Country: Czech Republic
Registered: November 25, 2021
Last post: May 2, 2024 at 1:17 PM
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NA drama is always gold, this time its with the brazilian spice. last time NA and brazil fought, zombs came out as the hero for few and absolute villain for others. this time though its more like liverpool vs brazil.

posted about a year ago

i mean isnt it similar to for example nrg scrims m80, and then m80's player nismo duo queues with zekken for ranked. like just coz zekken and nismo were chilling together and nismo pracced against nrg doesnt mean he has to share info. and secondly its quite common for teams to leak comps and vods of scrims and shit. boaster on the hiko sliggy sgares podcast said that they didnt prac loud when they came to eu for bootcamp because they were facing sentinels and it would be very likely that the guys on both teams still talk a lot with each other. so they totally avoided praccing a team like loud. nrg obviously knows what comes with shit like this. these are excuses as its never going to get proven and you'll come out as just crybabies. not knowing ever who was right

posted about a year ago

excited for how the studio will look like

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

zander already left igling. and dont go into wanting both a good mechanical player and a good igl. dephh was shit at both and hence critisized. but now even if the igl is just good at igling that's moer than enough

posted about a year ago

could've easily happened if the coaching staff wasnt ex xset

posted about a year ago

definitely, this match up is so much needed

posted about a year ago

W breeze hater. i dont like eg coz of ethan though

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nah they might be british but they dont hire incels

posted about a year ago

cool fnatic has been a vanilla team for too long, we do need our arch rivals in this val journey

posted about a year ago

that is why i am telling you to shut up

posted about a year ago

how much is it going to earn? my guess 7-8 million for the teams

posted about a year ago

only valid opinion is anything other than tenz. saying tenz means you're nothing but just a blind tenz fan, whose entire idea about esports starts with tenz and ends with tenz

posted about a year ago

nats just hasnt showcased it, more like liquid hasnt showcased it. but that literally doesnt mean nats is a worse or better player. you can have whatever opinion, but nats is singlehandedly the smartest player at this game, he is miles above the #2 player in gamesense, i am not talking about his setups or his lurks. its the way he takes 1v1s , its the way he predicts enemies position, its the way he uses his util.

tldr: sure you can have less as #1 sentinel for now, but nats will eventually come and show and you all will regret that we ever compared mortals like less and suygetsu to nats.

posted about a year ago

because they were always the 4th team in the region, a little worse to qualify

posted about a year ago

can we please shut up with peak tenz, its disrespectful to yay, nats, derke, aspas and others who actually performed in metas, where every team was competitive and the game was more than just who shoots better

posted about a year ago

people writing tweets doesnt mean shit. its the same copium cringe excuses you are all giving here on vlr. stop with this shit. i also saw a tweet of a brazilian fnc fan, and how people were almost willing to hit her because she was cheering for them. she also said the arena was hot, but not that level of unbearable, those are just excuses

posted about a year ago

fk off with these excuses. turkish fans showed up every day of the playoffs no matter whether fnc was playing or not. here brazilians didnt even bother to come if a br team isnt playing. turkish fans showed up and stayed for valorant, they respect the game and know how to actually have a good time.

posted about a year ago

yea coz loud vs nrg was fkn 18-16 map 3 overtime game. sen already lost the game the moment they entered. people realised how good fnc are, map 1 wasnt competitive and neither was map 2. and the viewership is still very close between fnc vs sen and nrg vs loud(like a 70-80k difference). it should be obvious what will happen if sentinels play a tourney with an actually good team

posted about a year ago

yea surely you can survive playing jett, a nerfed chamber and sage on all maps for an entire year. its true that you dont need a large number of agents to be flexible. but it also depends on what you play, for aspas and derke, them being able to play raze and jett is more than enough. yay needs to do the same, quite simple. yay's agent pool is just basically jett, or his team has to really push to find a way to integrate sage or chamber into the agent pool

posted about a year ago

bro forgot sanctions happened, a war happened, lost his org, his salary! bro also forgot to check stats, he statistically was still one of the best players in europe in 2022 with all that shit going against him and his team.

