Country: United States
Registered: June 29, 2023
Last post: June 29, 2023 at 8:27 PM
Posts: 1

Valorant matchmaking has become inundated with closet cheaters in every rank as low as Iron since the data leak in January of this year. If you play Valorant and enjoy it at a high level and you are a legitimate player than you will understand exactly what I'm talking about. I've had 4-5 players manually banned in my game by reporting to Matt Paoletti on Twitter. I've been in 500+ games at this point with 3-4 cheaters since January. The communication from my teammates has become non existent since January as well as coordination with utility and an overall basic understanding of how the game is supposed to be played even at the fundamental level. The games that I win are because someone on my team with no mic is getting 30+ kills and is boosting 2 other players. The enemy team is running towards the bomb carrier at the start of every round on defense. The enemy team is 5 stacking every site we push 12 rounds in a row. I'm holding angles for a very long time and the moment I turn around I get shot in the back. I've been getting shot through walls that are not normally shot through and dying with 0 info as I shift walk. I've been shift walking to a corner and stopped and have been prefired as if the person thought I was about to come around the corner without ever hearing or seeing me. Before the data leak in January, I was playing in Immortal 3 lobbies and getting sometimes 30+ kills a game while being the IGL for my team and micromanaging every ability and position of my teammates. I'm now currently Plat 2-3 and cannot even go positive 90% of my games let alone win even 10% of them. This has been happening since the data leak and there doesn't seem to be any hope for the integrity of Valorant matchmaking. The moment I make threads like this or bring up the topic in my games where I know there are players cheating, I get the usual, "valorant has the best anti-cheat of any game dude", "you're just coping and delusional dude" and it's always the same very very bad players who make these remarks or the players who are closet cheating saying these things to spread misinformation and try and put you down so they can continue to cheat undetected. I wish this community the best of luck but online FPS games are no longer for me.

posted 10 months ago