Flag: International
Registered: May 6, 2021
Last post: May 24, 2024 at 8:39 AM
Posts: 5518
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It felt really bad when neth said "I'm sorry I lost" because they tried their best but couldn't keep up internationally. VCT 2022 was just the push Japan needed and got recognized.

posted about a year ago

1 man and his alts striking against a billion dollar company over skins through vlr.gg POG

posted about a year ago

Asia getting 6 is actually a really good thing, EMEA has Africa, middle East and Europe as a whole but gets 3 slots. My problem isn't with Asia distribution but with how this time EMEA got a slot less despite the representation of countries increasing.

posted about a year ago
  • Can't read because lack of attention span or brain to comprehend what's written
  • Calls it a bait
posted about a year ago

I said "include" not "it only has 2 countries on the whole continent".

posted about a year ago

So champions has
3 NA
6 Asia
4 SA (2 BR 2 LATAM)

Why is it only 3 EMEA teams? How come NA gets 3 teams when they only include 2 countries? EMEA has so many countries and they only get 3?

posted about a year ago

Soniqs had bob in their male team, but I guess that's the only one

posted about a year ago

They don't, Riot has said back in 2020 that they do allow faceit or any 3rd party system

posted about a year ago

The game is 2 years old and has evolving meta, CSGO has been out for so many years and its not like s1mple has been dominating the game since the release. Give the players time to settle, we will get that one "very consistent" player soon.

posted about a year ago

If your aim is good even default is aimbot

posted about a year ago

Lenny Time, Nearest Airport, Who cars?, Bonkers, Floptic Gaming (NA GC), Word.exe (SG team), I need girlfriend (KR)

posted about a year ago

2022 TenZ has been the most ResidentSleeper IMO.

posted about a year ago

Unrealised profit is still profit lmao, and if that data is unknown then you can't rank it. The unknown number of viewers could be anything and that can take the number higher, even more than M3 berlin.

posted about a year ago

M3C, Liquid or Guild. If L1NK fits in Acend then Acend can win as well.

posted about a year ago

Overhyped by fake flaggers yes, are they bad? NO

Its not like they are the worst team that just bomb out of the touney lol, getting top 6 consistently in every tourney (sure champions was a group bombout) is not even bad, that's like better than 50% of the teams playing.

posted about a year ago

Guy just shows eschart and calls it bad. The fact that it was 2 teams with smaller fanbase getting close to 800k viewers plus many other costreams and YT streams that eschart doesn't include, its actually higher than what it should've been. And with how this masters went, champions will be something to watch.

posted about a year ago

Champion LMAO

posted about a year ago

Gabbi sucks

posted about a year ago

T1 will roll TNC, atleast on paper T1 is strong against TNC

posted about a year ago

In theory chamber is supposed to hold enemies by taking long range fights hence his kit, but he was used mostly for other reasons since his rendezvous is just too good, 5 tps per round is bs, if anything they need to nerf his tp aka rendezvous. 3-4 tps a round are a lot.

posted about a year ago

I just wanna see a player named dnudez get signed by Sentinels

posted about a year ago

The one that defeated SEN in champions

posted about a year ago

That I agree, last time they played Eraser mentioned that he didn't intervene with the roster or its decision much so I doubt he told rossi to not over-aggress. If eraser takes full control of roster decisions and stop rossi from being selfish, GE can become dangerous (given kappa is removed) if rossi is controlled during games instead of heating and dying to dumb plays.

posted about a year ago

Win 1 time > Win 3 times

FPX won the crucial game but feels bad for FNC and boaster

posted about a year ago

If they played with kappa it wouldn't matter even if they were in LCQ

posted about a year ago

Go to school X_ae_A_12, you're not of that age yet

posted about a year ago

In late round if your entry fails to make space why would you run into a meat grinder? Makes no sense why they'd want to throw their guns and economy in that case, IDK what you expect from teams lmao. Go for the push even when you have a higher chance of losing it?

posted about a year ago

Methodical plays are not boring, you can't expect arcade FPS experience in a tactical FPS. You know how PRX also got punished in their aggressive plays at times (though it did work a lot of times).

posted about a year ago

Honestly I wouldn't question it but I gave the edge to DRX against guild because if its not for their mental they are a good team and they make top 6 in the tourney everytime. As per LEV they improved a lot in comparison to other team, sure you can say it was a fluke since its their first tourney but they almost beat FNC

posted about a year ago

You know it was Suygetsu's first match and you know how he played after he got used to LAN. So tell me again how Guild could have won if suygetsu played from the group stage.

posted about a year ago

can we just stop chloeburbank from coming to VLR, does the same shit every time, gets shit baits, L's out and starts jumping to conclusions. Also runs the different flairs every gam, soo boring to read.

posted about a year ago

Yeah but DRX, FNC and LEV all three can take Guild in the present time. Guild and LEV are interchangeable but what gives LEV the edge is how fast they adapted in the tournament, if Guild fix their weaker links they can go up no doubt.

posted about a year ago
  1. FPX (winners, great improvement throughout the tournament, played well even with sub)

2-3. OpTic (a consistent team, even if they got 3rd in M2 they did well)

2-3. PRX (the most improved team, bringing in new playstyle that methodical teams found difficult to go against, dictated pace of the match)
Note - OpTic and PRX currently hold 2/3 position due to OpTic being consistent and PRX being the same and doing really well in M2

  1. FNC

  2. DRX (can do well if they don't choke themselves due to their mental)

  3. LEV (first international LAN and they played really well)

  4. Guild (strong performance with a bit of weaker links)

  5. LOUD (good team but idk what happened to them)

9-10. ZETA/KRU

9-10. ZETA/KRU

posted about a year ago

It shows 628K but its more than that because escharts doesn't include some channels doing watch party or some channels from youtube.

posted about a year ago

Agreed food way better than victor

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Stop rito from developing project A

posted about a year ago

Morning run he says but then proceeds to sleep after posting on vlr.gg

posted about a year ago

Yep they released the last 3 players, VLR still has 2 players listed there but they're released as well.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

To whom though LMAO

posted about a year ago

Chill we bait and joke we don't hate others

posted about a year ago

Master's winner not world champions

World champions title is still held by Acend until the next team wins champions

posted about a year ago

Ah yes the use of one anime reference = weeb

posted about a year ago

Titans never had a pp, you can check it in the manga and the anime, hange did some genetic changes to get me one

posted about a year ago

Self proclaimed intellectuals are never intellectuals

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
1 •• 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 •• 106