posted about a year ago

i dont agree with him but, yay needs to prove in this meta. its quite obvious yay is still only comfortable on jett and chamber. sage is not an agent you need to learn, so if the meta on a map doesnt fit jett or chamber, the team has to force sage which is quite dumb. you cant call that player the the undisputed best. although yay did perform previous to chamber release and obv in chamber meta. he just needs to show that either his jett is still enough to win some games, or show that he is actually flexible

posted about a year ago

i am talking about grand finals. if sentinels actually reach a grand finals, that means they have won 4-5 matches, that is enough to summon the entire fanbase. a hype grandfinal between any team and sentinels will reach 2 million+. this should be quite obvious

posted about a year ago

man really changed his flair to fnatic so he could write his thread in disguise

posted about a year ago

???????? who will add the competitive ruling? there clearly was a bug abuse by foxy9

posted about a year ago

no like there was a specific phrase given to him which included the words prince of valorant. you must've not noticed that part nvm

posted about a year ago

what did the casters/desk call leo? like something something prince of valorant. i want to know the exact term. pls if someone can help

posted about a year ago

3 LAN appearances
3/3 finals
2 trophies
the most consistent player
the most flexible player
the most reliable player

"the shadow for FNATIC's light" the Chronicle of Valorant's greatest player:
(chronicle documentary by fnatic)

posted about a year ago

we dont need loud for that, sentinels in final alone would get 2.5 mil+ . loud can add another 500k to that though

posted about a year ago

unless sacy can take first duels at the same level as zekken, it makes no sense to play sacy on skye and zek on breach. that man has so much potential, holding a stun staring at a wall on A link watching minimap for 40 seconds in a round isnt his role.

posted about a year ago

yea ik, i am just saying its sort of very likely to happen. riot wont waste 4 months with no esports at all, they always learn and improve

posted about a year ago

"no one is interested" , lil bro you are the only one

posted about a year ago

with champs ending in late august, its pretty much confirmed that we'll get a gc championship and a valorant world cup for sure. the head of esports leo said that 4 months of off season is too much (in context to 2022), and now again its going to be 4 months long(unavoidably coz of allowing players and orgs to set up in new cities and countries) because of only one split and masters, so they for sure are planning to compensate for that with a world cup (as he also hinted this in some interview few weeks ago).

posted about a year ago

with the turkey earthquake, and by looking at alfa's twitter, it was obvious alfa was directly/indirectly very affected from it. mini also said in a press confrence that they had to play with their 6th instead for a few days (didnt mention the reason but its pretty obvious). so its honestly incredible how this team shaped up and showed up in 2 months of prac, with that too being affected in between due to some unavoidable reasons.

posted about a year ago

Ananas is a content creator i am pretty sure. He doesn't want to compete, it's probably that he is going to sign to tl or some other emea org as a cc

posted about a year ago

only trent and nismo are upgrades, rest are just middle of the pack players replacing othe rmiddle of the pack players

posted about a year ago

no you doughnut. saadhak has good mid rounding, has proven with results that he is good, this all combined while constantly fragging, its different. this is what makes him different. he is good at igl + he frags. angel is good at igl + he is fragging in lock in =/= him being a good smart controller

posted about a year ago

but angel having good stats doesnt mean he is being a good controller. angel is just outfragging outplaying everyone . but what people like mako and pancada do in a clutch or inside their smokes, when they hold sites , their util, thats what makes them so good

posted about a year ago

duelist: 1)derke 2)aspas 3)cned (cned hasnt proved he is a top " duelist " yet though)
recon: 1)shao 2)leo 3 crashies(a tier below other two currently)
flash: 1)king 2)chronicle 3)stax 3) mwzera 3)zyppan( but he has only played kayo which is much easier to play than breach support)
controller: 1)mako(my goat), 2)nivera(people need to realise what he did this tournament is not normal), generally speaking 3
pancada deserves to be there, and som when he eventually continues his good performance(which i believe he will)
sentinel: 1) nats
a tier below
2)suygetsu 3)rest dont even come close
flex: 1)king 2)chronicle 3) molsi(people wouldnt know him, but he has performed so well in emea as well) , *nukkye will be #1 if he plays raze for giants
oper: 1)cned( he is currently miles ahead of everyone, considering #2 here didnt go as deep in the tournament), 2)yay, 3) nivera (doing it consistently on a smoker is godlike)
igl: 1)saadhak, 2)angel , 3)fns (fns would be first if he was in top 4) , boaster needs to win this event and he'll be top 2

posted about a year ago

when its the top 4 of an international lan, it is never just about the individual gameplay, it never will be...

posted about a year ago

more like 4 times

posted about a year ago

sort of agree, but remember being a little worse than shao is still very good. shao's a 99 leo is a 97 while the rest of the initiators are at max 90

posted about a year ago

your first and second team aint doing shit. what was the opponent you had in mind when you were cooking this lineup? they are not facing moist moguls or dsg in the franchise lil bro

posted about a year ago

pretty sure dephh's wife made him write in the group chat

posted about a year ago

guys we dont need to create one cis superteam, when we can create 2 of them: nats derke redgar chronicle sheydos angel suygetsu shao cloud ssk idk add braveaf, deffo etc if you need replacements

posted about a year ago

derke full russian, but raised in finland(citizenship of both countries)

posted about a year ago

we have eyes, you obviously dont

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro who gives timings and random smoke sprays as an excuse. are we 10 year olds?

posted about a year ago
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