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Registered: May 5, 2021
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 9:56 PM
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Honestly don't blame you. Same shit for over a year now. Riot is actively trying to murder the Valorant scene it seems, especially with franchising.

posted about a year ago

You're delusional if you think Soniqs is Tier 1.

posted about a year ago

While that would be funny, it'd be terrible for the region as a whole.

posted about a year ago

I've always thought that really good Astra players are a natural counter to Paper Rex.

posted about a year ago

My brother in Christ, can you read?

posted about a year ago

PaperRex is the obvious one, but out of the remaining teams in the region, which would be the best final representative? Personally think either XERXIA and Team Secret. I don't see BLEED doing too well internationally, and the other teams are w/e. Of XERXIA and Team Secret, definitely would take XERXIA as they look the most in form.

Edit: After checking out ONIC a bit more, I definitely think I'd prefer them over Team Secret, although I'd still take XERXIA over them.

posted about a year ago

Most likely held it there for easy access to visas for most countries.

posted about a year ago

Are you fucking kidding me? Does Riot want this Valorant scene to die or what? This shit and franchising already coming next year is a very bad sign tbh.

posted about a year ago

I watched a couple of ORDER games and he was last alive SOOO much man.

posted about a year ago

It's either meL or florescent for me. Mainly meL because I genuinely think she's good enough to play at the level, but she does seem more committed to the female scene atm. That's why I also put florescent because when she turns 16, she might straight up try to get into the big leagues.

posted about a year ago

You're automatically trolling by not picking Viper on Breeze or Icebox. Same with picking Breach on those maps.

posted about a year ago

I don't know man. Would be a shame if we don't get this match up at Copenhagen.

posted about a year ago

Now this is a man with taste. Banger sports anime.

posted about a year ago

If Chamber gets nerfed hard enough, the Operator becomes irrelevant in pro play. Chamber one tricks go back to Jett and play hard entry I guess.

posted about a year ago

Isn't that the anime movie where the main character jerks off and nuts onto a girl in a comatose state?

posted about a year ago

He's been playing a shit ton of Valorant lately. I do think he is planning on making the switch.

posted about a year ago

Oof that whiff

posted about a year ago

ORDER keeps throwing these rounds so hard

posted about a year ago

Would not be surprised if this was the Top 3 at Copenhagen. Throw in a potential Guild and mayyyyyybe XSET as well.

posted about a year ago

1 from 5 different regions. Perfectly balanced.

posted about a year ago

I guess it's because he's been 100 Thieves' reason to be this far. I don't think I would put him though.

posted about a year ago

He's good, but I wouldn't put him in the Top 5.

posted about a year ago

Omen: Marved
Brimstone: Marved
Astra: MaKo
Viper: MaKo

That's how I see it.

posted about a year ago

I personally want M3C, but I'm fine with all of them aside from Liquid. Liquid would probably be bad as an EMEA representative.

posted about a year ago

-If you die in his ult, you respawn with full armor
-Reactivate ult to cancel it.
-Molly lasts 2 seconds longer and heal is doubled
-Wall works similar to Neon where you immediately summon it rather than having to cast it twice.
-Flashes cost 200

posted about a year ago

mental illness

posted about a year ago

I think Yay is too good to push aside though, even if he is one dimensional.

posted about a year ago

stellar as sentinel/IGL

posted about a year ago

What a way he's come since being on TSM.

posted about a year ago

You really forget my man Aproto? I also still think Zander is a really good controller.

posted about a year ago

How can people hate this map more than Icebox or Breeze. Split isn't great, but it's still better than those piles of dog shit.

posted about a year ago

Worst and most boring map to watch competitive wise, I agree. Breeze or Icebox should've been gone before Split. Meanwhile Split seems to have the most variation with comps.

posted about a year ago

Over Breeze or Icebox? Reminder that some of the best maps played this year in pro play come from Split. Icebox is literally one of the most boring games to watch in pro.

posted about a year ago

ngl, OpTic + FaZe at Copenhagen would be a banger.

posted about a year ago

Honestly they could've done that, but they didn't need to raise the damn price as well.

posted about a year ago

The mwzera deathmatch stat copy pasta is my favorite on this website.

posted about a year ago

Alright Aussies, this is your chance to shine.

posted about a year ago

Jamppi was both the reason why they lost bind and the reason bind was so close in the first place.

posted about 2 years ago

If we're being completely honest, only Ethan. autimatic as well, but he switched back. I guess Hiko back in the day too.

posted about 2 years ago

This will be a legendary copypasta in the future

posted about 2 years ago

Well yes but actually no

posted about 2 years ago

Something that bothers me about player profiles on this website is how it doesn't really show off a player's or team's achievements right away or in the most flashy way possible when you click on one. The only way to see a relevant team placing (Masters or Champion wins) under a player is to scroll down through "event placements" at the bottom right of the page, and even then, you have to go through all the cluttered events and qualifiers to find a relevant one. It's not even highlighted super well anyway. Here's TenZ's placements as an example. I feel like a Masters and Champions win needs to stand out more on a player page, Champions more so than Masters. I mean, the Champion winners of Acend should definitely stand out more than this: https://gyazo.com/223fa18c0b03c1863c2d4f23bf86772d This is just completely lackluster looking for such a major tournament win.

Now let's take a look at dev1ce's HLTV profile. Highlights the basic stuff like his age (which also should be part of vlr), team, full name, and country of origin. Vlr doesn't do Top 20 lists, so ignore that. What I like about HLTV is their including of of major wins and trophies and achievements under the player image. It really highlights how accomplished of a player dev1ce is, instead of only highlighting his stats, like vlr does. Even someone as mechanically inferior as Zeus was for Na'Vi back in the day still highlights his achivements because he was a valuable IGL, despite the poor fragging capability.

Something as simple as putting "Masters 1 2021 winner" or "Champions 2021 winner" near the top of the player profile would look so much nicer, because as it stands, it is pretty plain. Sorry if I didn't explain this super well, but I feel like I got the gist right.

posted about 2 years ago

fnatic flair tells me everything

posted about 2 years ago

I'm still hoping to god they rework this shit. I can see Valorant esports just going down the shitter if we're limited to this many teams. I feel even more bad for the Latin and South American teams.

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly bdog over cryo is better.

posted about 2 years ago

This year I've been getting into reading fantasy books and it's been a blast for me. I'm still relatively new to the whole fantasy book genre, but I could use some more recommendations. Here is the little that I've accomplished so far:

-Avatar Kyoshi novels (Took me a week to complete both books)
-Mistborn Era 1 (Took me a month and a half to finish all 3 books)

Currently reading:
-Warbreaker (about 1/3 into it so far)

Own and plan to read:
-Lord of the Rings trilogy (Have not seen the movies either)
-The Hobbit
-The Silmarillion
-Stormlight Archives 1-3

Just looking for recommendations to add to my goodreads.com list. I'm fine with stand alone or long standing series as long as it's not too long. Below are series I plan to read or don't have interest in.

Don't own yet, but plan to get:
-The Kingkiller Chronicles
-Mistborn Era 2
-Rhythm of War (Although this depends on if I enjoy the other Stormlight Books)
-The First Law
-The Green Bone Saga

Not interested in reading:
-Young Adult or Middle Grade (Kyoshi novels were an exception since I love the Avatar universe and it was my first fantasy novel)
-ASOIAF (maybe if Winds of Winter actually gets released, then I might dive back into Game of Thrones)
-Wheel of Time (too much of a commitment)
-Anything else by Brandon Sanderson (I've already got enough from the Cosmere)

posted about 2 years ago
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