Flag: International
Registered: May 6, 2021
Last post: May 24, 2024 at 8:39 AM
Posts: 5518
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Yeah but when it comes to go against EMEA they slip out of their form somehow

posted about a year ago

Crying in some green corner

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Damn he lives on the street next to my home

posted about a year ago

He played COD and R6 recently, loved ADS and now started using it in Valo

posted about a year ago

They want attention so bad they go to other game's forum and make fake flag accounts to get some COPIUM

posted about a year ago

FPX has improved over the whole event. DRX always fail against their own mental. Their enemy was FPX and their own mental in that match.

posted about a year ago

CS dick so deep guy can't think straight

posted about a year ago

I wonder who asked for your opinion about CS on a VLR forum lmao

posted about a year ago

Stax did the same in Reykjavik

posted about a year ago

Hurting so much for so many days but he still doesn't get a break

posted about a year ago

If CS is I wonder what brought you here on VLR forums to cry for attention

posted about a year ago

You can get highlights on Valorant Curious on YT

posted about a year ago

Genre of tactical FPS isn't owned by CS lmao go dickride elsewhere while waiting for source 2

posted about a year ago

Valo rent free in his head has to compare a 10 year old game crowd to first ever international LAN

posted about a year ago

Tell me how many times u read: EU Valorant carried by turks and russians.
REALLY? Fnatic has only 1 turk and 1 russian? Ok now u gonna get exposed.

According to last NA VCT ur REGION is carried over 55% by Canadians and Asians.
Out of 40 Players: 24 are canadian/asian/mexican/etc

24 of 40 AND U TALK ABOUT EU ?????????

++NA started this dumb shit, BUT u cant say this to APAC because there is no country called asian no country called europe the only region u could say carried by X is NA because u expect the basic americano ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN DUMB RACIST excuse.


posted about a year ago

A few months ago

BR superteam = LOUD


BR superteam = bunch of players from other teams

posted about a year ago

Practice range is even free and doesn't even require external download

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Oh, makes sense considering the T2 scene is all gone now and with no good players to go against, an academy team will be throw of money. Either that or C9 failed to make it into franchising which would make no sense TBH.

posted about a year ago

I know they ff MEL because they had like 3 subs since geeza left and poiz has been on a break for a while now and the subs left

posted about a year ago

They released everyone from C9A?

posted about a year ago

And boaster

posted about a year ago

When you have ardiis, suygetsu, shao, zyppan, why do you need to learn to shoot, just control them like pieces on a chess board and win

posted about a year ago

Maybe its the same girl who had a sign "will flash for mistic"

posted about a year ago

FNS vs ANGE1 will be a true troll watch this match

posted about a year ago

Always someone complaining, if you want noise just stream some from YT

posted about a year ago

ANGE1 is somehow good with sheriff than other guns

posted about a year ago

He actually is LMAO

posted about a year ago

Sign from heaven = shit in the bowl

I wonder how this will age

posted about a year ago

Netero = racist

Song recommended by Netero = song recommendation by a racist

posted about a year ago

Asslick with another 0/8 prediction

posted about a year ago

I remember GE owns a Penthouse in Mumbai which is actually pretty big. They also have good ties in the esports scene as a whole due to their esports history.

posted about a year ago

You good? Don't keep it bottled in just talk to someone. Might not make you feel the best but it opens a lot of chances and perspectives for you to work it out

posted about a year ago

Suygetsu popped off in the crucial times when FPX needed it the most. While I am kinda sad Boaster didn't get to reach his goal, PRX or FPX can write a new name in the Master's history or maybe OpTic takes the cake again if things follow M1 script

posted about a year ago

You do know he is baiting right? Or you can't tell the difference?

posted about a year ago

He's flexing that he's "adult" and wants to sound cool by saying drunk

posted about a year ago

Derke slept so hard after the first match. He whiffed who knows how many op shots in the last 3 games which costed them many rounds.

posted about a year ago

Do they play on phones there? Also why's there a car on the stage?

posted about a year ago

Theory - matrix13e is a secret riot employee on VLR, but a cool one

posted about a year ago

The ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent.

posted about a year ago

Did paper rex make it in franchising?

posted about a year ago

Asslack with assbait

posted about a year ago

WENZO always there to shine in crucial moments

posted about a year ago

Are super fun. Never watched CS much but this is just so much fun and enjoyable and the crowd participating feels so good. W crowd and W game.

posted about a year ago

Marved's molly = Victor's ult = FNS full buy < Yay headhunter

posted about a year ago

He panic shoots like many ascendant and diamond players

posted about a year ago

He shot crashies' ult cabbage even when there's no skye on the enemy KEKW

posted about a year ago

Its a really good map, you're just bad at learning and adapting to new things.

posted about a year ago

APAC, also known as “All Players Are Cracked”, is by far the greatest region in Valorant. They have the best highlights, most handsome pros and smartest strats in all of Valorant.

posted about a year ago
1 •• 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 •• 106