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Registered: May 8, 2021
Last post: April 23, 2024 at 10:43 PM
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no, tuyz was the sixth best duelist in Brazil. Rn I think sato and silentz is better than him too.

posted 6 months ago

"when brazil or latam don't have the talent"? you are talkiing about tex not s1mple. There are many players as good as him in latam/br scene. Lev did this move to improve their brand, that's the only reason I see to hire him.

posted 6 months ago

leviatan tentou inovar demais, realmente nao precisava disso

posted 6 months ago

jamais, victor o cara mais inconstante e tiltado do NA, crashies ta numa fase horrivel e marved n joga competitivo faz tempo.

posted 6 months ago

naah, relax, he is good but he is behind aspas heat and mwzera for sure. he doens't have the same consistency as these other duelists.

posted 7 months ago

how do you know zanatsu and tisora? zanatsu is the best aimer between them imo

posted 7 months ago

he is on sentinels

posted 7 months ago

it's the guard


posted 7 months ago

it was good for CS

posted 7 months ago

Is Less the only Loud's player who didn't commented the aspas post?

posted 7 months ago

but they change the approach, probably sacy had a huge weight in this decision. on the other hand tenz could continue as Sen streamer. Sacy always wanted long term project and after all the changes this year maybe Sentinels bet in a long term investment.

posted 7 months ago

that's why slasher was SO confident about his info.

posted 7 months ago

estamos todos sendo enganados e os miseraveis sao uns genios kkkk

posted 7 months ago

depende kkkk o mundo inteiro do valorant falou da loud, ctz q eles devem ter ganhado com isso kkkk pro less e sacy n foi tao legal

posted 7 months ago

sauhsuahshuahus n vai ter mais video do less nao ta maluco, depois daquele virou uma zona o cenario. só que gerou engajamento kk

posted 7 months ago

ele pode ter omitido o que rolou no time, n é obrigado a falar, o problema é tirar credito do trabalho dos outros. Frod tb tava bravo quando perguntaram isso, algo tinha ai, ate pq o cara falou até a dada q acabaria o contrato do aspas. as infos foram muito detalhada pra ser algo aleatorio. o role da loud n dar aumento eu acho q pode ter acontecido pq tinha contrato e eles n queria pagar a mais no momento pois o aspas teria q jogar ate o final da champions de qlq jeito.

posted 7 months ago

nao, sempre os players omitem muita coisa. Ele mesmo menosprezou o trampo do cara la falando q o time tava normal. a nao ser q ninguem soubesse e foi alguem proximo do aspas/ ou ele mesmo q deu o furo

posted 7 months ago

Plot twist: aspas was the person who leak about the internal situation to slasher.

posted 7 months ago

voce ainda acredita no que os jogadores falam?

posted 7 months ago

isso não se faz

posted 7 months ago

I said it, it's clear that aspas had internal problem with another player, he didn't even let Loud try to make a proposal for him.

posted 7 months ago

aspas just close the door for Loud, he didn't let them try to sign him again. This post is clear that he want to play for another team.

posted 7 months ago

Now it's clear that aspas and less had a internal problem.

posted 7 months ago

agreed, he play like shit this year.

posted 7 months ago

está errado?

posted 7 months ago

pq só existe um saadhak, enquanto n tiver igl bom n adianta

posted 7 months ago

exceto q o jogo é em time e nao só depende de indivudial, se fosse assim aspas na slick amassaria, less na jaguares ganharia titulo...

posted 7 months ago

nobody even knew this guy.

posted 7 months ago

the pressure on the players would be insane. This team would be obligated to win every event hahahahah

posted 7 months ago

é so trazer o cortezia e botar um mirudo como flex, gg

posted 7 months ago

he is just a reflection of Riot's way of thinking, if they change the person the approach will be the same cuz one person doesn't decide those major topics

posted 7 months ago

Stop this shit, RIOT thinks Exactly the same way as Leo.He is just a scapegoat. Why nobody is criticizing Riot??. This guy is a shit and he is doing the dirty work for riot.

posted 7 months ago

não faz sentido nenhum sair da leviatan pra ir pra furia. e o kingg tem uma multa muito grande, esquece

posted 7 months ago

era so colocar o khalil pra sentinela e trazer o cortezia pqp.

posted 7 months ago

khalil konan e murizzz kkkkkkk aqui ja foi

posted 7 months ago

a mina no final tava inquieta de tão indignada q tava kkkkk eu n aguentaria fazer essa entrevista namoral

posted 7 months ago

if they pressure riot refusing to play what riot could do about it? Riot would lose a lot of money and views. The players should support each other.

posted 7 months ago

if they look to the reality and don't be stupid and selfish yes. Dgzin, mazin, heat, murizzz, jzz, all of them don't have jobs anymore. The next year will be the same.

posted 7 months ago

Riot hasn't kick him because they think Exactly like him.

posted 7 months ago

The franchise players should boycott this shit, if they refuse to play in 1 month riot would fix this mess.

posted 7 months ago

Pollo ja provou ser mt bom de iniciador principal, deixaria ele como o principal e traria o cortezia pra controlador.
Se quiser manter o khalil é pra sentinela se n é rua tb.

posted 7 months ago

sim, igual o o fns com a mira horripilante q foi pra 3 finais. Se a Optic pensasse assim NA n teria metade da credibilidade.

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

Cara, cortezia é mil vezes melhor q o khalil, tinha q colocar outro iniciador no lugar do konan tb e trazer o rafa. n é mt dificil fazer o time pra bater de frente com os grandes mas essa panela BR ta osso.

posted 7 months ago

BLD ta ai esperando oportunidade faz tempo, o sentinela mais consistente depois do pancc e n tem oportunidade

posted 7 months ago

nao, mwzera vai ser duelista na furia e mibr provavelmente vai contratar o dgzin

posted 7 months ago

let's not talk about soulcas

posted 7 months ago

Só o fato do PEU nem ser cogitado é de desanimar.

posted 7 months ago
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