Flag: International
Registered: May 6, 2021
Last post: May 24, 2024 at 8:39 AM
Posts: 5518
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RNG happens mostly in close range not long range LMAO, next time try to aim for the head and you'll see how much aim really matters in long range and its not RNG that helps you get first shot

posted about a year ago

Because long range map, people can't aim or play slow to kill flanks and hit sites and that is why they blame the map and hate it instead of learning and getting better, that's the bitter truth

posted about a year ago

Pretty sure they'd hold off and that increases their power to ask for a higher pay because the team is good and going higher and doing well only means they can have the power position with any org that wants to sign then. Right now it'll be a waste of a chance to get signed since its still open quals and orgs would technically be risking it and even the team and players would get lesser pay due to that

posted about a year ago

UB1 - The Nation
UB2 - Oxygen Esports
LB1 - OREsports/Breakthrough

posted about a year ago

Lives in a sewer under the city

posted about a year ago

Nah I'm laughing rn and it's pretty normal and almost an everyday thing on vlr that someone types ratio for whatever reason

So yeah no anger

posted about a year ago

Prod's aim is good but his game sense is plat-dia level at Max
Emil and guapo carry his ass to higher ranks

Zombs is brazilian pride

The rest are good

posted about a year ago

DiDn'T aSk + RaTiO

Ohh I'm so cool to type the same ratio thing and get impressions

posted about a year ago

The user G2ShahZam is ShahZam's alt because he knew he would get downvoted like hell on his main so he made an alt but he still gets downvoted

posted about a year ago

Not yet, it'll be in 2 weeks

posted about a year ago

Just make a logo of a car made out of WHO CARS text and then the flag color, ez

posted about a year ago

RRQ about to get owned by pinoys in Moblul Legends Bang Bang

posted about a year ago

You are done for now, you've stooped so low to call someone's effort as fluke when you have no idea the pain and suffering they've been through in their training arc in the off season of 2021-2022 and how they made it to top 3 in Iceland and now you have the gall to call their run a fluke seriously you should consider doing some VOD review to understand how humble and good ZETA Division players are and you'll realize that their run was not a fluke. Its not what you did son that angers me so, its who you did it do. ZETA Division is a team of growth, focus, commitment and sheer will, something you know very little about. I once saw LAZ mow down the entire enemy team, with a card-gun (headhunter). WITH A F-ING CARD GUN. ZETA Division will come for you and you won't do anything because you can't do anything so get yourself out of this website. It is through sheer will and the power of friendship that they've gone so far to the top in Iceland despite having little success the rest of the year. ZETA Division will take action against you and that lawsuit will show that through the power of friendship and support of everyone, ZETA Division will be at the top again.

posted about a year ago

Use your influence and power and money to get bonk and who cars flair please

posted about a year ago

IDC if C9 wins Internations LANs or not, that right there is a huge W

posted about a year ago

Its not dream rank vs actual rank bro...

posted about a year ago

That's still good in comparison to my friend lmao

He went to D2 from A3

posted about a year ago

What rank did you guys get after hard reset?

posted about a year ago

Good map, easy to take early fights but so confusing to play post plants.

posted about a year ago

The rapier was also good and has a unique right click animation of piercing. But overall the rapier sucks.

posted about a year ago

Botmbs zombots trynna challenge the GOAT controller lmao

posted about a year ago

Predicting the future here

This team will win VCL NA and a brazilian org will sign them and Zombs will finally be playing for (and with) brazilian people (and their region and feelings)

posted about a year ago

Shahzam attack too strong

posted about a year ago

That's DSG

posted about a year ago

UB1 - The Nation
UB2 - Oxygen Esports
LB2 - OREsports

posted about a year ago

Imagine starting your VLR career with a skrossi thread

posted about a year ago

Tier 1 players already have that, he needs to prove himself going up and he'll get signed ezpz

posted about a year ago

That'll happen after his team wins VCL or when he does or offer something that top players can't give.

posted about a year ago


Man has it been a long while

posted about a year ago

You are APAC mvp

posted about a year ago

Atleast rickyindian can kinda claim he isn't bad than rest of NA vlr.gg users

posted about a year ago

The first ever VLR Community Cup has concluded with the winners being

APAC - Boosted By Overheat (BBO)

  1. Zeah
  2. Digma
  3. Ironmental [MVP]
  4. Skone
  5. Balls

NA - Shaz's Kittens (SK)

  1. Rickyindian
  2. patrick
  3. sheahhhh [MVP]
  4. cgw217
  5. Potter_Fan

OCE - Sage Ult Queen (SUQ)

  1. Strix
  2. y0ung
  3. Fight [MVP]
  4. ROOK
  5. boneless chicken


Season 1 concludes here. Thank you all for participating and making it work.

posted about a year ago

Good few changes, the B heaven trash can gone is kinda bad though because you can't climb that quietly now, probably can't even climb up on it to sit with judge.

posted about a year ago

Western Ghats of India


posted about a year ago

Any game that's chaotic will require brain to process and function faster. CSjoe is simple, you have to know the same few lineups for years and that's it and the game never changes so the requirement for a newer approach isn't there. BR like Apex and Warzone needs a bit higher requirement in terms of what fight to take based on what guns you got and also positioning since the possibilities of positioning is endless.

Valorant on the other hand is a whole different thing, since the map changes are brought in sometimes and also how molly's work on different agents you have to think a lot about both timing your molly's or shock darts from different angles and not to mention you can even block some molly's with your own body. Mix with this the fact that ults can affect how you use your util also makes you think about positioning to use something (for ex. viper sometimes has to go far from the planting spot to throw molly, KJ ult can put you away from the site and set you up to rethink how you use util and time to hit with a retake and all the teleporting shit and verticality to get info or peeking angles makes valorant just too complex for new people at times and even sometimes at higher level of valorant.

One example is TL vs PRX where jingg was elevated on sage wall on the boxes in Pearl B site and how he killed someone and created chaos for attackers, despite that angle been known to the community, you never know if it'll be used or not and when and you cannot expect it.

posted about a year ago

Source :

Pulled it outta my ass

posted about a year ago

Don't do this to trembo he will pass out of shock

posted about a year ago

Hush let people forget who started that

posted about a year ago

VCL South Asia is dominated by India so even if it says South Asia its VCL India under the shadow.

posted about a year ago

Clout on VLR sounds like more of a negative thing, I'd rather have no clout on here

posted about a year ago

That's the best opportunity to kick your butt into oblivion

posted about a year ago

I hope he drops the soap

posted about a year ago

He said that he's not pursuing being pro in valo anymore because he lost the passion for that. Losing passion for a game or being burnt out from it simple made him uninterested in being a pro player. He said he might try in the future, or maybe not.

Source - his stream last week

posted about a year ago

Liquid will liquify Sentinels

posted about a year ago

0/8 old bait and also a boring one

posted about a year ago

In champions Istanbul, DRX vs OpTic on haven, 5th map where victor ran in with a stinger and got 4 kills, turning the momentum in OpTic's favor. If that round went to DRX it would being 3-2 in the favor of DRX.

posted about a year ago

Brax has gotten a lot better from how he was before, not sure about whinedell though, only time will tell how this roster does.

posted about a year ago

Rossi not being in playing 5 will be L not only for GE's reputation from the fan's perspective but also their aim to train Indian scene. Not to mention they've made it clear since the beginning that atleast one Indian player will be in playing 5.

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago
1 •• 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 •• 106