. just spam B and you'll win 50% of the time

posted about a year ago

i think nrg wanted an experienced duelist to replace yay, so they were left with cryo ardiis and sayf, cryo chose 100t and nrg chose ardiis in the end. by now they should've realized that they dont need to be so fixated on the experience thing, a t2 NA jett would've done miles better than a mis hyped player ardiis

posted about a year ago

most wholesome??

posted about a year ago

if you watch emea, you know that he was proven enough, and even if not, i couldnt see a world where chamber was going to be nerfed was obvious and you still went for ardiis. as the coaching staff and shit, its your responsibility to create a team for future. i dont know anything about how they did their research, but it literally looks like nrg saw players who had good stats in 2022 and went for ardiis, as he had the most chance to play at top.

also to repeat again, an unproven sayf>>>> ardiis in a non chamber meta

posted about a year ago

i mean really, they had sayf as an option but went for ardiis, like if you wanted some mid jett who could flex(ardiis still pretty average at any agent other than jett), you could've literally brought any random tier 2 jett like dsg or mxm have, you went for the most mis-hyped player in EU. i still dont understand how casters in 2022 called him a "good" flex duelist. playing 10 different agents and playing 10 different agents well, there is a difference

posted about a year ago

he's not him. he is decent, he'll top frag next two maps, but nothing much special, typical ardiis, nowhere near the best duelist, but good enough

posted about a year ago

because you music isnt made like that

posted about a year ago

there are some older fans but the cycle of young kids fan always keeps happening

posted about a year ago
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