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Registered: May 8, 2021
Last post: July 24, 2024 at 12:57 PM
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not trent

posted 2 days ago

there are at least 20 players above him

posted 4 days ago

G2 had 2 vetos and won all fucking pistols and still losing??nahh, this is over.

posted 5 days ago

he doesn't die cuz he is smart and play in good angles and make good decisions, just look the diff between fkpr and fdpr.

posted 6 days ago

1- rich
big gap

posted 6 days ago

true, he solo1 bomb and let 4 players in the other side of the map kkkkkkkkk he is opressive

posted 6 days ago

NA- aspas lol

posted 1 week ago

aspas is a cheater. lol

posted 1 week ago

I miss valorant before franchise system.

posted 1 week ago

e o melhor, mas internacionalmente nao é o mesmo jogador, simples. Olha os numeros,jogou 7 so pegou 1 vez top 3 ACS e nunca top 3 rating. sempre bom mas nada absurdo.

posted 1 week ago

domestically aspas is the goat but internationally he needs to put these numbers.

posted 1 week ago

what???? is that real?

posted 1 week ago

this team would be like top 6 or top 8

posted 1 week ago

this team wouldn't even qualify to play hahahaha

posted 1 week ago

tuyz goes to vcb.

posted 1 week ago

new players.

posted 1 week ago

it's incredible that people never blame the owners, the biggest problem in this org.

posted 1 week ago

wtf, he got 22 -8 FK-FD, 10-0 on Ascent, he hard carried his teammates

posted 2 weeks ago

saad and sacy started and saad and less will end.The greatest problem were always Loud owners.

posted 2 weeks ago

rn? Furia is better than 100T, C9 and NRG

posted 2 weeks ago

he lost all games on kickoff and didn't win a single map and still had the best rating

posted 2 weeks ago

wtf, 2 perfect rounds by mibr

posted 2 weeks ago

mid player

posted 2 weeks ago

we will talk next week.

posted 2 weeks ago

gaabx era monstro nessa epoca

posted 3 weeks ago

zap- sentinel/igl
spikezin- flex
cortezia- controller
gg, tier S in america franchise next year

posted 3 weeks ago

Furia smash 100T,Loud and Lev

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

that's a lie, even sacy said Loud didn't offer the best salary. MIBR did.

posted 3 weeks ago

they didn't BET, sacy and saad were the only two good players who achieve good results internationally, every org want to have that team. Loud fans are pretty stupid, they blame everyone but the real problem: Loud owners.

posted 3 weeks ago

Saad is a nice guy, always put himself in a bad spot to save the players

posted 3 weeks ago

he was but not a tier 1

posted 3 weeks ago

Jean é o cara mais bizarro desse time, fraquissimos esses donos, n tem 1 analista q ve isso tb, contrataram por causa da torcida.Tuyz foi covarde e n ia pegar a bucha de tomar hate pq ele nunca foi tier 1 duelista. Saad se sacrificou pelo tuyz(q era a mudança obvia para duelista)e foi massacrado injustamente porque nao tinha opção. Tiveram q trocar o tuyz de duelista pra flex e o flex pra duelista pra encaixar pancada??? sentido nenhum trazer ele

posted 3 weeks ago

sim, acredito q cortezia na furia e brinks no mibr seria 2 picks solidos demais na função. Anao sato e zanatsu nao vao ter espaço a n ser q peguem vaga no ascension

posted 3 weeks ago

saad still number one

posted 3 weeks ago

eu avisei

posted 3 weeks ago

falo a 2 anos q jogadores muito melhores que os da franquia ainda estavam no brasil. torcer pela vaga no ascension mesmo pra dar mais oportunidade.

posted 3 weeks ago

Cortezia >>>>> both combined

posted 3 weeks ago

this is the first year of mwzera not playing his best. He played 2 bad tournaments so far. Just remember who had the best rating on VCT kickoff

posted 3 weeks ago

this is what we expect. mw back to his normal form.

posted 3 weeks ago

eu falei, só espere e veja o retorno do maior carregador do br

posted 3 weeks ago

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk they would win everything

posted 3 weeks ago

vc ta maluco, depois de hj vc vai mudar de opiniao

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

acho que ele nao está confiante, até nas rankeds decaiu muito, porém acho que hoje é o dia que ele volta a ser o melhor, alguns jogos vai ter q amassar estatisticamente falando.

posted 3 weeks ago

he has contract until 2026

posted 3 weeks ago

use the translator and put port to ing and hear, sacy has an emphasis in the "cy"

posted 3 weeks ago

just check and zander still has better stats. I think in terms of consistency zander always has been one of the best. i'd rather to pick zander over anybody else as controller

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

they have to pick the best controller in NA rn(ZANDER)

posted 3 weeks ago
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